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Mobile Health in the Retinal Clinic Population: Access to and Interest in Self-Tracking. Ophthalmic surgery, lasers & imaging retina Ludwig, C. A., Callaway, N. F., Park, J. H., Leng, T. 2016; 47 (3): 252-257


Implementation of mobile health-tracking programs for retinal pathology requires both access to mobile devices and patient motivation to participate in self-tracking. The authors' study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of smartphone and tablet ownership and patient interest in self-tracking among a retinal clinic population.This is an institutional, prospective, cross-sectional survey of 103 retinal clinic outpatients. Consenting patients underwent a one-on-one interview conducted in the examination room during their waiting period by one researcher.Overall, 75 of 103 participants (72.2%) reported either owning a smartphone and/or tablet or having access at their household to a device that could be used to track eye health. The majority of participants (69 of 103 participants; 67%) reported interest in using a mobile application (smartphone or tablet) to track their eye health.These data suggest strong patient interest in the use of mobile devices to track eye health. [Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina. 2016;47:252-257.].

View details for DOI 10.3928/23258160-20160229-08

View details for PubMedID 26985799