Phone or Email Reminder in Increasing Vaginal Dilator Use in Patients With Gynecologic Cancers Undergoing Brachytherapy

Trial ID or NCT#



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This randomized, pilot phase I trial studies whether phone or email reminders increases vaginal dilator use in patients with endometrial, cervical, or vaginal cancers after they undergo brachytherapy. Brachytherapy is a type of internal radiation which uses radioactive material placed directly into or near a tumor to kill tumor cells. A reminder program may help increase use of vaginal dilators and decrease long-term side effects following brachytherapy.

Official Title

Phase I Pilot Study Evaluating Vaginal Dilator Use and Toxicity Following Vaginal Brachytherapy

Eligibility Criteria

Ages Eligible for Study: Older than 18 Years
Sexes Eligible for Study: FEMALE
Accepts Healthy Volunteers: No
Inclusion Criteria:
  1. * Patients with gynecologic cancer who are undergoing vaginal brachytherapy as part of their treatment* Patients cannot have previously received pelvic external beam radiation or brachytherapy. Patients may be enrolled while undergoing vaginal brachytherapy radiation treatment.* Patients should have a life expectancy of at least 1 year* No Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) or Karnofsky performance status requirements* No organ and marrow function requirements* Ability to understand and the willingness to sign a written informed consent document
Exclusion Criteria:
  1. * Patients who have received prior pelvic external beam radiation or brachytherapy will be excluded* No restrictions regarding use of other investigational agents* No exclusion requirements due to co-morbid disease or intercurrent illness* No investigational agent, so no exclusion requirements regarding history of allergic reactions attributed to compounds of similar chemical or biologic composition to investigational agent or device* No exclusion criteria relating to concomitant medications* No exclusion criteria for pregnant or nursing patients from participating in this study (Of note, pregnant patients will not be treated with vaginal brachytherapy, a requirement for enrolling on this study)


Elizabeth Kidd
Elizabeth Kidd
Radiation oncologist
Professor of Radiation Oncology (Radiation Therapy)

Contact us to find out if this trial is right for you.


Dylann Fujimoto