Supporting Patient Decisions About UE Surgery in Cervical SCI
Trial ID or NCT#
The goal of this study is to collect and describe patient and caregiver reported outcomes regarding surgical and non-surgical treatment for improving hand and arm function in the setting of cervical spinal cord injury. Eligible study participants will be recruited across the 4 sites and the investigators plan to recruit the following groups and numbers of participants: 1. Nerve or tendon transfer recipients: people who have elected to undergo nerve (N=10) or tendon (N=10) transfer surgery to restore some hand and arm function as part of their standard clinical care and their caregiver (N=20) 2. Non-surgical control group: people with cervical SCI (N=20) and their caregiver (N=20)
Official Title
Supporting Patient Decisions About Upper Extremity Surgery in Cervical Spinal Cord Injury (Aim 2)
Eligibility Criteria
Contact us to find out if this trial is right for you.
Catherine Curtin, MD
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