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Fertility and Reproductive Medicine Center
Fertility and Reproductive Medicine Center
Welcome to the Stanford Fertility & Reproductive Medicine Center (SFRMC). All of us at SFRMC are committed to providing you, the patient, with the most advanced medical treatment available, offered in an empathetic and caring environment. We offer comprehensive, state-of-the-art services in the areas of Fertility and Reproductive Medicine with a personal and caring touch.
Our Doctors
Care and Treatment
敬請您通過電話 650-723-8561 或電子郵件 與我們聯繫,隨後安排如下步驟:
- 與我們其中一位醫師 (生殖內分泌科) 諮詢.
- 與我們的醫師或生殖內分泌科的護士協調員進行複診.
- 與我們的財務顧問進行現場或電話討論.
我們瞭解生育問題的治療會是一個複雜的過程. 您可能不知道要從何開始,或者不確定自己是不是接受治療的適當人選. 您可能住在外地,並想要知道是否可以安排在斯坦福接受治療. 如果您不確定斯坦福的生育治療是否適合您,我們可以提供一次與醫師的免費電話諮詢. 如果您在初次電話諮詢之後決定要在斯坦福接受治療,您則必須親自來到我們的診所,當面接受問診及體檢,這樣我們的醫生才能安排您進行各項檢測以及開始為您治療. 因此,如果您確定要在斯坦福接受評估或治療,您越早與我們的醫師預約現場諮詢,就能越快開始您的治療. 不過,如果您想在斯坦福就診前與醫師先交談一下,預約一次免費的電話諮詢可能會對您有所幫助.
- 初次諮詢:與醫生的初次諮詢旨在判斷您的不孕症的可治性,以及擬定適當的治療方案. 如果您有伴侶,建議您和您的伴侶一起參加諮詢.
- 複診:初次諮詢之後,我們將為您安排複診. 複診的目的是要查看您初次就診時接受的所有檢測的結果,並根據這些結果為您最後確定治療方案及制訂一份簡述您接受治療具體步驟的日程表.
- 治療:治療的具體方案則根據您是否只需要接受誘發排卵、宮內人工授精、體外授精或手術而定. 請您瀏覽我們網站上有關這些治療方案的具體細節.
Jack Y. J. Huang 醫學博士 美國婦產科學院院士
Jack Y.J. Huang 醫師在麥基爾大學(McGill University)取得了預備醫學和醫學學位。他在麥基爾大學健康中心完成了產科和婦科住院醫師培訓。黃醫師後來繼續在康乃爾醫學院(Weill Cornell Medical College)/紐約長老教會醫院(New York Presbyterian Hospital)的生殖醫學與不育中心完成了生殖內分泌和不育的專科培訓。
黃醫師已獲得產科和婦科委員會認證,並且是美國婦產科學院的院士. 他同時是加拿大皇家內科和外科學院臨床試驗計劃的成員,在住院醫師培訓期間完成了麥基爾大學的實驗醫學博士學位. 黃醫師已發表許多行內認可的論文並且出版於頂尖的科學期刊和眾多教科書中. 此外,他還在美國、歐亞各地的許多知名國際醫學會議中講解他的研究專案. 黃醫師同時是數個頂尖期刊,包括刊物 Fertility & Sterility and Human Reproduction (生育與不孕以及人類繁衍) 的審查成員. 他有特殊研究興趣的領域包括代理孕母,卵子捐贈, 卵子冷凍保存、卵母細胞體外成熟以及維持生育功能.
黃醫師能說一口流利的國語和廣東話. 他也是中國南京醫科大學生殖醫學國家重點實驗室的兼任教授. 身為全球華人生殖醫學會的執委會委員,黃醫師積極參與中國海內外華裔醫師和科學家們的相互合作並且共同開展臨床研究.
Clinical Trials
Clinical trials are research studies that evaluate a new medical approach, device, drug, or other treatment. As a Stanford Health Care patient, you may have access to the latest, advanced clinical trials.
Open trials refer to studies currently accepting participants. Closed trials are not currently enrolling, but may open in the future.
For Patients
When you make your appointment for a New Patient Consultation, we will send you a packet of information and forms to review and complete before the appointment. This information will provide your physician with details that are important and relevant to your reproductive care.
To prepare your chart for your initial appointment, please obtain or complete the information requested below, and forward it to our office right away. If you are not able to forward the paperwork in time for it to reach us before your appointment, please bring the information with you, arriving at least 30 minutes before your appointment so we can prepare your chart. If your appointment is only days away, you might prefer to download the PDF forms listed below, complete them, and fax them to 650-725-1345.
- Female Patient Questionnaire, POI Questionnaire, or Male Questionnaire
- Copy (front and back) of health insurance card(s)
- Medical records (OB/GYN and other relevant records). You can request these records using the Medical Records Release Form.
- New Patients - Press 1
- Established Patients - Press 3
- Donor or Gestational Carrier Program - Press 1
- All Other Programs - Press 2
- Prescription Refills and General Information - Press 4
- Prescription refill information - Press 1
- Directions from Highway 101 - Press 2
- Directions from Highway 280 - Press 3
- All other inquiries - Press 4
- Insurance Coordinators/Payment Questions - Press 5
- Counseling & Support Services - Press 6
- Hours & Location - Press 7
After-hours message service (weekends, holidays and after 4:00 pm weekdays):
- For a life threatening emergency please call 911.
- To report your Cycle Day 1, receive lab results, or to leave any other non-urgent message for our Nurses, that will be returned the next business day - Press 1.
- For urgent (in-cycle related) medical issues, please page the On-Call Physician at 650-725-6200.
Call us to make an appointment
For Health Care Professionals
Fax: 650-320-9443
Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Stanford Health Care provides comprehensive services to refer and track patients, as well as the latest information and news for physicians and office staff. For help with all referral needs and questions, visit Referral Information.
You may also submit a web referral or complete a referral form and fax it to 650-320-9443 or email the Referral Center at
Fax a referral form with supporting documentation to 650-320-9443.
To request an appointment, call 650-498-7911