Urologic Cancer Program in Palo Alto
Part of Urologic Cancer Program
Urologic Cancer Program in Palo Alto
The doctors of the Stanford Urologic Cancer Program in Palo Alto are dedicated to preserving quality of life and providing exceptional care through customized treatment plans for each patient. The Program focuses on the investigation and management of cancers of the prostate, bladder, kidney, testis, and genitalia. Emphasis is placed on finding cancer treatments that take a multi-specialty approach to offer the greatest efficacy with the fewest complications.
875 Blake Wilbur Dr
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Phone: 650-498-6000
Our Doctors
Our Advanced Practice Providers
For Patients
- Bring your photo ID and Insurance Card
- Maps, directions, parking, public transit options, and contact information
Bring completed forms found in the Urologic and GU Cancer New Patient Appointment Letter.
Please fax the Medical Record Release Form to your new patient coordinator. The medical release form is an authorization form for external facilities to release medical records to Stanford Health Care.
International Patients
Phone: +1 650-723-8561
Email: IMS@stanfordhealthcare.org
Call us to make an appointment
For Health Care Professionals
Stanford Health Care (formerly Stanford Hospital & Clinics) provides comprehensive services to refer and track patients including access to MedLink, our referring provider portal.
Fax: 650-320-9443
Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Stanford Health Care provides comprehensive services to refer and track patients, as well as the latest information and news for physicians and office staff. For help with all referral needs and questions, visit Referral Information.
You may also submit a web referral or complete a referral form and fax it to 650-320-9443 or email the Referral Center at ReferralCenter@stanfordhealthcare.org.
Fax or email a referral form with supporting documentation to 650-320-9443 or ReferralCenter@stanfordhealthcare.org.
To request an appointment with one of our urologic cancer specialists, call 650-498-6000.