Risk Factors and Molecular Genomics of U.S. Patients With Chronic Liver Disease and Hepatocellular Cancer
Trial ID or NCT#
To identify risk factors for the development and diagnosis of hepatocellular CA in patients with chronic hepatitis C and to use the data to ultimately develop an effective screening program.
Official Title
Risk Factors and Molecular Genomics for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in U.S. Patients With Chronic Liver Disease: A Case Control Study
Eligibility Criteria
- * For both experimental subjects and controls:
- 1. Patients between older than 18 years of age of all ethnic backgrounds and genders. 2. Patients with chronic liver disease* For Experimental Subjects Only:
- 1. Patients with HCC with a hepatic mass larger or equal to 5cm 2. Patients with HCC with a hepatic mass lesion confirmed by fine needle aspirate (FNA) or by pathology in the cases of surgical resection 3. Patients with HCC with a hepatic mass lesion with characteristic CT or MRI or angiographic appearance.* For Controls Only:
- Patients with chronic liver disease without evidence of HCC confirmed by either :
- 1. A normal AFP level
- 2. a negative imaging study (ultrasound, CT, or MR imaging).
- 3. Negative liver cancer on explants.
- \*
- 1. Patients who declined to participate in the study2. Patients with a history of HIV infection3. Patients with concurrent advanced malignancy of non-hepatic origin.4. Patients with significant use of androgenic steroid.5. Patients with exposure to vinyl chloride.
Contact us to find out if this trial is right for you.
Andrea Linder
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