To learn more about fertility and reproductive medicine

For more information about the Stanford Fertility and Reproductive Medicine Center, phone 650-498-7911 or visit  The Web site includes detailed information on clinical services, staff, financial services and pregnancy rates.  It also has a lengthy list of links to outside information sources, among them the American Fertility Association, National Embryo Donation Center and the Reproductive Genetics Institute.

Once a month, the Center hosts a presentation about reproductive options that includes talks by women and couples who have experienced those options.  For more information, call the Center or visit its Web site, or call Peggy Donnelly, director of support programs, at 650-724-6408, or email her at

The Center offers stress reduction lectures, a six-session stress reduction course and several support groups that include those for people who are considering third-party reproduction support and those who have experienced repeated pregnancy loss. Individual couples counseling is also available.