Immersive Mixed Reality Simulation to Evoke Empathy
Trial ID or NCT#
This is a quantifiable study evaluating the ability of a mixed reality (MR), immersive simulation experience to evoke empathy in anesthesiology trainees. Quantitative methodologies will be employed using standardized questionnaires including the The Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy for Health Professions Students, (HP-version). Trainees will assess their preliminary, baseline empathy using the Jefferson Scale and after the simulation and debrief, will reassess empathy scores, once again using the Jefferson Scale. A satisfaction survey to assess simulated patient embodiment as a valuable exercise and contributor to empathy education curriculum.
Official Title
Immersive Mixed Reality Simulation to Evoke Empathy
Eligibility Criteria
- * Trainees or personnel working and/or volunteering at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford / Stanford Health Care facilities* 18 years and older
- * a history of severe motion sickness* currently have nausea* have a history of seizures* are uncomfortable wearing a \~7 pound weighted vest.
Contact us to find out if this trial is right for you.
Astrid Suen, MMedSc
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