Dr. Park is an internationally recognized leader in the field of spine surgery. He is an active member of American Association of Neurosurgery, North American Spine Surgery, Scoliosis Research Society, and Cervical Spine Research Society. His research focuses on spinal disc regeneration in an effort to target the underlying causes using stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells for inter-vertebral disc regeneration. His research also pioneers in spinal bio-mechanics to apply mechanical principles to ensure spinal stability.
Professional Summary
Education & Certifications
- Fellowship: UCLA Medical Center Dept of Neurosurgery (2000) CA
- Residency: Montreal Neurological Institute (1999) QC Canada
- Residency: University of Washington Medical Center (1995) WA
- Board Certification: American Board of Neurological Surgery, Neurological Surgery (2005)
- Spine Fellowship, UCLA Medical Center, Neurological Surgery (2000)
- Chief Resident, McGill University, Neurosurgery, Neurological Surgery (1999)
- Fellowship, Lahey Hitchcock Medical Center, Interventional Neuroradiology (1997)
- Intern & Resident, University of Washington, General Surgery (1995)
- B.A., Johns Hopkins University, Biophysics (1989)
Honors & Awards
- HANA Graduate Merit Scholarship, Johns Hopkins University (1990)
- Health Commendation Award, City of Baltimore (1986)
- Kathleen Whipple Scholarship, University of Rochester School of Medicine (1990-1993)
- President of Fellow's Society, Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal Neurological Institute (1998-1999)
- Robert I. Weed Hematology Research Fellowship, Johns Hopkins University (1991)
- Saunders Family Endow Chair, Stanford Univsersity (2017)
- Stanford University School of Medicine Academic Grant Recipient, Stanford (2003-2004)
Administrative Appointments
- Assistant Professor, University of Washington School of Medicine, Neurological Surgery (2000 - 2003)
- Assistant Professor, Stanford Univ. School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery (2003 - 2009)
- Associate Professor, Stanford Univ. School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery (2010 - 2017)
- Chief, Spine Neurosurgery, Stanford UMC. (2006 - Present)
- Clinical Instructor, UCLA School of Medicine, Neurological Surgery (1999 - 2000)
- Director, Comprehensive Spine Neurosurgery Program. Spine Fellowship and Spine Research Program, Stanford UMC. (2006 - Present)
- Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine (2017 - Present)
Cauda equina syndrome in patients with low lumbar fractures.
Thongtrangan, I., Le, H., Park, J., & Kim, D. H. (2004). Cauda equina syndrome in patients with low lumbar fractures. Neurosurgical Focus, 16(6). -
Minimally invasive spinal surgery: a historical perspective.
Thongtrangan, I., Le, H., Park, J., & Kim, D. H. (2004). Minimally invasive spinal surgery: a historical perspective. Neurosurgical Focus, 16(1), E13-? -
A biomechanical comparison of three surgical approaches in bilateral subaxial cervical facet dislocation
Kim, S. M., Lim, J., Paterno, J., Park, J., & Kim, D. H. (2004). A biomechanical comparison of three surgical approaches in bilateral subaxial cervical facet dislocation. JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY-SPINE, 1(1), 108–15. -
Surgical treatment of tumors involving the cervicothoracic junction.
Le, H., Balabhadra, R., Park, J., & Kim, D. (2003). Surgical treatment of tumors involving the cervicothoracic junction. Neurosurgical Focus, 15(5), E3-? -
Vertebral body replacement with an expandable cage for reconstruction after spinal tumor resection.
Thongtrangan, I., Balabhadra, R. S. V., Le, H., Park, J., & Kim, D. H. (2003). Vertebral body replacement with an expandable cage for reconstruction after spinal tumor resection. Neurosurgical Focus, 15(5), E8-? -
Biomechanical comparison: stability of lateral-approach anterior lumbar interbody fusion and lateral fixation compared with anterior-approach anterior lumbar interbody fusion and posterior fixation in the lower lumbar spine
Kim, S. M., Lim, T. J., Paterno, J., Park, J., & Kim, D. H. (2005). Biomechanical comparison: stability of lateral-approach anterior lumbar interbody fusion and lateral fixation compared with anterior-approach anterior lumbar interbody fusion and posterior fixation in the lower lumbar spine. JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY-SPINE, 2(1), 62–68. -
Requests for 692 transfers to an academic Level I trauma center: Implications of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act
Spain, D. A., Bellino, M., Kopelman, A., Chang, J., Park, J., Gregg, D. L., & Brundage, S. I. (2007). Requests for 692 transfers to an academic Level I trauma center: Implications of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act. JOURNAL OF TRAUMA-INJURY INFECTION AND CRITICAL CARE, 62(1), 63–67. -
Murovic, J. A., Gibbs, I. C., Chang, S. D., Mobley, B. C., Park, J., & Adler, J. R. (2009). FORAMINAL NERVE SHEATH TUMORS: INTERMEDIATE FOLLOW-UP AFTER CYBERKNIFE RADIOSURGERY. NEUROSURGERY, 64(2), A33–A43. -
Surgical strategies for managing foraminal nerve sheath tumors: the emerging role of CyberKnife ablation
Murovic, J. A., Cho, S. C., & Park, J. (2010). Surgical strategies for managing foraminal nerve sheath tumors: the emerging role of CyberKnife ablation. EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL, 19(2), 242–56. -
Cho, S. C., Katzberg, H. D., Rama, A., Kim, B.-J., Roh, H., Park, J., … So, Y. T. (2010). DRIVING WITH POLYNEUROPATHY. MUSCLE & NERVE, 41(3), 324–28. -
Imaging correlation of the degree of degenerative L4-5 spondylolisthesis with the corresponding amount of facet fluid
Cho, B. Y., Murovic, J. A., & Park, J. (2009). Imaging correlation of the degree of degenerative L4-5 spondylolisthesis with the corresponding amount of facet fluid. JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY-SPINE, 11(5), 614–19. -
Fracture-related Thoracic Kyphotic Deformity Correction by Single-stage Posterolateral Vertebrectomy With Circumferential Reconstruction and Stabilization Outcomes in 30 Cases
Yoo, C., Ryu, S. I., & Park, J. (2009). Fracture-related Thoracic Kyphotic Deformity Correction by Single-stage Posterolateral Vertebrectomy With Circumferential Reconstruction and Stabilization Outcomes in 30 Cases. JOURNAL OF SPINAL DISORDERS & TECHNIQUES, 22(7), 492–501. -
Biomechanical Analysis of the Range of Motion After Placement of a Two-Level Cervical ProDisc-C Versus Hybrid Construct
Cho, B. Y., Lim, J., Sim, H. B., & Park, J. (2010). Biomechanical Analysis of the Range of Motion After Placement of a Two-Level Cervical ProDisc-C Versus Hybrid Construct. SPINE, 35(19), 1769–76. -
A biomechanical study of the instrumented and adjacent lumbar levels after In-Space interspinous spacer insertion Laboratory investigation
Park, S. W., Lim, T. J., & Park, J. (2010). A biomechanical study of the instrumented and adjacent lumbar levels after In-Space interspinous spacer insertion Laboratory investigation. JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY-SPINE, 12(5), 560–69. -
Biomechanical comparison of single-level posterior versus transforaminal lumbar interbody fusions with bilateral pedicle screw fixation: segmental stability and the effects on adjacent motion segments Laboratory investigation
Sim, H. B., Murovic, J. A., Cho, B. Y., Lim, T. J., & Park, J. (2010). Biomechanical comparison of single-level posterior versus transforaminal lumbar interbody fusions with bilateral pedicle screw fixation: segmental stability and the effects on adjacent motion segments Laboratory investigation. JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY-SPINE, 12(6), 700–708. -
Predictors of Survival After Surgical Treatment of Spinal Metastasis
Arrigo, R. T., Kalanithi, P., Cheng, I., Alamin, T., Carragee, E. J., Mindea, S. A., … Boakye, M. (2011). Predictors of Survival After Surgical Treatment of Spinal Metastasis. NEUROSURGERY, 68(3), 674–81. -
Open Posterior Reduction and Stabilization of a C1 Burst Fracture Using Mono-axial Screws
Chung, S. K., Park, J. T., Lim, J., & Park, J. (2011). Open Posterior Reduction and Stabilization of a C1 Burst Fracture Using Mono-axial Screws. SPINE, 36(5), E301–E306. -
Biomechanical analysis of Goel technique for C1-2 fusion
Park, J., Scheer, J. K., Lim, T. J., Deviren, V., & Ames, C. P. (2011). Biomechanical analysis of Goel technique for C1-2 fusion. JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY-SPINE, 14(5), 639–46. -
Charlson Score is a Robust Predictor of 30-Day Complications Following Spinal Metastasis Surgery
Arrigo, R. T., Kalanithi, P., Cheng, I., Alamin, T., Carragee, E. J., Mindea, S. A., … Park, J. (2011). Charlson Score is a Robust Predictor of 30-Day Complications Following Spinal Metastasis Surgery. SPINE, 36(19), E1274–E1280. -
Biomechanical Evaluations of Various C1-C2 Posterior Fixation Techniques
Sim, H. B., Lee, J. W., Park, J. T., Mindea, S. A., Lim, J., & Park, J. (2011). Biomechanical Evaluations of Various C1-C2 Posterior Fixation Techniques. SPINE, 36(6), E401–E407. -
Morbidity and Mortality of C2 Fractures in the Elderly: Surgery and Conservative Treatment
Chen, Y.-ren, Boakye, M., Arrigo, R. T., Kalanithi, P. S. A., Cheng, I., Alamin, T., … Park, J. (2012). Morbidity and Mortality of C2 Fractures in the Elderly: Surgery and Conservative Treatment. NEUROSURGERY, 70(5), 1055–59. -
The Design of a Heterocellular 3D Architecture and its Application to Monitoring the Behavior of Cancer Cells in Response to the Spatial Distribution of Endothelial Cells
Lee, W., & Park, J. (2012). The Design of a Heterocellular 3D Architecture and its Application to Monitoring the Behavior of Cancer Cells in Response to the Spatial Distribution of Endothelial Cells. ADVANCED MATERIALS, 24(39), 5339–44. -
Radiofrequency Ablation of Spine An Experimental Study in an Ex Vivo Bovine and In Vivo Swine Model for Feasibility in Spine Tumor
You, N. K., Lee, H. Y., Shin, D. A., Choi, G. H., Yi, S., Kim, K. N., … Park, J. (2013). Radiofrequency Ablation of Spine An Experimental Study in an Ex Vivo Bovine and In Vivo Swine Model for Feasibility in Spine Tumor. SPINE, 38(18), E1121–E1127. -
Treatment of Fracture-Related Thoracic Kyphosis by Circumferential Reconstruction and Stabilization via a Prone Extracavitary Costotransversectomy Approach
Treatment of Fracture-Related Thoracic Kyphosis by Circumferential Reconstruction and Stabilization via a Prone Extracavitary Costotransversectomy Approach. (2007). The Spine Journal, 7(Supplement). -
The Effect of a Posterior Dynamic Stabilization Device on Extension Using Finite Element Analysis
The Effect of a Posterior Dynamic Stabilization Device on Extension Using Finite Element Analysis. (2007). Korean Journal of Spine, 4(Suppl. 1). -
Stem Cell Regeneration of the Intervertebral Disc-Cellular and Molecular Challenges
Stem Cell Regeneration of the Intervertebral Disc-Cellular and Molecular Challenges. (2008). Neurosurgery Focus, 24(E:20). -
Expandable Cage for Cervical Spine Reconstruction
Expandable Cage for Cervical Spine Reconstruction. (2005). J Korean Neurosurgery, Soc 38. -
Thoracolumbar Vertebral Reconstruction for Metastatic Spine Tumors
Thoracolumbar Vertebral Reconstruction for Metastatic Spine Tumors. (2000). Neurosurgery, 47. -
Imaging Correlation of the Degree of Degenerative L4-L5 Spondylolisthesis with the Corresponding Amount of the Facet Fluid.
, & . (2009). Imaging Correlation of the Degree of Degenerative L4-L5 Spondylolisthesis with the Corresponding Amount of the Facet Fluid. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, 11. -
Posterior Dynamic Stabilization Systems
Posterior Dynamic Stabilization Systems. (2007). Korean Journal of Spine, 4(4). -
Effect of Frameless Stereotaxy on Accuracy of C1-C2 Transarticular Screw Placement
Effect of Frameless Stereotaxy on Accuracy of C1-C2 Transarticular Screw Placement. (2001). J Neurosurgery, 95. -
Surgical Treatment of Tumors Involving Cervicothoracic Junction
Surgical Treatment of Tumors Involving Cervicothoracic Junction. (2003). Neurosurgery Focus, (5). -
"Mini-transthoracic supradiaphragmatic approach to the thoracolumbar junction"
"Mini-transthoracic supradiaphragmatic approach to the thoracolumbar junction". (2010). Korean J Spine, 7(4). -
Modified Polyaxial S1 Screw Placement in Patients with Difficult Sacral Anatomy - Technical Report
Modified Polyaxial S1 Screw Placement in Patients with Difficult Sacral Anatomy - Technical Report. (2013). Cureus 5(1): e83. Doi:10.7759/Cureus.83. -
Lumbar disc rehydration postimplantation of a posterior dynamic stabilization system
Cho, B. Y., Murovic, J., Park, K. W., & Park, J. (2010). Lumbar disc rehydration postimplantation of a posterior dynamic stabilization system. JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY-SPINE, 13(5), 576–80. -
Primary surgical management by reduction and fixation of unstable hangman's fractures with discoligamentous instability or combined fractures: clinical article.
Shin, J. J., Kim, S. H., Cho, Y. E., Cheshier, S. H., & Park, J. (2013). Primary surgical management by reduction and fixation of unstable hangman's fractures with discoligamentous instability or combined fractures: clinical article. Journal of Neurosurgery. Spine, 19(5), 569–75. -
Directed axonal outgrowth using a propagating gradient of IGF-1
Lee, W., Frank, C. W., & Park, J. (2014). Directed axonal outgrowth using a propagating gradient of IGF-1. ADVANCED MATERIALS, 26, 4936–40. -
Directed Axonal Outgrowth Using a Propagating Gradient of IGF-1.
Lee, W., Frank, C. W., & Park, J. (2014). Directed Axonal Outgrowth Using a Propagating Gradient of IGF-1. Advanced Materials , 26(29), 4936–40. -
Does a Medial Retraction Blade Transmit Direct Pressure to Pharyngeal/Esophageal Wall During Anterior Cervical Surgery?
Han, I. H., Lee, S. H., Lee, J. M., Kim, H. S., Nam, K. H., Duetzmann, S., … Choi, B. K. (2015). Does a Medial Retraction Blade Transmit Direct Pressure to Pharyngeal/Esophageal Wall During Anterior Cervical Surgery? SPINE, 40(1), E18–E22. -
Biornechanical Analysis of Disc Pressure and Facet Contact Force After Simulated Two-Level Cervical Surgeries (Fusion and Arthroplasty) and Hybrid Surgery
Park, J., Shin, J. J., & Lim, J. (2014). Biornechanical Analysis of Disc Pressure and Facet Contact Force After Simulated Two-Level Cervical Surgeries (Fusion and Arthroplasty) and Hybrid Surgery. WORLD NEUROSURGERY, 82(6). -
Biomechanical Comparison of Cervical Fixation via Transarticular Facet Screws without Rods versus Lateral Mass Screws with Rods
Yi, S., Rim, D.-C., Nam, K.-S., Keem, S.-H., Murovic, J. A., Lim, J., & Park, J. (2015). Biomechanical Comparison of Cervical Fixation via Transarticular Facet Screws without Rods versus Lateral Mass Screws with Rods. WORLD NEUROSURGERY, 83(4), 548–52. -
Spinal Sealant System Provides Better Intraoperative Watertight Closure Than Standard of Care During Spinal Surgery A Prospective, Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Study
Wright, N. M., Park, J., Tew, J. M., Kim, K. D., Shaffrey, M. E., Cheng, J., … Simmons, N. (2015). Spinal Sealant System Provides Better Intraoperative Watertight Closure Than Standard of Care During Spinal Surgery A Prospective, Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Study. SPINE, 40(8), 505–13. -
Biomechanical Analysis of a Novel Pedicle Screw Anchor Designed for the Osteoporotic Population
Gates, T. A., Moldavsky, M., Salloum, K., Dunbar, G. L., Park, J., & Bucklen, B. (2015). Biomechanical Analysis of a Novel Pedicle Screw Anchor Designed for the Osteoporotic Population. WORLD NEUROSURGERY, 83(6), 965–69. -
Biomechanical Comparisons of Pull Out Strengths After Pedicle Screw Augmentation with Hydroxyapatite, Calcium Phosphate, or Polymethylmethacrylate in the Cadaveric Spine
Yi, S., Rim, D.-C., Park, S. W., Murovic, J. A., Lim, J., & Park, J. (2015). Biomechanical Comparisons of Pull Out Strengths After Pedicle Screw Augmentation with Hydroxyapatite, Calcium Phosphate, or Polymethylmethacrylate in the Cadaveric Spine. WORLD NEUROSURGERY, 83(6), 976–81. -
Sacral Peak Pressure in Healthy Volunteers and Patients With Spinal Cord Injury With and Without Liquid-Based Pad
Duetzmann, S., Forsey, L. M., Senft, C., Seifert, V., Ratliff, J., & Park, J. (2015). Sacral Peak Pressure in Healthy Volunteers and Patients With Spinal Cord Injury With and Without Liquid-Based Pad. NURSING RESEARCH, 64(4), 300–305. -
Sacral Peak Pressure in Healthy Volunteers and Patients With Spinal Cord Injury: With and Without Liquid-Based Pad.
Duetzmann, S., Forsey, L. M., Senft, C., Seifert, V., Ratliff, J., & Park, J. (2015). Sacral Peak Pressure in Healthy Volunteers and Patients With Spinal Cord Injury: With and Without Liquid-Based Pad. Nursing Research, 64(4), 300–305. -
Primary surgical management by reduction and fixation of unstable hangman's fractures with discoligamentous instability or combined fractures
Shin, J. J., Kim, S. H., Cho, Y. E., Cheshier, S. H., & Park, J. (2013). Primary surgical management by reduction and fixation of unstable hangman's fractures with discoligamentous instability or combined fractures. JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY-SPINE, 19(5), 569–75. -
Building an electronic health record integrated quality of life outcomes registry for spine surgery
Azad, T. D., Kalani, M., Wolf, T., Kearney, A., Lee, Y., Flannery, L., … Ratliff, J. K. (2016). Building an electronic health record integrated quality of life outcomes registry for spine surgery. JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY-SPINE, 24(1), 176–85. -
Clavicle pain and reduction of incisional and fascial pain after posterior cervical surgery.
Duetzmann, S., Cole, T., Senft, C., Seifert, V., Ratliff, J. K., & Park, J. (2015). Clavicle pain and reduction of incisional and fascial pain after posterior cervical surgery. Journal of Neurosurgery. Spine, 23(6), 684–89. -
3D patterned stem cell differentiation using thermo-responsive methylcellulose hydrogel molds
Lee, W., & Park, J. (2016). 3D patterned stem cell differentiation using thermo-responsive methylcellulose hydrogel molds. Scientific Reports, 6, 29408. -
Predicting complication risk in spine surgery: a prospective analysis of a novel risk assessment tool.
Veeravagu, A., Li, A., Swinney, C., Tian, L., Moraff, A., Azad, T. D., … Ratliff, J. K. (2017). Predicting complication risk in spine surgery: a prospective analysis of a novel risk assessment tool. Journal of Neurosurgery. Spine, 1–11. -
Assessment of Biomechanical Changes After Sacroiliac Joint Fusion by Application of the 3-Dimensional Motion Analysis Technique
Jeong, J. H., Leasure, J. M., & Park, J. (2018). Assessment of Biomechanical Changes After Sacroiliac Joint Fusion by Application of the 3-Dimensional Motion Analysis Technique. WORLD NEUROSURGERY, 117, E538–E543. -
Minimally Invasive Surgery for Lumbar Decompression in Obese Patients.
Smith, Z. A. (2014). Minimally Invasive Surgery for Lumbar Decompression in Obese Patients. . J Spine, 3(181). -
Radiographic Rate and Clinical Impact of Pseudarthrosis in Spine Radiosurgery for Metastatic Spinal Disease.
Zhang, M., Appelboom, G., Ratliff, J. K., Soltys, S. G., Adler, J. R., Park, J., & Chang, S. D. (2018). Radiographic Rate and Clinical Impact of Pseudarthrosis in Spine Radiosurgery for Metastatic Spinal Disease. Cureus, 10(11), e3631. -
Patient Satisfaction and Press Ganey Scores for Spine Versus Nonspine Neurosurgery Clinics.
Chen, Y.-R., Johnson, E., Montalvo, C., Stratford, S., Veeravagu, A., Tharin, S., … Park, J. (2019). Patient Satisfaction and Press Ganey Scores for Spine Versus Nonspine Neurosurgery Clinics. Clinical Spine Surgery. -
3D patterned stem cell differentiation using thermo-responsive methylcellulose hydrogel molds.
Lee, W., & Park, J. (2016). 3D patterned stem cell differentiation using thermo-responsive methylcellulose hydrogel molds. Scientific Reports, 6, 29408. -
Characterization of Brain Dysfunction Induced by Bacterial Lipopeptides That Alter Neuronal Activity and Network in Rodent Brains
Kim, K.-M., Zamaleeva, A. I., Lee, Y. W., Ahmed, M. R., Kim, E., Lee, H.-R., … Rajadas, J. (2018). Characterization of Brain Dysfunction Induced by Bacterial Lipopeptides That Alter Neuronal Activity and Network in Rodent Brains. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 38(50), 10672–91. -
Objective measures of functional impairment for degenerative diseases of the lumbar spine: a systematic review of the literature
Stienen, M. N., Ho, A. L., Staartjes, V. E., Maldaner, N., Veeravagu, A., Desai, A., … Park, J. (2019). Objective measures of functional impairment for degenerative diseases of the lumbar spine: a systematic review of the literature. SPINE JOURNAL, 19(7), 1276–93. -
Posterior open reduction and internal fixation of C1 fractures: the C-clamp technique
Gelinas-Phaneuf, N., Stienen, M. N., & Park, J. (2018). Posterior open reduction and internal fixation of C1 fractures: the C-clamp technique. ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA, 160(12), 2451–57. -
Reliability of the 6-minute walking test smartphone application.
Stienen, M. N., Gautschi, O. P., Staartjes, V. E., Maldaner, N., Sosnova, M., Ho, A. L., … Ratliff, J. K. (2019). Reliability of the 6-minute walking test smartphone application. Journal of Neurosurgery. Spine, 1–8. -
Improving the Patient-Physician Relationship in the Digital Era - Transformation From Subjective Questionnaires Into Objective Real-Time and Patient-Specific Data Reporting Tools.
Maldaner, N., Desai, A., Gautschi, O. P., Regli, L., Ratliff, J. K., Park, J., & Stienen, M. N. (2019). Improving the Patient-Physician Relationship in the Digital Era - Transformation From Subjective Questionnaires Into Objective Real-Time and Patient-Specific Data Reporting Tools. Neurospine, 16(4), 712–14. -
Objective activity tracking in spine surgery: a prospective feasibility study with a low-cost consumer grade wearable accelerometer.
Stienen, M. N., Rezaii, P. G., Ho, A. L., Veeravagu, A., Zygourakis, C. C., Tomkins-Lane, C., … Desai, A. M. (2020). Objective activity tracking in spine surgery: a prospective feasibility study with a low-cost consumer grade wearable accelerometer. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 4939. -
Association between Physician Industry Payments and Cost of Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion in Medicare Beneficiaries.
Liu, C., Ahmed, K., Chen, C. L., Dudley, R. A., Gonzales, R., Orrico, K., … Zygourakis, C. C. (2020). Association between Physician Industry Payments and Cost of Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion in Medicare Beneficiaries. World Neurosurgery. -
External validation of a predictive model of adverse events following spine surgery.
Fatemi, P., Zhang, Y., Han, S. S., Purington, N., Zygourakis, C. C., Veeravagu, A., … Ratliff, J. K. (2021). External validation of a predictive model of adverse events following spine surgery. The Spine Journal : Official Journal of the North American Spine Society. -
A neurovascular-unit-on-a-chip for the evaluation of the restorative potential of stem cell therapies for ischaemic stroke.
Lyu, Z., Park, J., Kim, K.-M., Jin, H.-J., Wu, H., Rajadas, J., … Lee, W. (2021). A neurovascular-unit-on-a-chip for the evaluation of the restorative potential of stem cell therapies for ischaemic stroke. Nature Biomedical Engineering. -
Treatment Concept and Technical Considerations of Biportal Endoscopic Spine Surgery for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis.
Park, J., Ahn, D.-K. K., & Choi, D.-J. J. (2023). Treatment Concept and Technical Considerations of Biportal Endoscopic Spine Surgery for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. Asian Spine Journal.
Surgical treatment of tumors involving the cervicothoracic junction.
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