Level I

No Response

The patient is in a deep coma and appears soundly asleep; absence of any response to stimuli.

Level II

General Response

The patient responds to pain or repeated stimuli with non-purposeful movements or increased activity.

Level III

Local Response

The patient's response is more specific, such as turning the head toward a sound or following a simple command. Responses are delayed and inconsistent.

Level IV

Confused - Agitated

The patient is in a heightened state of response, confused, agitated, attempts to pull out tubes, bites, hits, or kicks caregivers. Behavior is inappropriate and speech is often incoherent.

Level V

Confused - Inappropriate - Not agitate

The patient appears alert and can follow simple commands. Responses are confused and non-purposeful. Memory is impaired and speech is often inappropriate.

Level VI

Confused - Appropriate

The patient shows purposeful behaviors but requires direction and supervision for activities such as dressing and eating; becoming more aware of the environment; memory improving.

Level VII

Automatic - Appropriate

The patient goes about activities appropriately with minimal confusion, but often appears "robot-like." Judgment, thinking, and problem solving remain impaired.

Level VIII

Purposeful - Appropriate

The patient is oriented with improving memory and skills. May still require supervision due to impaired cognitive ability.