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Multimodal Imaging Features of Optic Disc Drusen. American journal of ophthalmology Yan, Y., Ludwig, C. A., Liao, Y. J. 2021


PURPOSE: Identify key en face multimodal imaging features of optic disc drusen (ODD).DESIGN: Retrospective cross-sectional study.METHODS: .SETTING: Single academic center.PATIENT OR STUDY POPULATION: 786 patients (age 10-82 years) with diagnostic codes for ODD or the term "optic disc drusen" in clinical notes extracted using natural language processing.INTERVENTION OR OBSERVATION PROCEDURES: Color fundus image, green-light and blue-light fundus autofluorescence (FAF), near-infrared reflectance (NIR), and enhanced-depth imaging optical coherence tomography (EDI-OCT).MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Ophthalmic imaging characteristics and sensitivity of en face imaging compared with EDI-OCT.RESULTS: 38 (61 eyes) of 786 patients had high-quality EDI-OCT and en face multimodal imaging. Green-light FAF had the highest sensitivity (96.8%) and showed homogeneously hyperautofluorescence while blue-light FAF differentiated superficial and deep ODD by the heterogeneous brightness of FAF. Blue-light FAF (93.5%) and NIR (91.8%) were also sensitive and provided important features including the location, size, and depth of ODD and morphology of the optic disc and ODD-associated features such as horizontal hyperreflective lines and peripapillary hyperreflective ovoid mass-like structures (PHOMS), respectively. Color fundus imaging had the lowest sensitivity (82%). There was good inter-rater reliability for all en face imaging modalities (P < .0001 for all).CONCLUSIONS: Green-light FAF had the highest sensitivity in diagnosis of ODD, while blue-light FAF and NIR provided more information regarding the severity, location, depth, and size of ODD. In eyes that are negative on green-light FAF, EDI-OCT can be performed and provides the highest-resolution characterization of the entire optic disc to rule out ODD.

View details for DOI 10.1016/j.ajo.2020.12.023

View details for PubMedID 33485838