GET Living: Graded Exposure Treatment for Children and Adolescents With Chronic Pain
Trial ID or NCT#
The broad aim of this study is to implement and evaluate the efficacy of Graded Exposure Treatment (GET Living) to target elevated pain-related fears in children with chronic pain at the Stanford Pediatric Pain Management Clinic (PPMC). The investigators will evaluate the effectiveness and acceptability of this intervention for children with high levels of pain-related fear and functional disability. If proven efficacious, it will allow for the dissemination of this innovative treatment model to others working with children and adolescents with chronic pain.
Official Title
GET Living: Graded Exposure Treatment for Children and Adolescents With Chronic Pain
Eligibility Criteria
- * 8 - 18 years old; Male or Female* Musculoskeletal pain (e.g. localized \[back, limb\], diffuse) not due to acute trauma (e.g. active sprain or fracture).* Moderate to high pain-related fear ( ≥ 35 on the FOPQ-C)* Moderate to high functional disability ( ≥ 13 on the FDI)* English Language Proficiency
- * Significant cognitive impairment (e.g., brain injury)* Significant medical or psychiatric problem that would interfere (e.g., seizures, psychosis, suicidality)
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Marissa Heirich
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