Cycled Phototherapy
Trial ID or NCT#
Cycled phototherapy (PT) is likely to increase survival over that with continuous PT among extremely premature infants (\< 750 g BW or \<27 weeks GA).
Official Title
Cycled Phototherapy: a Safer Effective Method to Control the Serum Bilirubin of Extremely Premature Infants?
Eligibility Criteria
- 1. Infants is inborn2. Infant is ≤ 750 grams at birth and/or \< 27 weeks gestation at birth by best OB estimate3. Infant is 12-36 hours of age.
- 1. Unable to enroll infant by 36 hours of age2. Previous phototherapy3. Known hemolytic disease4. TSB reported as \>6.0 mg/dL before 12 hours age5. Major anomaly6. Overt nonbacterial infection7. Infant is likely to expire soon: Limiting or withdrawal of intensive care is being recommended to the parents, the parents are requesting withdrawal of care, or the pH is \< 6.80 or persistent bradycardia with hypoxemia for \>2h.
Contact us to find out if this trial is right for you.
M. Bethany Ball
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