2019-06 TRISCEND Study
Trial ID or NCT#
Prospective, multi-center study to assess safety and performance of the Edwards EVOQUE Tricuspid Valve Replacement System
Official Title
Edwards EVOQUE Tricuspid Valve Replacement: Investigation of Safety and Clinical Efficacy After Replacement of Tricuspid Valve With Transcatheter Device
Eligibility Criteria
- * Functional or degenerative TR moderate or greater* Symptomatic despite medical therapy or prior HF hospitalization from TR* The Local Site Heart Team determines that the patient is appropriate for transcatheter tricuspid valve replacement
- Key
- * Tricuspid valve anatomic contraindications* Need for emergent or urgent surgery or any planned cardiac surgery within the next 12 months* Hemodynamic instability* Refractory heart failure requiring advanced intervention* Currently participating in another investigational study in which the patient has not reached a primary endpoint
Contact us to find out if this trial is right for you.
Research Nurse
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