iPhone Video Visit Guide
It's Time to Join Your Video Visit!
Step 1: Before your visit, please make sure you have the most up-to-date version of the Stanford Health Care MyHealth app. Search for “Stanford MyHealth” on Apple’s App Store or click here.
Step 2: Log in to the MyHealth app on your iPhone.
Step 3: Tap on “Appointments” then select your upcoming Video Visit from the list of visits (look for the video icon).
Step 4: Up to 15 minutes before your appointment time, tap “Begin Visit” to enter the Waiting Room.
The video window will now open. Please wait while it connects.
Step 5: You'll see two popups asking you to grant MyHealth access to your camera and microphone. Tap "OK" on both. Make sure your volume is turned up using the buttons on the side of your phone, and make sure your microphone is not muted.
Congratulations! You've entered your Video Visit. Please wait for your care team member to join.
Watch this video to learn more about how to prepare for a Video Visit using your iPhone/Android phone.
iPhone Video Visit Troubleshooting Guide
Step 1: Headphones will allow you to hear your doctor best. Make sure your volume is turned up. Adjust the volume buttons on the left side of your phone.
Step 1: Make sure you haven't muted your microphone. Tap the icon to mute/unmute.
Step 1: Try pressing the 'flip camera' button in the bottom left corner of your screen. Press the button again to return to the normal view.
If you still can't access your Video Visit, try the following:
Step 1: Exit the visit and quit the MyHealth App. Navigate to your home screen.
Step 2: Select "Settings" --> "Privacy" --> Select "Microphone," then "Camera," and make sure you've allowed the MyHealth App to access both.
Step 3: Navigate back to the MyHealth App and rejoin the visit.
If you experience technical difficulties during the scheduled appointment time, your care team member will call you to continue the appointment as a phone call.
Watch this video to see additional tips to make the most of your upcoming Video Visit using your iPhone/Android phone.
Need more information or have questions? See other frequently asked questions about video visits.
Learn more about scheduling a Video Visit
Learn more about connecting to a Video Visit