Patient Resources
ALS Association
Patient education, services and research
CMT Association
Congenital Muscle Disease International Registry
Cure CMD
Advocacy and education
Cure SMA
Support, services, education and research
CMT Research, awareness and clinical trial registry
Foundation and Registry for LGMD2B (Dysferlin) and LGMD2L (ANO5)
A Foundation Building Strength
Nemaline myopathy advocacy site
Friedreich's Ataxia Research Alliance
Education and research
FSH Society
Education and research
GBS/CIDP Foundation
Jain Foundation
Limb-Girdle 2B and Miyoshi patient registry and research
Joshua Frase Foundation
Myotubular myopathy, education and research
Kurt and Peter Foundation
Limb-Girdle 2C patient registry, advocacy and research
Limb Girdle MD
Limb-Girdle 2I, FKRP registry, advocacy and research
Limb Girdle Research Fund
Muscular Dystrophy Association
Support, services, education and research
Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America
Support, education and research
Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation
Support, education and research
Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy
Duchenne and Becker MD, education, advocacy, support and research
Resources for teens living with neuromuscular conditions
SMA Foundation
SMA Research
SMA Support Inc.
Grants and resources for families
United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation
Support and research