Initiation of Continuous Glucose Monitoring at Diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes

Trial ID or NCT#



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The purpose of this study is to learn about the impact of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) on families with newly diagnosed children with type 1 diabetes (T1D). The investigators hope to learn about how continuous glucose monitoring affects glycemic variables and diabetes-related distress.

Official Title

Initiation of Continuous Glucose Monitoring at Diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes

Eligibility Criteria

Ages Eligible for Study: 2 Years to 17 Years
Sexes Eligible for Study: ALL
Accepts Healthy Volunteers: No
Inclusion Criteria:
  1. To be eligible for the study, a child must meet the following criteria:
    1. 1. Diagnosis of type 1 diabetes according to American Diabetes Association diagnostic criteria2. Time since diagnosis of no longer than one month3. Age between 2 and 17 years4. Parental consent (and assent from the child where applicable) to participate in the study5. No severe medical conditions, which in the opinion of the investigators are likely to hinder participation in this clinical trial.
  2. To be eligible for the study, a parent must meet the following criteria:
    1. 1. Parent or legal guardian of a child with type 1 diabetes meeting the "child" criteria outlined above2. Age of 18.0 years or older3. Parent comprehends written English4. Parent understands the study protocol and signs the informed consent document
Exclusion Criteria:
  1. The presence of any of the following is an exclusion for the study:
    1. 1. Child has a medical disorder that in the judgment of the investigator will interfere with completion of any aspect of the protocol (e.g., pregnancy, kidney disease, adrenal insufficiency, skin condition that may hinder sensor application).2. Child has a neurologic disorder that in the judgment of the investigator will affect completion of the protocol3. Current use of oral glucocorticoids or other medications, which in the judgment of the investigator would be a contraindication to participation in the study4. Child is unable to completely avoid acetaminophen for duration of study


Bruce Buckingham
Korey Hood

Contact us to find out if this trial is right for you.


Sarah Hanes