General Dermatology Clinic in Redwood City
Part of General Dermatology Clinic
General Dermatology Clinic, Redwood City
Dermatologists are a great resource for learning how to prevent skin, hair, and nail concerns. They can teach you how to protect yourself from the sun to avoid skin cancer, caution you about hairstyles that can contribute to hair loss, and advise you about how to care for your nails to prevent common conditions such as acne or nail fungus.
450 Broadway Street
Pavilion B 4th Floor
Redwood City, CA 94063
Phone: 650-723-6316

Our Doctors
For Patients
Please confirm the location of your appointment during scheduling as our doctors and staff see patients in multiple locations.
- New patients should bring their medical records to their first appointment.
- Verify that other pertinent records including physician notes, laboratory results, X-ray films and other studies were sent to us from your primary care provider. If there is any uncertainty, bring the documents with you to your first visit.
- Bring your insurance card and the name and telephone number of your referring doctor.
International Patients
Phone: +1 650-723-8561
Call us to make an appointment
New patients can now schedule appointments online.
Returning MyHealth patients may schedule appointments through MyHealth.
For Health Care Professionals
Fax: 650-320-9443
Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Stanford Health Care provides comprehensive services to refer and track patients, as well as the latest information and news for physicians and office staff. For help with all referral needs and questions, visit Referral Information.
You may also submit a web referral or complete a referral form and fax it to 650-320-9443 or email the Referral Center at
When you refer one of your patients to a Stanford Health Care's Dermatology Clinic, we want to assure you that we'll provide him or her with the same level of personal care you give them.
To refer a new patient, fax the patient referral form with any supporting documentation to 650-721-3476. A Patient Care Coordinator will fax a confirmation of receipt to your office. We will contact the patient and schedule an evaluation appointment upon insurance clearance.
New to the clinic? Click below to book your first appointment with us.
Online AppointmentReturning Patient
To request an appointment by phone, call: 650-723-6316.
Video visits now available. Call 650-723-6316 or visit MyHealth to schedule a video visit.