Effective January 1, 2025, TriWest Healthcare Alliance is the TRICARE West regional contractor, replacing Health Net Federal Services as the administrator.
Stanford Health Care is in-network for hospital and physician services. This includes specialist and Primary Care Physician services.
What are specialist services? Specialist services are services by physicians specializing in advanced areas, such as cardiology, neurology, surgery, oncology, etc. This is different than your primary care physician.
TriWest Healthcare Alliance is also the third-party administrator for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Community Care Network (CCN) programs. Veterans traditionally receive care through the VA’s network of medical facilities but there are times when the VA turns to community providers to provide services for their veterans.
Stanford Health Care is in-network with TriWest Healthcare Alliance for both TRICARE and VA CCN. All services must be authorized by the VA.
Patient Rights and Protections
Assess Your Coverage
Determine the extent of your coverage or any out-of-pocket costs before you receive care.
Contact: Financial Counseling
Phone: 844-498-2900
Mon. – Fri., 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Insurance Pre-Authorization
Find out if your insurance carrier has pre-authorized a medical service before you receive care.
Contact: Financial Clearance
Phone: 650-724-4445
Toll Free: 1-877-291-7335