Breaking Stereotypes: New approaches to prevent, detect and treat women's heart disease


Two years post a heart attack, Cindi Lubeck is ready to share her experience to help other women become more aware of the risks they face–and the measures they can take. 

We know that effective treatment is not as simple as opening a blocked artery or improving diet and exercise.

-Dr. Jennifer Tremmel, Director, Women's Heart Health Clinic

Cindi Lubeck now has the stamina to get out a paint brush, go up a ladder, and put finishing touches on a home improvement project.

Time on the treadmill is once again part of her life.

She’s also catching up on her gardening chores.

Cindi Lubeck checks in regularly with Women's Heart Health Clinic Director Dr. Jennifer Tremmel (l) and the Clinic's nurse-practitioner Mary Nejedly. Tremmel is checking Lubeck's ankle pulse, one of the ways to gauge heart health.

I wanted to meet other women with heart disease to find out where they were with it and to see how we could help each other.

-Clinic patient Cindi Lubeck