LIPS-A: Lung Injury Prevention Study With Aspirin
Trial ID or NCT#
The primary hypothesis was that early aspirin administration will decrease the rate of developing acute lung injury during the first 7 days after presentation to the hospital.
Official Title
LIPS-A: Lung Injury Prevention Study With Aspirin
Eligibility Criteria
- * Adult patients (age \> 18) admitted to the hospital through the emergency department (ED)* At high risk of developing acute lung injury (ALI) Lung Injury Prediction Score (LIPS) greater than or equal to 4
- * Anti-platelet therapy on admission or within 7 days prior to admission* Presented to outside hospital ED \> 12 hrs before arrival at site's facility* Inability to obtain consent within 12 hours of hospital presentation* Admitted for elective surgery* Acute lung injury prior to randomization* Receiving mechanical ventilation through a tracheostomy tube prior to current hospital admission (patient who is ventilator dependent)* Presence of bilateral pulmonary infiltrates on admission if he or she has a history of bilateral pulmonary infiltrates (as evidenced by previous x-rays) that can reasonably explain the current degree of pulmonary infiltrates present.* Presentation due to pure heart failure and no other known risk factors for ALI.* Allergy to aspirin or non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)* Bleeding disorder* Suspected active bleeding or judged to be at high risk for bleeding* Active peptic ulcer disease (within past 6 months)* Severe chronic liver disease* Inability to administer the study drug* Expected hospital stay \< 48 hours* Admitted for comfort or hospice care* Patient, surrogate or physician not committed to full support. (Exception: a patient will not be excluded if he/she would receive all supportive care except for attempts at resuscitation from cardiac arrest)* Not anticipated to survive \> 48 hours* Previously enrolled in this trial* Enrolled in a concomitant intervention trial* Pregnant or breastfeeding
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Rosemary Vojnik
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