Food Insecurity Reduction & Strategy Team
Trial ID or NCT#
This study seeks to address the multifaceted challenges posed by food disparities and their negative consequences on health outcomes, via a comprehensive community health intervention program. Study objectives include: 1. To describe the social-demographic and clinical factors associated with food insecurity in the hospitalized diabetic population. 2. To design, implement and evaluate a nutrition program targeting the hospitalized diabetic population. The investigators will prospectively randomize the target population into either a nutrition program (Intervention), or state-of-art standard of care (SOC) in a 4:1 ratio. Participants in the intervention group will be provided the following two resources in addition to SOC: 1) Enhanced access to nutritious food (twice daily meal delivery up to 90 days post-discharge) 2) Education at discharge and continuing outreach to enhance knowledge for better diet and food options. 3. To enhance community engagement and develop a systematic implementation plan for long-term roll-out of the nutrition program.
Official Title
Food Insecurity Reduction & Strategy Team
Eligibility Criteria
- * Diagnosis of Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus* Admitted to Stanford Healthcare inpatient unit* Residence in California at time of enrollment* Positive Screening for Food Insecurity* On a Healthcare Plan covered by Mom's Meals.
- * Plans to be discharged to a skilled nursing facility.* Patients who prefer a language for which a short-form consent is not available.* No Home Address* Pregnant Participants.* No access to refrigerator.
Contact us to find out if this trial is right for you.
Neera Ahuja
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