Tools for Health and Resilience Implemented After Violence Exposure (Project THRIVE)
Trial ID or NCT#
Sexual assault victimization is a common and particularly harmful form of trauma that is associated with increased risk for high-risk drinking and other conditions of public health concern, such as PTSD. Given evidence that sexual assault survivors who have low social support or receive negative social reactions to sexual assault disclosure are more likely to experience PTSD and drinking problems, improving social support is a novel target for intervention. The proposed study will attempt to prevent the onset of high-risk drinking and PTSD in sexual assault survivors by developing and testing a web-based early intervention aimed at increasing contact with social supporters and mitigating the harm of negative social reactions; ultimately, results will contribute to advancing the field's understanding of the potential for social support to mitigate the harm of trauma.
Official Title
Preventing Risky Drinking and PTSD After Sexual Assault: A Web-Based Intervention
Eligibility Criteria
- * informed consent* self-identification as female* sexual assault, defined as endorsement of unwanted, attempted or completed sexual contact in the past 10 weeks* age \> 18* English fluency* smartphone and internet access at least daily for 3 weeks and at least weekly for 3 months* consumption of \>1 alcoholic drink in the past month* \>1 episode of high-risk drinking in past 6 months, defined as either more than 3 drinks on a given day or more than 7 drinks in a given week* at least 3 symptom clusters endorsed on the PTSD Checklist.
- * active suicidality* psychosis
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