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The Integrin-linked Kinase Regulates the Cyclin D1 Gene through Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3? and cAMP-responsive Element-binding Protein-dependent Pathways Journal of Biological Chemistry D'Amico, M. J., Hulit, J., Amanatullah, D. F., Zafonte, B. T., Albanese, C., Bouzahzah, B., Fu, M., Augenlicht, L. H., Donehower, L. A., Takemaru, K. I., Moon, R. T., Davis, R., Lisanti, M., Shtutman, M., Zhurinsky, J., Ben-Ze'ev,, A., Troussard, A. A., Dedhar, S., Pestell, R. G. 2000; 275