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The Disclosure Decision

Penny Donnelly, RN, LMFT

Couples considering pursuing 3rd party reproduction- ovum donation, sperm donation, or the use of a gestational carrier have some important decisions to make over what they will share with others, and most importantly their intended child. This lecture focuses on what the current research has shown us about disclosure and how to best go about the process to best meet the needs of your family.

For more information, please navigate to the Stanford Fertility and Reproductive Medicine Center. If you are interested in more personalized information about our programs, please call Penny Donnelly RN, LMFT, at 650-723-6408.

Private and couples counseling also available, with NO charge for the first session.

Event Details

900 Welch Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Suite 200

To RSVP, call Penny Donnelly: 650-723-6408 (option 1)