Resistant Hypertension
How We Can Help You
Sometimes, your blood can push too forcefully against your arteries as your heart pumps. If that happens, it could be a sign of high blood pressure or hypertension. You should see a specialist as hypertension can cause heart and blood vessel problems, and be difficult to control.
Our doctors regularly care for challenging cases of resistant hypertension. Our team has the expertise to determine whether lifestyle changes and medications can help protect your health. We also explore new options for treating hypertension that has not responded to existing treatments.
We primarily provide care for resistant hypertension through the Hypertension Center.
- Nationally recognized expertise in treating resistant hypertension and minimizing the harm it causes.
- Precise diagnosis to identify the type and root causes of your hypertension, including advanced home monitoring devices to track your blood pressure over a longer period of time.
- Team-based planning for challenging cases that brings together experts in nephrology, cardiology, endocrinology, neurology, radiology, sleep medicine and surgery to tailor care to your type of hypertension.
- Advanced treatment for resistant hypertension, including a thorough reevaluation of your existing care plan, medication and lifestyle changes, and new minimally invasive treatments.
- Dedicated follow-up care to support your treatment and help keep your blood pressure in check.
- Comprehensive support services to help you cope with your diagnosis, including stress reduction, dietary counseling, exercise recommendations, and other assistance.
- Active clinical research and trial program to evaluate the risk factors for developing resistant hypertension and advancing new treatments, including renal denervation and new minimally invasive treatments.
Treatment for Resistant Hypertension
Our specialized doctors spend the time to understand why you have high blood pressure and how it affects your health. We may discover that we can effectively treat you with established treatment approaches. For hard-to-treat conditions, we go beyond the standard care to find an appropriate treatment.
Upon evaluation for resistant hypertension, medication will be reassesed and surgery may be considered, depending on results from diagnostic tests.
Changes may be recommended in order to reduce overall hypertension. This would include watching your diet and keeping sodium intake low, keeping a home blood pressure log, attending educational workshops, reducing or managing stress, limiting alcohol consumption, giving up smoking.
Renal Denervation
Renal denervation is a new treatment for resistant hypertension that targets the nerves near the kidneys responsible for regulating blood pressure. Surgeons once attempted to relieve hypertension by severing these renal artery nerves, which resulted in lowering blood pressure too far.
By contrast, renal denervation silences a few, targeted nerves to restore healthy blood pressure. It does so with heat energy delivered by a catheter, a thin tube threaded through an artery. This minimally invasive procedure is currently in clinical trials at medical centers nationwide. Our program is the only West Coast participant in this trial.
We take a personalized approach to treat patients with severe or refractory hypertension, and evaluate them for potential secondary or reversible forms of high blood pressure.
Clinical Trials
Clinical trials evaluate new medical approaches, devices, drugs, and other treatments. As a Stanford Health Care patient, you may be eligible to participate in open clinical trials.
Open trials refer to studies currently recruiting participants or that may recruit participants in the near future. Closed trials are not currently enrolling, but similar studies may open in the future.
To schedule an appointment with a cardiac specialist, call 650-723-6459.
To schedule an appointment with a hypertension specialist, call 650-723-6961.
What Is Resistant Hypertension?
Resistant Hypertension
When medication and other changes fail to control your blood pressure, we offer the expertise and new approaches needed to prevent problems like stroke.
resistant hypertension
Blood pressure
heart failure
heart attack
Renal denervation