My research is patient-centered, efficient and low-burden, and offers patients improved access regardless of proximity. I am committed to the conduct of science that is inclusive of people with the least means and the greatest need for effective pain care. I develop, investigate, and disseminate innovative and effective behavioral pain treatments that transcend traditional barriers to healthcare, are low-burden, and provide home-based access to meet patients where they are.
I created Empowered Relief®, a 1-session pain relief skills intervention, to fill a pressing national need for accessible and effective non-pharmacologic treatment for chronic, acute and post-surgical pain. As PI I lead an active PCORI-funded national pragmatic comparative effectiveness trial (online 1-session Empowered Relief vs. online 8-session CBT) in 1,650 diverse Americans with chronic pain of any type. Empowered Relief has been widely adopted throughout the U.S. and internationally (29 countries, 8 languages) across the continuum of care (acute, chronic and post-surgical pain management) and with tailored versions for special populations (e.g., Military/Veterans, Youth, Corrections Settings, Surgery). Scientific findings from our collective work have been presented at international keynote sessions at national pain society conferences in the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, and The Netherlands. (NB: Empowered Relief is copyrighted and trademarked by Stanford University; I receive no personal compensation/revenue from Empowered Relief certification workshops or otherwise)
Three times I have briefed the U.S. Congress on the opioid and pain crises, provided invited testimony to the FDA on iatrogenic harms associated with opioid tapering, and in 2022 advised the Federation of State Medical Boards. Since 2020 I have served on the NIH Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee as a scientific member. From 2020-2021 I served as a scientific member of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Opioid Workgroup of the Board of Scientific Counselors of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (BSC/NCIPC).
Our work has been featured in outlets such as The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Scientific American, NPR Radio, BBC Radio, and Nature. In 2018 I spoke on the psychology of pain relief at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. In 2024 I received the honor of being named a 2024-2025 Mayday Fellow by the Mayday Foundation.
Professional Summary
Education & Certifications
- PhD Training: University of Colorado at Boulder (2002) CO
- Fellowship: The Johns Hopkins University (2004) MD
- Internship: Southern Arizona VA Healthcare System (2002) AZ
Honors & Awards
- 2024-2025 Mayday Fellow, Mayday Foundation (2024-2025)
- Distinguished Service Award, American Academy of Pain Medicine (2022)
- FDA Network of Experts in Digital Health Technologies, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2020)
- Invited Speaker, "The Psychology of Pain Relief", World Economic Forum (2018)
- NIH Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee (scientific member), National Institutes of Health (2020-2025)
- Pain and Opioid Crisis in America (invited speaker), U.S. Congressional Briefing (2018)
- Presidential Commendation, American Academy of Pain Medicine (2023)
- U.S. Congressional Briefing on the revised CDC opioid prescribing guideline, AEI, Washington, D.C. (2022)
- Chief Science Advisor, AppliedVR (2019 - Present)
- Education Programs Working Group, International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) (2024 - Present)
- ACOEM 2025 Chronic Pain Treatment Guidelines Expert Review Committee member, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM) (2024 - Present)
- Scientific Member, FDA-AAPM Acute Low Back Pain Treatment Guidelines Committee (2024 - Present)
- Scientific Member, NIH Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee (IPRCC), National Institutes of Health (2019 - Present)
- Academy of Research Mentors in Anesthesiology (ARMA), Invited member, Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research (FAER) (2022 - Present)
- Medical Advisory Board, Facial Pain Association (2022 - Present)
- Network of Experts in Digital Health Technologies, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2020 - Present)
- Editorial Board, MedPage Today (2020 - Present)
- Board of Directors, Institute for Brain Potential (2020 - Present)
- Scientific Review and Guidelines Committee, American Academy of Pain Medicine (2017 - Present)
- Board of Directors, American Academy of Pain Medicine (2021 - 2024)
- Co-Chair, Behavioral Medicine Committee, American Academy of Pain Medicine (2019 - 2023)
- Co-Chair, 2022 annual conference, American Academy of Pain Medicine (2021 - 2022)
- Scientific Advisory Board, National Pain Advocacy Center (2021 - 2022)
- Opioid Guideline Task Force, American Academy of Pain Medicine (2019 - 2022)
- Opioid Advisory Committee, American Academy of Pain Medicine (2017 - 2022)
- CDC Opioid Workgroup Member, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2020 - 2021)
- Education Initiatives Working Group, International Association for the Study of Pain (2016 - 2018)
- APS Clinical Resources and Guidelines Committee, American Pain Society (2015 - 2018)
- ACOEM Committee Member and Co-Author, ACOEM Chronic Pain National Guideline (2016 - 2017)
- Committee on the Principles of Analgesic Use in the Treatment of Chronic Pain and Cancer Pain, American Pain Society (2014 - 2016)
- President, Pain Society of Oregon (2012 - 2012)
Administrative Appointments
- CDC Opioid Workgroup (BSC/NCIPC), Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Board of Scientific Counselors (BSC/NCIPC) (2020 - 2021)
- Chief Science Advisor, AppliedVR (2019 - Present)
- Co-Chair, Acute Pain Task Force, Stanford Hospital (2019 - Present)
- Co-Chair, Behavioral Medicine Committee, American Academy of Pain Medicine (2019 - 2023)
- NIH Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee (IPRCC). Scientific member., National Institutes of Health (2020 - 2025)
Modification of the cognitive model for bulimia via path analysis on a Brazilian adolescent sample
Darnall, B. D., Smith, J. E., Craighead, L. W., & Lamounier, J. A. (1999). Modification of the cognitive model for bulimia via path analysis on a Brazilian adolescent sample. ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 24(1), 47–57. -
Depressive symptoms and mental health service utilization among persons with limb loss: results of a national survey.
Darnall, B. D., Ephraim, P., Wegener, S. T., Dillingham, T., Pezzin, L., Rossbach, P., & MacKenzie, E. J. (2005). Depressive symptoms and mental health service utilization among persons with limb loss: results of a national survey. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 86(4), 650–658. -
Self-Delivered Home-Based Mirror Therapy for Lower Limb Phantom Pain
Darnall, B. D. (2009). Self-Delivered Home-Based Mirror Therapy for Lower Limb Phantom Pain. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION, 88(1), 78–81. -
Sex and gender in psychoneuroimmunology research: Past, present and future
Darnall, B. D., & Suarez, E. C. (2009). Sex and gender in psychoneuroimmunology research: Past, present and future. BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY, 23(5), 595–604. -
Pilot Study of Inflammatory Responses Following a Negative Imaginal Focus in Persons With Chronic Pain: Analysis by Sex/Gender
Darnall, B. D., Aickin, M., & Zwickey, H. (2010). Pilot Study of Inflammatory Responses Following a Negative Imaginal Focus in Persons With Chronic Pain: Analysis by Sex/Gender. GENDER MEDICINE, 7(3), 247–60. -
Hysterectomy and Predictors for Opioid Prescription in a Chronic Pain Clinic Sample
Darnall, B., & Li, H. (2011). Hysterectomy and Predictors for Opioid Prescription in a Chronic Pain Clinic Sample. PAIN MEDICINE, 12(2), 196–203. -
Sex Differences in Long-term Opioid Use Cautionary Notes for Prescribing in Women
Darnall, B. D., & Stacey, B. R. (2012). Sex Differences in Long-term Opioid Use Cautionary Notes for Prescribing in Women. ARCHIVES OF INTERNAL MEDICINE, 172(5), 431–32. -
Pain Characteristics and Pain Catastrophizing in Incarcerated Women with Chronic Pain
Darnall, B. D., & Sazie, E. (2012). Pain Characteristics and Pain Catastrophizing in Incarcerated Women with Chronic Pain. JOURNAL OF HEALTH CARE FOR THE POOR AND UNDERSERVED, 23(2), 543–56. -
Medical and Psychological Risks and Consequences of Long-Term Opioid Therapy in Women
Darnall, B. D., Stacey, B. R., & Chou, R. (2012). Medical and Psychological Risks and Consequences of Long-Term Opioid Therapy in Women. PAIN MEDICINE, 13(9), 1181–1211. -
From Catastrophizing to Recovery: a pilot study of a single-session treatment for pain catastrophizing
Darnall, B. D., Sturgeon, J. A., Kao, M.-C., Hah, J. M., & Mackey, S. C. (2014). From Catastrophizing to Recovery: a pilot study of a single-session treatment for pain catastrophizing. JOURNAL OF PAIN RESEARCH, 7, 219–26. -
Less Pain, Fewer Pills: Avoid the dangers of prescription opioids and gain control over chronic pain
Darnall, B. D. (2014). Less Pain, Fewer Pills: Avoid the dangers of prescription opioids and gain control over chronic pain. Bull Publishing. -
Proinflammatory cytokines and DHEA-S in women with fibromyalgia: impact of psychological distress and menopausal status
Sturgeon, J. A., Darnall, B. D., Zwickey, H. L., Wood, L. J., Hanes, D. A., Zava, D. T., & Mackey, S. C. (2014). Proinflammatory cytokines and DHEA-S in women with fibromyalgia: impact of psychological distress and menopausal status. JOURNAL OF PAIN RESEARCH, 7, 707–16. -
Physical and psychological correlates of fatigue and physical function: a Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry (CHOIR) study.
Sturgeon, J. A., Darnall, B. D., Kao, M.-C. J., & Mackey, S. C. (2015). Physical and psychological correlates of fatigue and physical function: a Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry (CHOIR) study. Journal of Pain , 16(3), 291–98 e1. -
Urine drug screening: necessary or alienating?
Darnall, B. D., & Schatman, M. E. (2014). Urine drug screening: necessary or alienating? Pain Medicine , 15(12), 1999-? -
Stanford-NIH Pain Registry: catalyzing the rate limited step of psychometrics with modern patient-reported outcomes
Kao, M., Cook, K., Olson, G., Pacht, T., Darnall, B., Weber, S., & Mackey, S. (2014). Stanford-NIH Pain Registry: catalyzing the rate limited step of psychometrics with modern patient-reported outcomes. JOURNAL OF PAIN, 15(4), S3–S3. -
Stanford-NIH Pain Registry: open source platform for large-scale longitudinal assessment and tracking of modern patient-reported outcomes
Kao, M., Weber, S., Cook, K., Garrick, O., Pacht, T., Darnall, B., & Mackey, S. (2014). Stanford-NIH Pain Registry: open source platform for large-scale longitudinal assessment and tracking of modern patient-reported outcomes. JOURNAL OF PAIN, 15(4), S40–S40. -
Opioid use and lactation: protecting the child in the context of maternal pain care.
Darnall, B. D., & Schatman, M. E. (2015). Opioid use and lactation: protecting the child in the context of maternal pain care. Pain Medicine , 16(4), 628-? -
Protecting the infant from unknown risks.
Darnall, B. D., & Schatman, M. E. (2015). Protecting the infant from unknown risks. Pain Medicine , 16(4), 631–32. -
Contributions of physical function and satisfaction with social roles to emotional distress in chronic pain: a Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry (CHOIR) study
Sturgeon, J. A., Dixon, E. A., Darnall, B. D., & Mackey, S. C. (2015). Contributions of physical function and satisfaction with social roles to emotional distress in chronic pain: a Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry (CHOIR) study. PAIN, 156(12), 2627–33. -
The Relationship Between Industry and Pain Societies, Part 1: Demystification and Legitimization of Continuing Medical Education
Darnall, B. D., & Schatman, M. E. (2015). The Relationship Between Industry and Pain Societies, Part 1: Demystification and Legitimization of Continuing Medical Education. PAIN MEDICINE, 16(7), 1251–51. -
Compassion meditation training for people living with chronic pain and their significant others: a pilot study and mixed-methods analysis
Ruchelli, G., Chapin, H., Darnall, B., Seppala, E., Doty, J., & Mackey, S. (2014). Compassion meditation training for people living with chronic pain and their significant others: a pilot study and mixed-methods analysis. JOURNAL OF PAIN, 15(4), S117–S117. -
Physical and Psychological Correlates of Fatigue and Physical Function: A Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry (CHOIR) Study.
Sturgeon, J. A., Darnall, B. D., Kao, M.-C. J., & Mackey, S. C. (2015). Physical and Psychological Correlates of Fatigue and Physical Function: A Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry (CHOIR) Study. Journal of Pain , 16(3), 291–98 e1. -
Urine drug screening: opioid risks preclude complete patient autonomy.
Darnall, B. D., & Schatman, M. E. (2014). Urine drug screening: opioid risks preclude complete patient autonomy. Pain Medicine , 15(12), 2001–2. -
Toward the Healthiest Symbiosis.
Darnall, B. D., & Schatman, M. E. (2015). Toward the Healthiest Symbiosis. Pain Medicine , 16(7), 1254–55. -
Sub-clinical range of pain catastrophizing moderates the effect of pain intensity on opioid prescription
Sharifzadeh, Y., Darnall, B., Kao, M., & Mackey, S. (2015). Sub-clinical range of pain catastrophizing moderates the effect of pain intensity on opioid prescription. JOURNAL OF PAIN, 16(4), S16–S16. -
Conflict of Interest, Part II: Pain Society Leadership and Industry
Schatman, M. E., & Darnall, B. D. (2016). Conflict of Interest, Part II: Pain Society Leadership and Industry. Pain Medicine, 17, 217–8. -
Compassion Cultivation in Chronic Pain May Reduce Anger, Pain, and Increase Acceptance: Review and Commentary
Darnall, B. D. (2015). Compassion Cultivation in Chronic Pain May Reduce Anger, Pain, and Increase Acceptance: Review and Commentary. Health Care: Current Reviews, 3(1). -
Pain Psychology and Pain Catastrophizing in the Perioperative Setting: A Review of Impacts, Interventions, and Unmet Needs.
Darnall, B. D. (2016). Pain Psychology and Pain Catastrophizing in the Perioperative Setting: A Review of Impacts, Interventions, and Unmet Needs. Hand Clinics, 32(1), 33–39. -
Pain Psychology: A Global Needs Assessment and National Call to Action
Darnall, B. D., Scheman, J., Davin, S., Burns, J. W., Murphy, J. L., Wilson, A. C., … Mackey, S. C. (2016). Pain Psychology: A Global Needs Assessment and National Call to Action. PAIN MEDICINE, 17(2), 250–63. -
Social Disruption Mediates the Relationship Between Perceived Injustice and Anger in Chronic Pain: a Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry Study
Sturgeon, J. A., Carriere, J. S., Kao, M.-C. J., Rico, T. J., Darnall, B. D., & Mackey, S. C. (2016). Social Disruption Mediates the Relationship Between Perceived Injustice and Anger in Chronic Pain: a Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry Study. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 802–12. -
Incidence of and Risk Factors for Chronic Opioid Use Among Opioid-Naive Patients in the Postoperative Period.
Sun, E. C., Darnall, B. D., Baker, L. C., & Mackey, S. (2016). Incidence of and Risk Factors for Chronic Opioid Use Among Opioid-Naive Patients in the Postoperative Period. JAMA Internal Medicine, 176(9), 1286–93. -
Pain Psychology and the Biopsychosocial Model of Pain Treatment: Ethical Imperatives and Social Responsibility.
Darnall, B. D., Carr, D. B., & Schatman, M. E. (2016). Pain Psychology and the Biopsychosocial Model of Pain Treatment: Ethical Imperatives and Social Responsibility. Pain Medicine . -
Perturbed connectivity of the amygdala and its subregions with the central executive and default mode networks in chronic pain.
Jiang, Y., Oathes, D., Hush, J., Darnall, B., Charvat, M., Mackey, S., & Etkin, A. (2016). Perturbed connectivity of the amygdala and its subregions with the central executive and default mode networks in chronic pain. Pain, 157(9), 1970–78. -
Pediatric-Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry (Peds-CHOIR): a learning health system to guide pediatric pain research and treatment.
Bhandari, R. P., Feinstein, A. B., Huestis, S. E., Krane, E. J., Dunn, A. L., Cohen, L. L., … Mackey, S. C. (2016). Pediatric-Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry (Peds-CHOIR): a learning health system to guide pediatric pain research and treatment. Pain, 157(9), 2033–44. -
"The Opioid-Free Pain Relief Kit: 10 Simple Steps to Ease Your Pain"
Darnall, B. D. (2016). "The Opioid-Free Pain Relief Kit: 10 Simple Steps to Ease Your Pain" . Bull Publishing. -
Minimize opioids by optimizing pain psychology.
Darnall, B. D. (2014). Minimize opioids by optimizing pain psychology. Pain Management, 4(4), 251–253. -
Intrathecal Opioids for Chronic Nonmalignant Pain: A Case Study and the Search for Balance
Schatman, M. E., & Darnall, B. D. (2014). Intrathecal Opioids for Chronic Nonmalignant Pain: A Case Study and the Search for Balance. PAIN MEDICINE, 15(8), 1268–1268. -
Upscheduling of Hydrocodone: Convenience and Access vs Patient Safety Measures
Schatman, M. E., & Darnall, B. D. (2013). Upscheduling of Hydrocodone: Convenience and Access vs Patient Safety Measures. PAIN MEDICINE, 14(11), 1627–1627. -
Medical marijuana: a viable tool in the armamentaria of physicians treating chronic pain? A case study and commentary.
Schatman, M. E., & Darnall, B. D. (2013). Medical marijuana: a viable tool in the armamentaria of physicians treating chronic pain? A case study and commentary. Pain Medicine , 14(6), 799-? -
A Pendulum Swings Awry: Seeking the Middle Ground on Opioid Prescribing for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain
Schatman, M. E., & Darnall, B. D. (2013). A Pendulum Swings Awry: Seeking the Middle Ground on Opioid Prescribing for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain. PAIN MEDICINE, 14(5). -
The Impact of Pain Catastrophizing on Outcomes: A Developmental Perspective across Children, Adolescents and Young Adults with Chronic Pain
Feinstein, A. B., Sturgeon, J. A., Bhandari, R. P., Dunn, A., Rico, T., Kao, M. C., & Darnall, B. D. (2016). The Impact of Pain Catastrophizing on Outcomes: A Developmental Perspective across Children, Adolescents and Young Adults with Chronic Pain. Journal of Pain. -
Pilot study of a compassion meditation intervention in chronic pain.
Chapin, H. L., Darnall, B. D., Seppala, E. M., Doty, J. R., Hah, J. M., & Mackey, S. C. (2014). Pilot study of a compassion meditation intervention in chronic pain. Journal of Compassionate Health Care, 1. -
Social Disruption Mediates the Relationship Between Perceived Injustice and Anger in Chronic Pain: a Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry Study.
Sturgeon, J. A., Carriere, J. S., Kao, M.-C. J., Rico, T., Darnall, B. D., & Mackey, S. C. (2016). Social Disruption Mediates the Relationship Between Perceived Injustice and Anger in Chronic Pain: a Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry Study. Annals of Behavioral Medicine , -? -
"Compassion Cultivation in Chronic Pain May Reduce Anger, Pain, and Increase Acceptance: Study Review and Brief Commentary".
Darnall, B. D. (2015). "Compassion Cultivation in Chronic Pain May Reduce Anger, Pain, and Increase Acceptance: Study Review and Brief Commentary". Health Care. Current Reviews, 3(2). -
The Effect of Pain Catastrophizing on Outcomes: A Developmental Perspective Across Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults With Chronic Pain.
Feinstein, A. B., Sturgeon, J. A., Darnall, B. D., Dunn, A. L., Rico, T., Kao, M. C., & Bhandari, R. P. (2017). The Effect of Pain Catastrophizing on Outcomes: A Developmental Perspective Across Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults With Chronic Pain. Journal of Pain , 18(2), 144–54. -
Association between concurrent use of prescription opioids and benzodiazepines and overdose: retrospective analysis
Sun, E. C., Dixit, A., Humphreys, K., Darnall, B. D., Baker, L. C., & Mackey, S. (2017). Association between concurrent use of prescription opioids and benzodiazepines and overdose: retrospective analysis. BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 356. -
(163) Pain catastrophizing, perceived injustice, and pain intensity impair life satisfaction through differential patterns of physical and psychological disruption.
Sturgeon, J., Dixon, E., Darnall, B., & Mackey, S. (2016). (163) Pain catastrophizing, perceived injustice, and pain intensity impair life satisfaction through differential patterns of physical and psychological disruption. Journal of Pain , 17(4S), S16-? -
(448) Perceived injustice, pain behavior and opioid prescriptions: a vicious circle? A Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry (CHOIR) Study.
Carriere, J., Darnall, B., Sullivan, M., Kao, M., & Mackey, S. (2016). (448) Perceived injustice, pain behavior and opioid prescriptions: a vicious circle? A Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry (CHOIR) Study. Journal of Pain , 17(4S), S86-? -
(418) A novel glial cell inhibitor, low dose naltrexone, reduces pain and depression, and improves function in chronic pain: A CHOIR study.
Noon, K., Sturgeon, J., Kao, M., Darnall, B., & Mackey, S. (2016). (418) A novel glial cell inhibitor, low dose naltrexone, reduces pain and depression, and improves function in chronic pain: A CHOIR study. Journal of Pain , 17(4S), S79-? -
(321) Enhanced secondary hyperalgesia following a pain catastrophizing induction in women with chronic low back pain.
Taub, C., Darnall, B., Johnson, K., & Mackey, S. (2016). (321) Enhanced secondary hyperalgesia following a pain catastrophizing induction in women with chronic low back pain. Journal of Pain , 17(4S), S56-? -
(162) Social disruption, but not pain interference, mediates the relationship between perceived injustice and anger in chronic pain: A Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry (CHOIR) study.
Sturgeon, J., Carriere, J., Darnall, B., & Mackey, S. (2016). (162) Social disruption, but not pain interference, mediates the relationship between perceived injustice and anger in chronic pain: A Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry (CHOIR) study. Journal of Pain , 17(4S), S16-? -
(180) Development and validation of a Daily Pain Catastrophizing Scale (Daily PCS) measure.
Darnall, B., Sturgeon, J., Cook, K., Taub, C., Kao, M., RICO, T., & Mackey, S. (2016). (180) Development and validation of a Daily Pain Catastrophizing Scale (Daily PCS) measure. Journal of Pain , 17(4S), S20–S21. -
(489) An examination of the roles of perceived injustice and pain acceptance on pain interference and pain intensity in patients with chronic pain: A Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry (CHOIR) Study.
Carriere, J., Darnall, B., Kao, M., & Mackey, S. (2016). (489) An examination of the roles of perceived injustice and pain acceptance on pain interference and pain intensity in patients with chronic pain: A Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry (CHOIR) Study. Journal of Pain , 17(4S), S97-? -
(527) An internet-based perioperative pain psychology treatment program: results of a randomized controlled trial in breast oncology surgery patients.
Darnall, B., Wheeler, A., Taub, C., MACKEY, I., Wapnir, I., Schultz, C., … Flood, P. (2016). (527) An internet-based perioperative pain psychology treatment program: results of a randomized controlled trial in breast oncology surgery patients. Journal of Pain , 17(4S), S106-? -
Development and Validation of a Daily Pain Catastrophizing Scale.
Darnall, B. D., Sturgeon, J. A., Cook, K. F., Taub, C. J., Roy, A., Burns, J. W., … Mackey, S. C. (2017). Development and Validation of a Daily Pain Catastrophizing Scale. Journal of Pain . -
Effects of a Pain Catastrophizing Induction on Sensory Testing in Women with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Pilot Study
Taub, C. J., Sturgeon, J. A., Johnson, K. A., Mackey, S. C., & Darnall, B. D. (2017). Effects of a Pain Catastrophizing Induction on Sensory Testing in Women with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Pilot Study. PAIN RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT. -
Pain behavior mediates the relationship between perceived injustice and opioid prescription for chronic pain: a Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry study
Carriere, J. S., Martel, M.-O., Kao, M.-C., Sullivan, M. J. L., & Darnall, B. D. (2017). Pain behavior mediates the relationship between perceived injustice and opioid prescription for chronic pain: a Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry study. JOURNAL OF PAIN RESEARCH, 10. -
Depressive symptoms among persons with and mental health service utilization limb loss: Results of a national survey
Darnall, B. D., Ephraim, P., Wegener, S. T., Dillingham, T., Pezzin, L., Rossbach, P., & MacKenzie, E. J. (2005). Depressive symptoms among persons with and mental health service utilization limb loss: Results of a national survey. ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 86(4), 650–658. -
Comparative Efficacy and Mechanisms of a Single-Session Pain Psychology: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial in Chronic Low Back Pain
Darnall, B., Ziadni, M., Roy, A., Kao, M.-C., Sturgeon, J., Cook, K., … Sean, M. (2018). Comparative Efficacy and Mechanisms of a Single-Session Pain Psychology: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial in Chronic Low Back Pain. Trials, 19(165). -
The relationship between negative metacognitive thoughts, pain catastrophizing, and adjustment to chronic pain
Ziadni, M., Sturgeon, J., & Darnall, B. (2017). The relationship between negative metacognitive thoughts, pain catastrophizing, and adjustment to chronic pain. Eur J Pain. -
Comparative Efficacy and Mechanisms of a Single-Session Pain Psychology Class in Chronic Low Back Pain: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
Darnall, B., Siadni, M., Roy, A., Kao, M.-C., Sturgeon, J., Cook, K., … Mackey, S. (2018). Comparative Efficacy and Mechanisms of a Single-Session Pain Psychology Class in Chronic Low Back Pain: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Trials, 165. -
To treat pain, study people in all their complexity.
Darnall, B. (2018). To treat pain, study people in all their complexity. Nature, 557(7703), 7. -
Voluntary Opioid Tapering-Reply.
Darnall, B. D., Ziadni, M. S., & Stieg, R. L. (2018). Voluntary Opioid Tapering-Reply. JAMA Internal Medicine, 178(6), 875. -
An experimental method for assessing whether marijuana use reduces opioid use in patients with chronic pain.
Darnall, B. D., & Humphreys, K. N. (2018). An experimental method for assessing whether marijuana use reduces opioid use in patients with chronic pain. Addiction (Abingdon, England). -
Optimizing Placebo and Minimizing Nocebo to Reduce Pain, Catastrophizing, and Opioid Use: A Review of the Science and an Evidence-Informed Clinical Toolkit.
Darnall, B. D., & Colloca, L. (2018). Optimizing Placebo and Minimizing Nocebo to Reduce Pain, Catastrophizing, and Opioid Use: A Review of the Science and an Evidence-Informed Clinical Toolkit. International Review of Neurobiology, 139, 129–57. -
On the Importance of Using the Right Metrics for Patient Outcomes and Payment: Pain, Pain Interference, and Physical Function.
Darnall, B. D., & Sullivan, M. D. (2018). On the Importance of Using the Right Metrics for Patient Outcomes and Payment: Pain, Pain Interference, and Physical Function. Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.). -
The factor structure and subscale properties of the pain catastrophizing scale: are there differences in the distinctions?
Cook, K., Darnall, B., & Mackey, S. (2018). The factor structure and subscale properties of the pain catastrophizing scale: are there differences in the distinctions? QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH, 27, S38. -
International Stakeholder Community of Pain Experts and Leaders Call for an Urgent Action on Forced Opioid Tapering.
Darnall, B. D., Juurlink, D., Kerns, R. D., Mackey, S., Van Dorsten, B., Humphreys, K., … Lovejoy, T. (2018). International Stakeholder Community of Pain Experts and Leaders Call for an Urgent Action on Forced Opioid Tapering. Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.). -
Characterizing chronic pain in late adolescence and early adulthood: prescription opioids, marijuana use, obesity, and predictors for greater pain interference.
Anastas, T., Colpitts, K., Ziadni, M., Darnall, B. D., & Wilson, A. C. (2018). Characterizing chronic pain in late adolescence and early adulthood: prescription opioids, marijuana use, obesity, and predictors for greater pain interference. Pain Reports, 3(6), e700. -
Comparative Efficacy and Mechanisms of a Single-Session Pain Psychology Class in Chronic Low Back Pain: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.
Darnall, B. D., Ziadni, M. S., Roy, A., Kao, M.-C. C., Sturgeon, J. A., Cook, K. F., … Mackey, S. C. (2018). Comparative Efficacy and Mechanisms of a Single-Session Pain Psychology Class in Chronic Low Back Pain: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Trials, 19(1), 165. -
The Impact of Perceived Injustice on Pain-related Outcomes: A Combined Model Examining the Mediating Roles of Pain Acceptance and Anger in a Chronic Pain Sample.
Carriere, J. S., Sturgeon, J. A., Yakobov, E., Kao, M.-C. C., Mackey, S. C., & Darnall, B. D. (2018). The Impact of Perceived Injustice on Pain-related Outcomes: A Combined Model Examining the Mediating Roles of Pain Acceptance and Anger in a Chronic Pain Sample. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 34(8), 739–747. -
Pain catastrophizing, perceived injustice, and pain intensity impair life satisfaction through differential patterns of physical and psychological disruption.
Sturgeon, J. A., Ziadni, M. S., Trost, Z., Darnall, B. D., & Mackey, S. C. (2017). Pain catastrophizing, perceived injustice, and pain intensity impair life satisfaction through differential patterns of physical and psychological disruption. Scandinavian Journal of Pain, 17, 390–396. -
Pain Catastrophizing Moderates Relationships between Pain Intensity and Opioid Prescription: Nonlinear Sex Differences Revealed Using a Learning Health System.
Sharifzadeh, Y., Kao, M.-C. C., Sturgeon, J. A., Rico, T. J., Mackey, S., & Darnall, B. D. (2017). Pain Catastrophizing Moderates Relationships between Pain Intensity and Opioid Prescription: Nonlinear Sex Differences Revealed Using a Learning Health System. Anesthesiology, 127(1), 136–146. -
Patient-Centered Prescription Opioid Tapering in Community Outpatients With Chronic Pain.
Darnall, B. D., Ziadni, M. S., Stieg, R. L., Mackey, I. G., Kao, M.-C. C., & Flood, P. (2018). Patient-Centered Prescription Opioid Tapering in Community Outpatients With Chronic Pain. JAMA Internal Medicine, 178(5), 707–708. -
CARE Scale - 7: Development and Preliminary Validation of a Measure to Assess Factors Impacting Self-care in Chronic Pain.
Ziadni, M., You, D. S., Wilson, A. C., & Darnall, B. D. (2018). CARE Scale - 7: Development and Preliminary Validation of a Measure to Assess Factors Impacting Self-care in Chronic Pain. The Clinical Journal of Pain. -
Central mechanisms of real and sham electroacupuncture in the treatment of chronic low back pain: study protocol for a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial
Kong, J.-T., MacIsaac, B., Cogan, R., Ng, A., Law, C. S. W., Helms, J., … Manber, R. (2018). Central mechanisms of real and sham electroacupuncture in the treatment of chronic low back pain: study protocol for a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. TRIALS, 19. -
Managing Cancer Pain, Monitoring for Cancer Recurrence, and Mitigating Risk of Opioid Use Disorders: A Team-Based, Interdisciplinary Approach to Cancer Survivorship.
Goodlev, E. R., Discala, S., Darnall, B. D., Hanson, M., Petok, A., & Silverman, M. (2019). Managing Cancer Pain, Monitoring for Cancer Recurrence, and Mitigating Risk of Opioid Use Disorders: A Team-Based, Interdisciplinary Approach to Cancer Survivorship. Journal of Palliative Medicine. -
The National Imperative to Align Practice and Policy with the Actual CDC Opioid Guideline.
Darnall, B. D. (2019). The National Imperative to Align Practice and Policy with the Actual CDC Opioid Guideline. Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.). -
Daily and bidirectional linkages between pain catastrophizing and spouse responses.
Martire, L. M., Zhaoyang, R., Marini, C. M., Nah, S., & Darnall, B. D. (2019). Daily and bidirectional linkages between pain catastrophizing and spouse responses. Pain. -
Sullivan, M. D., & Darnall, B. D. (2019). Conclusion. Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.), 20(2), 212. -
Negative Affect-Related Factors Have the Strongest Association with Prescription Opioid Misuse in a Cross-Sectional Cohort of Patients with Chronic Pain.
Gilam, G., Sturgeon, J. A., You, D. S., Wasan, A. D., Darnall, B. D., & Mackey, S. C. (2019). Negative Affect-Related Factors Have the Strongest Association with Prescription Opioid Misuse in a Cross-Sectional Cohort of Patients with Chronic Pain. Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.). -
Evaluation of Candidate Items for Severe PTSD Screening for Patients with Chronic Pain: Pilot Data Analysis with IRT Approach.
You, D. S., Ziadni, M. S., Gilam, G., Darnall, B. D., & Mackey, S. C. (2019). Evaluation of Candidate Items for Severe PTSD Screening for Patients with Chronic Pain: Pilot Data Analysis with IRT Approach. Pain Practice : the Official Journal of World Institute of Pain. -
Adverse Childhood Experiences in Mothers With Chronic Pain and Intergenerational Impact on Children
Dennis, C. H., Clohessy, D. S., Stone, A. L., Darnall, B. D., & Wilson, A. C. (2019). Adverse Childhood Experiences in Mothers With Chronic Pain and Intergenerational Impact on Children. JOURNAL OF PAIN, 20(10), 1209–17. -
Comparative Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain and Chronic Pain Self-Management within the Context of Voluntary Patient-Centered Prescription Opioid Tapering: The EMPOWER Study Protocol.
Darnall, B. D., Mackey, S. C., Lorig, K., Kao, M.-C. C., Mardian, A., Stieg, R., … Cheung, M. (2019). Comparative Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain and Chronic Pain Self-Management within the Context of Voluntary Patient-Centered Prescription Opioid Tapering: The EMPOWER Study Protocol. Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.). -
Enhanced Recovery Before Surgery: Preoperative Optimization of the Chronic Pain Patient
McAnnally, H., Freeman, L., & Darnall, B. (2019). Enhanced Recovery Before Surgery: Preoperative Optimization of the Chronic Pain Patient . Oxford University Press. -
Psychological Treatment for Patients with Chronic Pain
Darnall, B. D. (2018). Psychological Treatment for Patients with Chronic Pain. American Psychological Association. -
"My Surgical Success": Effect of a Digital Behavioral Pain Medicine Intervention on Time to Opioid Cessation After Breast Cancer Surgery-A Pilot Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
Darnall, B. D., Ziadni, M. S., Krishnamurthy, P., Flood, P., Heathcote, L. C., Mackey, I. G., … Wheeler, A. (2019). "My Surgical Success": Effect of a Digital Behavioral Pain Medicine Intervention on Time to Opioid Cessation After Breast Cancer Surgery-A Pilot Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. PAIN MEDICINE, 20(11), 2228–37. -
Self-reported traumatic etiology of pain and psychological function in tertiary care pain clinic patients: a collaborative health outcomes information registry (CHOIR) study.
Taub, C. J., Sturgeon, J. A., Chahal, M. K., Kao, M.-C. C., Mackey, S. C., & Darnall, B. D. (2020). Self-reported traumatic etiology of pain and psychological function in tertiary care pain clinic patients: a collaborative health outcomes information registry (CHOIR) study. Scandinavian Journal of Pain. -
Perceived Injustice Mediates the Relationship Between Perceived Childhood Neglect and Current Function in Patients with Chronic Pain: A Preliminary Pilot Study.
Ziadni, M. S., You, D. S., Sturgeon, J. A., Mackey, S. C., & Darnall, B. D. (2020). Perceived Injustice Mediates the Relationship Between Perceived Childhood Neglect and Current Function in Patients with Chronic Pain: A Preliminary Pilot Study. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. -
Self-Administered Skills-Based Virtual Reality Intervention for Chronic Pain: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study.
Darnall, B. D., Krishnamurthy, P., Tsuei, J., & Minor, J. D. (2020). Self-Administered Skills-Based Virtual Reality Intervention for Chronic Pain: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study. JMIR Formative Research. -
Out of office hours: scalable, on-demand, digital support for patients tapering prescription opioids.
Ashton-James, C. E., Glare, P., & Darnall, B. D. (2020). Out of office hours: scalable, on-demand, digital support for patients tapering prescription opioids. Pain. -
Efficacy and mechanisms of a single-session behavioral medicine class among patients with chronic pain taking prescription opioids: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Ziadni, M. S., Chen, A. L., Winslow, T., Mackey, S. C., & Darnall, B. D. (2020). Efficacy and mechanisms of a single-session behavioral medicine class among patients with chronic pain taking prescription opioids: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 21(1), 521. -
Voluntary Opioid Tapering-Barriers to Delivering Care Reply
Darnall, B. D., Ziadni, M. S., & Stieg, R. L. (2018). Voluntary Opioid Tapering-Barriers to Delivering Care Reply. JAMA INTERNAL MEDICINE, 178(6), 875. -
Daily pain catastrophizing predicts less physical activity and more sedentary behavior in older adults with osteoarthritis.
Zhaoyang, R., Martire, L. M., & Darnall, B. D. (2020). Daily pain catastrophizing predicts less physical activity and more sedentary behavior in older adults with osteoarthritis. Pain. -
Emotions Matter: The Role of Emotional Approach Coping in Chronic Pain.
Ziadni, M. S., You, D. S., Johnson, L., Lumley, M. A., & Darnall, B. D. (2020). Emotions Matter: The Role of Emotional Approach Coping in Chronic Pain. European Journal of Pain (London, England). -
Baseline Characteristics of a Dyadic Cohort of Mothers with Chronic Pain and Their Children.
Wilson, A. C., Stone, A. L., Poppert Cordts, K. M., Holley, A. L., Mackey, S., Darnall, B. D., & Palermo, T. M. (2020). Baseline Characteristics of a Dyadic Cohort of Mothers with Chronic Pain and Their Children. The Clinical Journal of Pain. -
Pain and Psychological Factors in Older Adults
Darnall, B. (2019). Pain and Psychological Factors in Older Adults. Practical Strategies in Geriatric Mental Health: Cases and Approaches. (pp. 95–116). American Psychiatric Press . -
Facilitating Patient Resilience: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Acceptance, and Positive Social and Emotional Interventions
John, S. A., & Darnall, B. D. (2018). Facilitating Patient Resilience: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Acceptance, and Positive Social and Emotional Interventions. Psychological Approaches to Pain Management (pp. 250–263). Guilford Press. -
Pain Psychology in the Perioperative and Chronic Pain Contexts
Darnall, B. D., & Sturgeon, J. A. (2018). Pain Psychology in the Perioperative and Chronic Pain Contexts. Anesthesiology (pp. 1501–1505). McGraw Hill. -
Pain and Psychological Factors "I Need More Pain Medication, Not Less!"
Darnall, B. D. (2020). Pain and Psychological Factors "I Need More Pain Medication, Not Less!". PRACTICAL STRATEGIES IN GERIATRIC MENTAL HEALTH: CASES AND APPROACHES, 95–115. -
Promoting Patient-Centeredness in Opioid Deprescribing: a Blueprint for De-implementation Science.
Kertesz, S. G., McCullough, M. B., Darnall, B. D., & Varley, A. L. (2020). Promoting Patient-Centeredness in Opioid Deprescribing: a Blueprint for De-implementation Science. Journal of General Internal Medicine. -
Validation of CARE Scale-7 in treatment-seeking patients with chronic pain: measurement of sex invariance.
Ziadni, M., You, D. S., Chen, A., Wilson, A. C., & Darnall, B. D. (2020). Validation of CARE Scale-7 in treatment-seeking patients with chronic pain: measurement of sex invariance. Pain Reports, 5(6), e862. -
Self-Administered Behavioral Skills-Based At-Home Virtual Reality Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.
Garcia, L., Darnall, B., Krishnamurthy, P., Mackey, I., Sackman, J., Louis, R., … Birckhead, B. (2021). Self-Administered Behavioral Skills-Based At-Home Virtual Reality Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 10(1), e25291. -
Patient-centered prescription opioid tapering in community outpatients with chronic pain: 2- to 3-year follow-up in a subset of patients
Ziadni, M. S., A, C. L., Krishnamurthy, P., Flood, P., Stieg, R. L., & Darnall, B. D. (2020). Patient-centered prescription opioid tapering in community outpatients with chronic pain: 2- to 3-year follow-up in a subset of patients. Pain Reports, 5(5). -
Double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial of 8-week self-administered at-home behavioral skills-based virtual reality (VR) for chronic low back pain (during COVID-19).
Darnall, B., Garcia, L., Birckhead, B., Krishnamurthy, P., Mackey, I., Sackman, J., … Maddox, T. (2021). Double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial of 8-week self-administered at-home behavioral skills-based virtual reality (VR) for chronic low back pain (during COVID-19). Journal of Medical Internet Research. -
Development and validation of the Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry body map.
Scherrer, K. H., Ziadni, M. S., Kong, J.-T., Sturgeon, J. A., Salmasi, V., Hong, J., … Mackey, S. (2021). Development and validation of the Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry body map. Pain Reports, 6(1), e880. -
Correction: Self-Administered Behavioral Skills-Based At-Home Virtual Reality Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.
Garcia, L. M., Darnall, B. D., Krishnamurthy, P., Mackey, I. G., Sackman, J., Louis, R. G., … Birckhead, B. J. (2021). Correction: Self-Administered Behavioral Skills-Based At-Home Virtual Reality Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 10(2), e27652. -
A Brief Screening Tool for Opioid Use Disorder: EMPOWER Study Expert Consensus Protocol.
You, D. S., Mardian, A. S., Darnall, B. D., Chen, C.-Y. A., De Bruyne, K., Flood, P. D., … Mackey, S. C. (2021). A Brief Screening Tool for Opioid Use Disorder: EMPOWER Study Expert Consensus Protocol. Frontiers in Medicine, 8, 591201. -
Customizing CAT administration of the PROMIS Misuse of Prescription Pain Medication Item Bank for patients with chronic pain.
You, D. S., Cook, K. F., Domingue, B. W., Ziadni, M. S., Hah, J. M., Darnall, B. D., & Mackey, S. C. (2021). Customizing CAT administration of the PROMIS Misuse of Prescription Pain Medication Item Bank for patients with chronic pain. Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.). -
The factor structure and subscale properties of the pain catastrophizing scale: are there differences in the distinctions?
Cook, K. F., Mackey, S., Jung, C., & Darnall, B. D. (2021). The factor structure and subscale properties of the pain catastrophizing scale: are there differences in the distinctions? Pain Reports, 6(1), e909. -
On the Importance of Using the Right Metrics for Patient Outcomes and Payment: Pain, Pain Interference, and Physical Function
Darnall, B. D., & Sullivan, M. D. (2019). On the Importance of Using the Right Metrics for Patient Outcomes and Payment: Pain, Pain Interference, and Physical Function. PAIN MEDICINE, 20(2), 209. -
Optimizing Placebo and Minimizing Nocebo to Reduce Pain, Catastrophizing, and Opioid Use: A Review of the Science and an Evidence-Informed Clinical Toolkit
Darnall, B. D., & Colloca, L. (2018). Optimizing Placebo and Minimizing Nocebo to Reduce Pain, Catastrophizing, and Opioid Use: A Review of the Science and an Evidence-Informed Clinical Toolkit. NEUROBIOLOGY OF THE PLACEBO EFFECT, PT II, 139, 129–157. -
Reader Responses to the Ethics Forum: Room for Multiple Perspectives
Schatman, M. E., & Darnall, B. D. (2015). Reader Responses to the Ethics Forum: Room for Multiple Perspectives. PAIN MEDICINE, 16(1), 18. -
Intrathecal Opioids: Hardly a Panacea
Schatman, M. E., & Darnall, B. D. (2014). Intrathecal Opioids: Hardly a Panacea. PAIN MEDICINE, 15(8), 1270–1271. -
The Needle and the Damage Done?
Schatman, M. E., & Darnall, B. D. (2014). The Needle and the Damage Done? PAIN MEDICINE, 15(4), 546–547. -
Pain CME: Misguided Direction?
Schatman, M. E., & Darnall, B. D. (2013). Pain CME: Misguided Direction? PAIN MEDICINE, 14(12), 1824–1825. -
"Just Saying No" to Mandatory Pain CME: How Important Is Physician Autonomy?
Schatman, M. E., & Darnall, B. D. (2013). "Just Saying No" to Mandatory Pain CME: How Important Is Physician Autonomy? PAIN MEDICINE, 14(12), 1821. -
Among Disparate Views, Scales Tipped by the Ethics of System Integrity
Schatman, M. E., & Darnall, B. D. (2013). Among Disparate Views, Scales Tipped by the Ethics of System Integrity. PAIN MEDICINE, 14(11), 1629–1630. -
Ethical Pain Care in a Complex Case
Schatman, M. E., & Darnall, B. D. (2013). Ethical Pain Care in a Complex Case. PAIN MEDICINE, 14(6). -
Commentary and Rapprochement
Schatman, M. E., & Darnall, B. D. (2013). Commentary and Rapprochement. PAIN MEDICINE, 14(5). -
Comparative efficacy of a single-session "Empowered Relief" videoconference-delivered group intervention for chronic pain: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Ziadni, M. S., Anderson, S. R., Gonzalez-Castro, L., & Darnall, B. D. (2021). Comparative efficacy of a single-session "Empowered Relief" videoconference-delivered group intervention for chronic pain: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 22(1), 358. -
Chronic pain severity, impact, and opioid use among patients with cancer: An analysis of biopsychosocial factors using the CHOIR learning health care system.
Azizoddin, D. R., Schreiber, K., Beck, M. R., Enzinger, A. C., Hruschak, V., Darnall, B. D., … Mackey, S. (2021). Chronic pain severity, impact, and opioid use among patients with cancer: An analysis of biopsychosocial factors using the CHOIR learning health care system. Cancer. -
Beyond pain, distress, and disability: the importance of social outcomes in pain management research and practice.
Ashton-James, C. E., Anderson, S. R., Mackey, S. C., & Darnall, B. D. (2021). Beyond pain, distress, and disability: the importance of social outcomes in pain management research and practice. Pain. -
Lack of Premeditation Predicts Aberrant Behaviors Related to Prescription Opioids in Patients with Chronic Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Hettie, G., Nwaneshiudu, C., Ziadni, M. S., Darnall, B. D., Mackey, S. C., & You, D. S. (2021). Lack of Premeditation Predicts Aberrant Behaviors Related to Prescription Opioids in Patients with Chronic Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study. Substance Use & Misuse, 1–6. -
Clinical and neuroscience evidence supports the critical importance of patient expectations and agency in opioid tapering.
Darnall, B. D., & Fields, H. L. (2021). Clinical and neuroscience evidence supports the critical importance of patient expectations and agency in opioid tapering. Pain. -
Comparison of a Single-Session Pain Management Skills Intervention With a Single-Session Health Education Intervention and 8 Sessions of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Adults With Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Darnall, B. D., Roy, A., Chen, A. L., Ziadni, M. S., Keane, R. T., You, D. S., … Mackey, S. C. (2021). Comparison of a Single-Session Pain Management Skills Intervention With a Single-Session Health Education Intervention and 8 Sessions of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Adults With Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Network Open, 4(8), e2113401. -
Engagement in Prescription Opioid Tapering Research: the EMPOWER Study and a Coproduction Model of Success.
Mardian, A., Perez, L., Pun, T., Cheung, M., Porter, J., De Bruyne, K., … Darnall, B. D. (2021). Engagement in Prescription Opioid Tapering Research: the EMPOWER Study and a Coproduction Model of Success. Journal of General Internal Medicine. -
Efficacy of a Single-Session "Empowered Relief" Zoom-Delivered Group Intervention for Chronic Pain: Randomized Controlled Trial Conducted During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Ziadni, M. S., Gonzalez-Castro, L., Anderson, S., Krishnamurthy, P., & Darnall, B. D. (2021). Efficacy of a Single-Session "Empowered Relief" Zoom-Delivered Group Intervention for Chronic Pain: Randomized Controlled Trial Conducted During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(9), e29672. -
Psychological Treatment for Chronic Pain: Improving Access and Integration.
Darnall, B. D. (2021). Psychological Treatment for Chronic Pain: Improving Access and Integration. Psychological Science in the Public Interest : a Journal of the American Psychological Society, 22(2), 45–51. -
Three-month follow-up results of a double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial of 8-week self-administered at-home behavioral skills-based virtual reality (VR) for chronic low back pain.
Garcia, L. M., Birckhead, B. J., Krishnamurthy, P., Mackey, I., Sackman, J., Salmasi, V., … Darnall, B. D. (2021). Three-month follow-up results of a double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial of 8-week self-administered at-home behavioral skills-based virtual reality (VR) for chronic low back pain. The Journal of Pain. -
Association between temporal summation and conditioned pain modulation in chronic low back pain: baseline results from 2 clinical trials.
Kong, J.-T. T., You, D. S., Law, C. S., Darnall, B. D., Gross, J. J., Manber, R., & Mackey, S. (2021). Association between temporal summation and conditioned pain modulation in chronic low back pain: baseline results from 2 clinical trials. Pain Reports, 6(4), e975. -
Association between the Number of Prescribers of Concurrent Opioid and Benzodiazepine Medications and the Risk of Overdose: A Retrospective Analysis
Rishel, C. A., Shah, S., Zhang, Y., Darnall, B., & Sun, E. (2021). Association between the Number of Prescribers of Concurrent Opioid and Benzodiazepine Medications and the Risk of Overdose: A Retrospective Analysis. ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA. LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS. -
Characterizing chronic pain in late adolescence and early adulthood: prescription opioids, marijuana use, obesity, and predictors for greater pain interference
Anastas, T., Colpitts, K., Ziadni, M., Darnall, B. D., & Wilson, A. C. (2018). Characterizing chronic pain in late adolescence and early adulthood: prescription opioids, marijuana use, obesity, and predictors for greater pain interference. PAIN REPORTS, 3(6). -
Features and methods to discriminate between mechanism-based categories of pain experienced in the musculoskeletal system: a Delphi expert consensus study.
Shraim, M. A., Sluka, K. A., Sterling, M., Arendt-Nielsen, L., Argoff, C., Bagraith, K. S., … Hodges, P. W. (2022). Features and methods to discriminate between mechanism-based categories of pain experienced in the musculoskeletal system: a Delphi expert consensus study. Pain. -
Optimal opioid treatment requires a consensual approach.
Fields, H. L., & Darnall, B. D. (2022). Optimal opioid treatment requires a consensual approach. Pain, 163(5), e689–e690. -
The impact of COVID-19 on patients with chronic pain seeking care at a tertiary pain clinic.
Ziadni, M. S., You, D. S., Cramer, E. M., Anderson, S. R., Hettie, G., Darnall, B. D., & Mackey, S. C. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on patients with chronic pain seeking care at a tertiary pain clinic. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 6435. -
Clarification of Conflict of Interest Disclosures.
Darnall, B. D. (2022). Clarification of Conflict of Interest Disclosures. JAMA Internal Medicine. -
Comparing Perceived Pain Impact Between Younger and Older Adults With High Impact Chronic Pain: A Cross-Sectional Qualitative and Quantitative Survey.
You, D. S., Ziadni, M. S., Hettie, G., Darnall, B. D., Cook, K. F., Von Korff, M. R., & Mackey, S. C. (2022). Comparing Perceived Pain Impact Between Younger and Older Adults With High Impact Chronic Pain: A Cross-Sectional Qualitative and Quantitative Survey. Frontiers in Pain Research (Lausanne, Switzerland), 3, 850713. -
Evaluating acceptability and feasibility of a mobile health intervention to improve self-efficacy in prescription opioid tapering in patients with chronic pain: protocol for a pilot randomised, single-blind, controlled trial.
Magee, M., Gholamrezaei, A., McNeilage, A. G., Dwyer, L., Sim, A., Ferreira, M., … Ashton-James, C. (2022). Evaluating acceptability and feasibility of a mobile health intervention to improve self-efficacy in prescription opioid tapering in patients with chronic pain: protocol for a pilot randomised, single-blind, controlled trial. BMJ Open, 12(4), e057174. -
Transforming Standard of Care for Spine Surgery: Integration of an Online Single-Session Behavioral Pain Management Class for Perioperative Optimization.
Davin, S. A., Savage, J., Thompson, N. R., Schuster, A., & Darnall, B. D. (2022). Transforming Standard of Care for Spine Surgery: Integration of an Online Single-Session Behavioral Pain Management Class for Perioperative Optimization. Frontiers in Pain Research (Lausanne, Switzerland), 3, 856252. -
Durability of the Treatment Effects of an 8-Week Self-administered Home-Based Virtual Reality Program for Chronic Low Back Pain: Follow-up Study of a Randomized Clinical Trial.
Garcia, L., Birckhead, B., Krishnamurthy, P., Mackey, I., Sackman, J., Salmasi, V., … Darnall, B. D. (2022). Durability of the Treatment Effects of an 8-Week Self-administered Home-Based Virtual Reality Program for Chronic Low Back Pain: Follow-up Study of a Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24(5), e37480. -
Correction: Durability of the Treatment Effects of an 8-Week Self-administered Home-Based Virtual Reality Program for Chronic Low Back Pain: 6-Month Follow-up Study of a Randomized Clinical Trial.
Garcia, L., Birckhead, B., Krishnamurthy, P., Mackey, I., Sackman, J., Salmasi, V., … Darnall, B. D. (2022). Correction: Durability of the Treatment Effects of an 8-Week Self-administered Home-Based Virtual Reality Program for Chronic Low Back Pain: 6-Month Follow-up Study of a Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24(6), e40038. -
"My Surgical Success": Feasibility and Impact of a Single-Session Digital Behavioral Pain Medicine Intervention on Pain Intensity, Pain Catastrophizing, and Time to Opioid Cessation After Orthopedic Trauma Surgery-A Randomized Trial.
Ziadni, M. S., You, D. S., Keane, R., Salazar, B., Jaros, S., Ram, J., … Darnall, B. D. (2022). "My Surgical Success": Feasibility and Impact of a Single-Session Digital Behavioral Pain Medicine Intervention on Pain Intensity, Pain Catastrophizing, and Time to Opioid Cessation After Orthopedic Trauma Surgery-A Randomized Trial. Anesthesia and Analgesia. -
The Problem of Pain in Rheumatology: Clinical Profiles Associated With Concomitant Diagnoses With Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions.
Falasinnu, T., Nguyen, T., Jiang, T. E., Chaichian, Y., Rector, A., Darnall, B. D., … Simard, J. F. (2022). The Problem of Pain in Rheumatology: Clinical Profiles Associated With Concomitant Diagnoses With Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions. ACR Open Rheumatology. -
Increased pain catastrophizing longitudinally predicts worsened pain severity and interference in patients with chronic pain and cancer: A CHOIR study.
Wilson, J. M., Schreiber, K. L., Mackey, S., Flowers, K. M., Darnall, B. D., Edwards, R. R., & Azizoddin, D. R. (2022). Increased pain catastrophizing longitudinally predicts worsened pain severity and interference in patients with chronic pain and cancer: A CHOIR study. Psycho-Oncology. -
Agile development of a digital exposure treatment for youth with chronic musculoskeletal pain: protocol of a user-centred design approach and examination of feasibility and preliminary efficacy.
Harrison, L. E., Webster, S. N., Van Orden, A. R., Choate, E., Jehl, N., Stinson, J., … Simons, L. E. (2022). Agile development of a digital exposure treatment for youth with chronic musculoskeletal pain: protocol of a user-centred design approach and examination of feasibility and preliminary efficacy. BMJ Open, 12(9), e065997. -
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Acupuncture in Chronic Low Back Pain: Protocol for Two Linked Randomized Controlled Trials.
Mackey, S., Gilam, G., Darnall, B., Goldin, P., Kong, J.-T., Law, C., … Gross, J. (2022). Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Acupuncture in Chronic Low Back Pain: Protocol for Two Linked Randomized Controlled Trials. JMIR Research Protocols, 11(9), e37823. -
Intensity of Chronic Low Back Pain and Activity Interference: A Daily Diary Study of the Moderating Role of Cognitive Pain Coping Strategies.
Vertsberger, D., Talmon, A., Ziadni, M., Kong, J.-T., Darnall, B. D., Manber, R., … Gross, J. J. (2022). Intensity of Chronic Low Back Pain and Activity Interference: A Daily Diary Study of the Moderating Role of Cognitive Pain Coping Strategies. Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.). -
Patient Responses to the Term Pain Catastrophizing: Thematic Analysis of Cross-sectional International Data.
Webster, F., Connoy, L., Longo, R., Ahuja, D., Amtmann, D., Anderson, A., … Darnall, B. D. (2022). Patient Responses to the Term Pain Catastrophizing: Thematic Analysis of Cross-sectional International Data. The Journal of Pain. -
A Digital Video and Text Messaging Intervention to Support People With Chronic Pain During Opioid Tapering: Content Development Using Co-design.
Magee, M. R., Gholamrezaei, A., McNeilage, A. G., Sim, A., Dwyer, L., Ferreira, M. L., … Ashton-James, C. E. (2022). A Digital Video and Text Messaging Intervention to Support People With Chronic Pain During Opioid Tapering: Content Development Using Co-design. JMIR Formative Research, 6(11), e40507. -
In-home virtual reality program for chronic low back pain: durability of a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial to 18 months post-treatment.
Maddox, T., Garcia, H., Ffrench, K., Maddox, R., Garcia, L., Krishnamurthy, P., … Darnall, B. (2022). In-home virtual reality program for chronic low back pain: durability of a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial to 18 months post-treatment. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. -
Single-session interventions for pain
Darnall, B. (2022). Single-session interventions for pain. PSYCHOLOGIST, 35, 38–41. -
Association of pain catastrophizing longitudinally with pain severity and interference in patients with chronic pain and cancer: A CHOIR study
Azizoddin, D. R., Wilson, J., Mackey, S., Flowers, K. M., Darnall, B., Edwards, R., & Schreiber, K. L. (2022). Association of pain catastrophizing longitudinally with pain severity and interference in patients with chronic pain and cancer: A CHOIR study. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS. -
The Problem of Pain in Rheumatology: Clinical Profiles Associated with Concomitant Diagnoses with Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions
Falasinnu, T., Chaichian, Y., & Simard, J. (2022). The Problem of Pain in Rheumatology: Clinical Profiles Associated with Concomitant Diagnoses with Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions. ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY. WILEY. -
Self-reported physical function is strongly related to pain behavior and pain interference and weakly related to physical capacity in people with chronic low back pain.
Karayannis, N. V., Smuck, M., Law, C., Mackey, S. C., Gross, J. J., Darnall, B. D., & Hush, J. (2023). Self-reported physical function is strongly related to pain behavior and pain interference and weakly related to physical capacity in people with chronic low back pain. Musculoskeletal Science & Practice, 102721. -
Spontaneous self-affirmation: an adaptive coping strategy for people with chronic pain.
You, D. S., Hettie, G., Darnall, B. D., & Ziadni, M. S. (2023). Spontaneous self-affirmation: an adaptive coping strategy for people with chronic pain. Scandinavian Journal of Pain. -
Durability of the Treatment Effects of an 8-Week Self-administered Home-Based Virtual Reality Program for Chronic Low Back Pain: 6-Month Follow-up Study of a Randomized Clinical Trial (vol 24, e37480, 2022)
Garcia, L., Birckhead, B., Krishnamurthy, P., Mackey, I., Sackman, J., Salmasi, V., … Darnall, B. D. (2022). Durability of the Treatment Effects of an 8-Week Self-administered Home-Based Virtual Reality Program for Chronic Low Back Pain: 6-Month Follow-up Study of a Randomized Clinical Trial (vol 24, e37480, 2022). JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH, 24(6). -
A Longitudinal Investigation of the Impact of COVID-19 on Patients with Chronic Pain.
Ziadni, M. S., Jaros, S., Anderson, S. R., You, D. S., Darnall, B. D., & Mackey, S. C. (2023). A Longitudinal Investigation of the Impact of COVID-19 on Patients with Chronic Pain. The Journal of Pain. -
Durable Chronic Low Back Pain Reductions to 24-Months Post-Treatment for An Accessible, 8-Week, In-Home Behavioral Skills-Based Virtual Reality Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Maddox, T., Sparks, C., Oldstone, L., Maddox, R., Ffrench, K., Garcia, H., … Darnall, B. D. (2023). Durable Chronic Low Back Pain Reductions to 24-Months Post-Treatment for An Accessible, 8-Week, In-Home Behavioral Skills-Based Virtual Reality Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.). -
Recommendations for the development, implementation, and reporting of control interventions in efficacy and mechanistic trials of physical, psychological, and self-management therapies: the CoPPS Statement.
Hohenschurz-Schmidt, D., Vase, L., Scott, W., Annoni, M., Ajayi, O. K., Barth, J., … Draper-Rodi, J. (2023). Recommendations for the development, implementation, and reporting of control interventions in efficacy and mechanistic trials of physical, psychological, and self-management therapies: the CoPPS Statement. BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.), 381, e072108. -
Psychological Approaches for Migraine Management.
Sturgeon, J. A., Ehde, D. M., Darnall, B. D., Barad, M. J., Clauw, D. J., & Jensen, M. P. (2023). Psychological Approaches for Migraine Management. Anesthesiology Clinics, 41(2), 341–355. -
On the importance of baseline pain intensity and measurement methods.
Darnall, B. D. (2023). On the importance of baseline pain intensity and measurement methods. Pain. -
The Impact Of Single-Session Behavioral Pain Management Class On Next Day Pain Intensity And Opioid Use Among People With Chronic Pain Taking Prescribed Daily Opioids: A Daily Dairy Study
Edwards, K., Dildine, T., Herrick, A., You, D. S., Darnall, B., & Ziadni, M. S. (2023). The Impact Of Single-Session Behavioral Pain Management Class On Next Day Pain Intensity And Opioid Use Among People With Chronic Pain Taking Prescribed Daily Opioids: A Daily Dairy Study. JOURNAL OF PAIN. CHURCHILL LIVINGSTONE. -
Innovative treatment formats, technologies, and clinician trainings that improve access to behavioral pain treatment for youth and adults.
Darnall, B. D., Edwards, K. A., Courtney, R. E., Ziadni, M. S., Simons, L. E., & Harrison, L. E. (2023). Innovative treatment formats, technologies, and clinician trainings that improve access to behavioral pain treatment for youth and adults. Frontiers in Pain Research (Lausanne, Switzerland), 4, 1223172. -
Optimal opioid treatment requires a consensual approach.
Fields, H. L., & Darnall, B. D. (2022). Optimal opioid treatment requires a consensual approach. Pain, 163(5), e689–e690. -
A digital health intervention to support patients with chronic pain during prescription opioid tapering: a pilot randomised controlled trial.
Gholamrezaei, A., Magee, M. R., McNeilage, A. G., Dwyer, L., Sim, A., Ferreira, M. L., … Ashton-James, C. E. (2023). A digital health intervention to support patients with chronic pain during prescription opioid tapering: a pilot randomised controlled trial. MedRxiv : the Preprint Server for Health Sciences. -
Text messaging intervention to support patients with chronic pain during prescription opioid tapering: protocol for a double-blind randomised controlled trial.
Gholamrezaei, A., Magee, M. R., McNeilage, A. G., Dwyer, L., Jafari, H., Sim, A. M., … Ashton-James, C. E. (2023). Text messaging intervention to support patients with chronic pain during prescription opioid tapering: protocol for a double-blind randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 13(10), e073297. -
Pain in U.S. Corrections Settings: The Promise of Digital Solutions for Better Data and Treatment Access.
Banerjee, A., Mackey, S. C., Vest, N., & Darnall, B. D. (2023). Pain in U.S. Corrections Settings: The Promise of Digital Solutions for Better Data and Treatment Access. Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.). -
Establishing the interpretability and utility of the 4-item BriefPCS.
You, D. S., Cook, K. F., Lannon, E. W., Ziadni, M. S., Darnall, B. D., & Mackey, S. C. (2023). Establishing the interpretability and utility of the 4-item BriefPCS. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 21272. -
The Problem of Pain in Rheumatology: Variations in Case Definitions Derived From Chronic Pain Phenotyping Algorithms Using Electronic Health Records.
Falasinnu, T., Nguyen, T., En Jiang, T., Tamang, S., Chaichian, Y., Darnall, B. D., … Chen, J. H. (2023). The Problem of Pain in Rheumatology: Variations in Case Definitions Derived From Chronic Pain Phenotyping Algorithms Using Electronic Health Records. The Journal of Rheumatology. -
Empowered Relief, cognitive behavioral therapy, and health education for people with chronic pain: a comparison of outcomes at 6-month Follow-up for a randomized controlled trial.
Darnall, B. D., Burns, J. W., Hong, J., Roy, A., Slater, K., Poupore-King, H., … Mackey, S. C. (2024). Empowered Relief, cognitive behavioral therapy, and health education for people with chronic pain: a comparison of outcomes at 6-month Follow-up for a randomized controlled trial. Pain Reports, 9(1), e1116. -
Is there an association between lateralization of chronic pain in the body and depression?
Edwards, K. A., Lii, T., Schouten, T. D., Kearney, K. M., Ziadni, M. S., Darnall, B. D., … Gilam, G. (2024). Is there an association between lateralization of chronic pain in the body and depression? The Journal of Pain. -
A digital health intervention to support patients with chronic pain during prescription opioid tapering: a pilot randomised controlled trial.
Gholamrezaei, A., Magee, M. R., McNeilage, A. G., Dwyer, L., Sim, A., Ferreira, M. L., … Ashton-James, C. E. (2024). A digital health intervention to support patients with chronic pain during prescription opioid tapering: a pilot randomised controlled trial. Pain Reports, 9(2), e1128. -
Prescription opioid tapering practices and outcomes at a rural VA health care system.
Courtney, R. E., Halsey, E., Patil, T., Mastronardi, K. V., Browne, H. S., & Darnall, B. D. (2024). Prescription opioid tapering practices and outcomes at a rural VA health care system. Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.). -
The Problem of Pain in Lupus: Epidemiological Profiles of Patients Attending Multidisciplinary Pain Clinics.
Jiang, T. E., Pascual, A. P., Le, N., Nguyen, T. B., Mackey, S., Darnall, B. D., … Falasinnu, T. (2024). The Problem of Pain in Lupus: Epidemiological Profiles of Patients Attending Multidisciplinary Pain Clinics. Pain Management Nursing : Official Journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses. -
Feasibility of Web-Based Single-Session Empowered Relief in Patients With Chronic Pain Taking Methadone or Buprenorphine: Protocol for a Single-Arm Trial.
Klein, M. R., Darnall, B. D., & You, D. S. (2024). Feasibility of Web-Based Single-Session Empowered Relief in Patients With Chronic Pain Taking Methadone or Buprenorphine: Protocol for a Single-Arm Trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 13, e53784. -
"Evidence-based" needs to be based on evidence - a response to Giddon's letter regarding Edwards et al., Is there an association between lateralization of chronic pain in the body and depression?
Gilam, G., Darnall, B., Edwards, K. A., Lii, T., Mackey, S. C., & Ziadni, M. S. (2024). "Evidence-based" needs to be based on evidence - a response to Giddon's letter regarding Edwards et al., Is there an association between lateralization of chronic pain in the body and depression? The Journal of Pain, 104617. -
Protocol for a randomised trial of a self-directed digital pain management intervention (Empowered Relief) tailored to adults with chronic pain and prescription opioid misuse/disorder: the MOBILE Relief study.
Edwards, K. A., Palenski, P., Perez, L., You, D. S., Ziadni, M. S., Jung, C., … Darnall, B. D. (2024). Protocol for a randomised trial of a self-directed digital pain management intervention (Empowered Relief) tailored to adults with chronic pain and prescription opioid misuse/disorder: the MOBILE Relief study. BMJ Open, 14(8), e086889. -
People Prescribed Opioids for Chronic Pain Face Multiple Barriers to Ongoing Opioid Therapy: Baseline Characteristics from the VALUE National, Observational, Study
Perez, L., Bright, V., You, D. S., Palenski, P., Dorsonne, B., Hailu, A., … Mackey, S. C. (2024). People Prescribed Opioids for Chronic Pain Face Multiple Barriers to Ongoing Opioid Therapy: Baseline Characteristics from the VALUE National, Observational, Study. JOURNAL OF PAIN. CHURCHILL LIVINGSTONE. -
Fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Patient-Centric Framework and Multifaceted Strategy in a Nationwide Online Behavioral Pain Treatment Study
Dorsonne, B., Hailu, A. Y., Cheung, M., Adair, E., Clifton, J., Heggan, E., … Darnall, B. (2024). Fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Patient-Centric Framework and Multifaceted Strategy in a Nationwide Online Behavioral Pain Treatment Study. JOURNAL OF PAIN. CHURCHILL LIVINGSTONE. -
Impact of Childhood Trauma History on Treatment Responses to Psychosocial Interventions for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Kim, S., You, D. S., Mackey, S. C., & Darnall, B. D. (2024). Impact of Childhood Trauma History on Treatment Responses to Psychosocial Interventions for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial. JOURNAL OF PAIN. CHURCHILL LIVINGSTONE. -
Predictors Of Opioid Misuse in A Sample of Patients with Chronic Pain Taking Daily Prescription Opioids
Ziadni, M. S., You, D., Herrick, A., & Darnall, B. (2024). Predictors Of Opioid Misuse in A Sample of Patients with Chronic Pain Taking Daily Prescription Opioids. JOURNAL OF PAIN. CHURCHILL LIVINGSTONE. -
Twelve-month results for a randomized sham-controlled effectiveness trial of an in-home skills-based virtual reality program for chronic low back pain.
Maddox, T., Oldstone, L., Sackman, J., Maddox, R., Adair, T., Ffrench, K., … Darnall, B. D. (2024). Twelve-month results for a randomized sham-controlled effectiveness trial of an in-home skills-based virtual reality program for chronic low back pain. Pain Reports, 9(5), e1182. -
PROGRESS: A Patient-centered Engagement Infrastructure and Multi-level Approach to Enrich Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in a National Randomized Online Behavioral Pain Treatment Study.
Clifton, J., Adair, E., Cheung, M., Torres, C., Andrews, W., Dorsonne, B., … Darnall, B. D. (2024). PROGRESS: A Patient-centered Engagement Infrastructure and Multi-level Approach to Enrich Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in a National Randomized Online Behavioral Pain Treatment Study. The Journal of Pain, 104718. -
Using Lean Six Sigma Methods to Develop an Efficient and Sustainable Interdisciplinary Team Program for Chronic Pain in a VA: PREVAIL Interdisciplinary Team Track.
Courtney, R. E., Schadegg, M. J., Hicks, N., Truitt, M., Bolton, R. E., Dezzutti, B., … Harden, S. M. (2024). Using Lean Six Sigma Methods to Develop an Efficient and Sustainable Interdisciplinary Team Program for Chronic Pain in a VA: PREVAIL Interdisciplinary Team Track. Global Advances in Integrative Medicine and Health, 13, 27536130241290798. -
Evaluating a 30-day alcohol abstinence challenge in heavy-drinking individuals with and without chronic pain: feasibility, safety, and perceived benefits.
You, D. S., Ziadni, M. S., Vest, N., Megerdichian, N., Maronesy, T., Castro, R. J., … Humphreys, K. (2024). Evaluating a 30-day alcohol abstinence challenge in heavy-drinking individuals with and without chronic pain: feasibility, safety, and perceived benefits. Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.). -
Breaking barriers: addressing opioid stigma in chronic pain and opioid use disorder.
Edwards, K. A., Merlin, J. S., Webster, F., Mackey, S. C., & Darnall, B. D. (2024). Breaking barriers: addressing opioid stigma in chronic pain and opioid use disorder. Pain. -
The problem of pain in systemic lupus erythematosus: A comprehensive analysis of pain distribution using the CHOIR body map and PROMIS measures.
Jiang, T. E., Mackey, S., Darnall, B. D., Simard, J. F., & Falasinnu, T. (2024). The problem of pain in systemic lupus erythematosus: A comprehensive analysis of pain distribution using the CHOIR body map and PROMIS measures. Lupus, 9612033241301176. -
The Problem of Pain in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Comprehensive Analysis of Pain Distribution Using the CHOIR Body Map and PROMIS Measures
Jiang, T., Mackey, S., Darnall, B., Simard, J., & Falasinnu, T. (2024). The Problem of Pain in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Comprehensive Analysis of Pain Distribution Using the CHOIR Body Map and PROMIS Measures. ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY. WILEY. -
Brief interventions for chronic pain: Approaches and evidence.
Darnall, B. D. (2024). Brief interventions for chronic pain: Approaches and evidence. Current Opinion in Psychology, 62, 101978. -
Transforming Pain Medicine: The Power of Collaboration, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation.
Hirani, S., Vu, P., Halac, M., Bohacek, S., Benkli, B., Jevotovsky, D., … Srinivasan, S. (2025). Transforming Pain Medicine: The Power of Collaboration, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation. Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.). -
Refining Chronic Pain Phenotypes: A Comparative Analysis of Sociodemographic and Disease-Related Determinants Using Electronic Health Records.
Begum, T., Veeranki, B., Chike, O. J., Tamang, S., Simard, J. F., Chen, J., … Falasinnu, T. (2025). Refining Chronic Pain Phenotypes: A Comparative Analysis of Sociodemographic and Disease-Related Determinants Using Electronic Health Records. The Journal of Pain, 104775.
Sex and gender in psychoneuroimmunology research: Past, present and future
Clinical Trials
Clinical trials are research studies that evaluate a new medical approach, device, drug, or other treatment. As a Stanford Health Care patient, you may have access to the latest, advanced clinical trials.
Open trials refer to studies currently accepting participants. Closed trials are not currently enrolling, but may open in the future.
- Patient-Centered Opioid Tapering Study
- Digital Behavioral Pain Medicine for Orthopedic Trauma Surgery Patients
- Recovery Toolkits: Assessment of Pragmatic Behavioral Pain Medicine Delivered In Hospital After Surgery
- My Surgical Success: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study of a Pre-surgical Psychological Intervention
- Self-Administered Skills-Based Virtual Reality Intervention for Chronic Pain
- Single Session Pain Psychology Treatment: Comparative Efficacy & Mechanisms
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Chronic Pain Self-Management Within the Context of Opioid Reduction: The EMPOWER Study
- Stanford Center for Back Pain
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