Genetic Analysis of Liver Cancer
Trial ID or NCT#
Liver cancer is a leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. While the molecular pathogenesis of liver cancer has been extensively studied, less is known about how the molecular biology of liver cancer influences clinical outcome and treatment response. We are developing a translational research program that will characterize molecular changes in liver cancer. We plan to use molecular information obtained from studying liver tumor tissues to develop new diagnostics and treatment regimens for patients with these cancers. The experimental approach will require freezing fresh tumor tissues obtained from surgical procedures, which will be subsequently used for analysis of DNA, protein and mRNA expression. Many patients with liver cancer are referred to the Stanford Liver Tumor Board for consultation and treatment recommendations. We propose to gather tissue samples from those who subsequently undergo biopsy, liver resection surgery, or transplant surgery.
Official Title
Genetic Analysis of Liver Cancer
Eligibility Criteria
- 3.1.1 Male or female patients 18 years of age and above. 3.1.2 Patients diagnosed with liver cancer based on biopsy or serum alpha-fetoprotein level, associated with characteristic hypervascular liver tumors on triphasic spiral CT scan or MRI. Patients with non-cancer liver conditions such as cirrhosis, adenoma, cholangioma, or nodular hyperplasia. Patients with metastatic tumor from anther organ, such as metastatic colon cancer.
- 3.13 Ability to understand and the willingness to sign a written informed consent document.
- 3.2.1Female patients who are pregnant or nursing will be excluded from the study.
Contact us to find out if this trial is right for you.
Mei-Sze Chua
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