patient James Ewing
Our Patients
Faster recovery, fewer risks with spinal surgery under conscious sedation
By Mandy Erickson
James Ewing wasn’t surprised when, in his mid-60s, he began to feel chronic pain in his lower back. He had hurdled his way into the 1976 Olympic trials, played basketball throughout his 40s and ran 10-mile treks for years.
“I’ve always been very active, and I knew there was a lot of wear and tear,” the 68-year-old Modesto, California, resident said.
At first, painful flare-ups would improve after about a week. But, he said, “Every time I tweaked it, it took longer to recover. It got to the point where it wasn’t going away. I had to walk hunched over. Everything I did was to accommodate the constant pain.”
Ewing learned last year from his physicians in Modesto that he had lumbar spinal stenosis, in which the spinal canal narrows, compressing nerves. For relief, surgery is required to widen the canal.

Given a choice
Todd Alamin, MD
Ewing’s primary care doctor recommended Stanford Medicine. Ewing visited Todd Alamin, MD, professor of orthopaedic surgery.
Alamin felt that a minimally invasive micro-decompression would address Ewing’s symptoms. He gave him a choice: During the procedure, Ewing could undergo general anesthesia, or he could have local anesthesia with conscious sedation.
The latter option, also known as twilight sedation, is commonly used in dental procedures and colonoscopies, but not in spinal surgery. Patients respond to conscious sedation in various ways: Some are essentially asleep, while others have a foggy awareness; still others are wide awake. Alamin says he doesn’t know of anyone else using it in spinal decompressions.
He offers it to patients of all ages, but he especially recommends it to patients who are 80 or older because it may help them avoid cognitive problems from a condition called postoperative cognitive dysfunction, which can last a year or more.
Benefits of conscious sedation
Another benefit of conscious sedation is that patients recover more quickly; they can often leave an hour after surgery. Also, a patient will react if Alamin’s surgical tools compress a nerve — their heart rate may increase, they may move a little or they may even speak — warning him to steer clear. “I get immediate feedback,” Alamin said.
While surgery under conscious sedation requires Alamin to work more delicately to avoid causing the patient any discomfort, he said that’s a benefit: “It leads to gentler surgery and likely a lower risk of scarring and nerve injury.”
Ewing chose the conscious sedation. The Dec. 12 procedure took an hour, and he headed home to Modesto the same day.
I can stand up and sleep at night. Things I take for granted now, I couldn’t do before.
Ewing said that he remembers nothing from the operation, but that he felt better immediately. “I can stand up straight. I can sleep at night,” he said. “Things I take for granted now I couldn’t do before.”
The retired Disneyland executive plans to stay active through low-impact activities, such as swimming, walking his dog and hiking with his camera. “I’m looking forward to getting in the pool and doing a lot of laps,” Ewing said.
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Stanford Health Care seeks to heal humanity through science and compassion, one patient at a time, through its commitment to care, educate and discover. Stanford Health Care delivers clinical innovation across its inpatient services, specialty health centers, physician offices, virtual care offerings and health plan programs.
Stanford Health Care is part of Stanford Medicine, a leading academic health system that includes the Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford Health Care, and Stanford Children’s Health, with Lucile Packard Children's Hospital. Stanford Medicine is renowned for breakthroughs in treating cancer, heart disease, brain disorders and surgical and medical conditions. For more information, visit: www.stanfordhealthcare.org.