Effect of Prehabilitation on Surgical Outcomes of Abdominally-based Plastic Surgery Procedures
Trial ID or NCT#
The purpose of this study is to determine whether a program to optimize patient physical fitness and nutrition ("prehabilitation") prior to and after plastic surgery involving the abdomen improves surgical outcomes. The investigators hope to determine how a multimodal peri-operative prehabilitation program can be most effective in engaging and motivating patients to physically and mentally get ready for an abdominally-based plastic surgery operation. The overall goal is to determine if this program will improve post-operative recovery after abdominally-based plastic surgery. The importance of this new knowledge is better understanding of ways that plastic surgeons can improve outcomes, engagement, and experience of patients undergoing abdominally-based plastic surgery operations. This would translate to increased healthcare value and better long-term outcomes.
Official Title
Effect of Health Habits on Outcomes in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Eligibility Criteria
- - Adult patients (\>18 years) who are undergoing elective abdominally-based plastic surgery operations in 3+ weeks by one of the following plastic surgeons: Nazerali, Lee, Murphy, Nguyen, Lorenz.
- * Patients who do not speak English* Patients who do not have access to a smartphone or internet/cell service.* Patients who are undergoing another intervention study that consists of a nutrition and/or exercise behavior change.
Contact us to find out if this trial is right for you.
Kreeti Shankar
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