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Shoulder Arthroplasty: Key Steps to Improve Outcomes and Minimize Complications. Instructional course lectures Cheung, E. V., Diaz, R., Athwal, G. S., Sanchez-Sotelo, J., Sperling, J. W. 2016; 65: 109-126


Advances in shoulder replacement surgery have allowed for the successful treatment of various shoulder conditions. As the elderly population increases and the surgical indications for shoulder replacement surgery continue to expand, the number of shoulder replacements performed annually will continue to increase. Accordingly, the number of complications also will be expected to increase. Successful shoulder replacement outcomes require surgeons to have a thorough understanding of the surgical indications, surgical technique, and potential complications of the procedure. By reviewing the key aspects of shoulder replacement surgery and focusing on the surgical technique and common complications for both anatomic and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty, surgeons can help improve outcomes and minimize complications.

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