Technology-Based Distractions During Minor Procedures
Trial ID or NCT#
The purpose of this study is to determine if non-invasive distracting devices (Virtual Reality headset, Augmented Reality Headset) are more effective than the standard of care (i.e., no technology-based distraction) for decreasing anxiety and pain scores in pediatric patients undergoing various minor procedures (i.e lumbar punctures and cardiac catheterization). The anticipated primary outcome will be a reduction of overall cumulative medication and secondary outcomes include but are not limited to: physician satisfaction, discharge time, pain scores, anxiety scores, and procedure time.
Official Title
Evaluation of Technology-Based Distractions In Pediatric Patients During Minor Procedures
Eligibility Criteria
- * Age 17 and under* Able to consent or have parental consent* Undergoing minor procedures (i.e lumbar punctures, cardiac catheterization) at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital (LPCH) or Stanford Hospital facilities
- * People who do not consent* Significant Cognitive Impairment* History of Severe Motion Sickness* Current Nausea* Seizures* Visual Problems* Non-English Speaking* Patients who clinically unstable or requires urgent/emergent intervention* (ASA) Physical status classification class 4 or higher* Patient or parental preference for General Anesthesia
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Ahtziri Fonseca
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