Professional Summary
Education & Certifications
- Medical Education: Stanford University School of Medicine (1988) CA
- Residency: Johns Hopkins University Surgery Program (1990) MD
- Internship: Johns Hopkins University Surgery Program (1989) MD
- Fellowship: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (1997) MD
- Residency: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (1994) MD
- Board Recertification, Urology, American Board of Urology (2017)
- Board Certification: American Board of Urology, Urology (2000)
- A. B., University of Chicago, Biology (1982)
Honors & Awards
- Best Doctors in America, Best Doctors Inc. (2004-2013)
- Clinician Scientist Award, Doris Duke Foundation (1998-2002)
- Dornier Research Scholar, American Foundation for Urologic Disease (1995-1997)
- Eugene P. Schonfeld Medical Research Award, Kidney Cancer Association (2000-2002)
- Keith and Jan Hurlbut Professor, Stanford University (2012)
- Leutje-Stubbs Faculty Scholar, Stanford University School of Medicine (2002-2003)
- Listing in Guide to America's Top Surgeons, Consumers' Research Council (2010)
- Executive Member, Society for Basic Urologic Research (2021 - Present)
Administrative Appointments
- Acting Chair, Department of Urology (2012 - 2012)
- Associate Chair, Prostate Cancer Working Group EDRN (2010 - 2015)
- Associate Dean, Academic Affairs, Stanford University School of Medicine (2013 - 2019)
- Chief, Urologic Oncology, Department of Urology (2012 - Present)
- Co-Chair, Molecular and Cellular Characterization Centers NCI (2015 - 2017)
- Director, U54 Stanford O'Brien Urology Research Center (2021 - Present)
- Editor-in-Chief, The Open Prostate Cancer Journal (2008 - 2015)
- Editorial Board, The Prostate (2000 - Present)
- Editorial Board, Prostate Cancer (2010 - 2015)
- Editorial Board, Andrology (2011 - Present)
- Membership Committee, Society for Basic Urologic Research (2004 - 2008)
- Nominating Committee, Society of Basic Urologic Research (2015 - 2017)
- Vice Chair, Department of Urology (2014 - Present)
UPJ obstruction: assessing minimally invasive therapies.
Moore, R. G., & Brooks, J. D. (1995). UPJ obstruction: assessing minimally invasive therapies. Contemporary Urology, 7(12), 47-? -
Partial nephrectomy and caval thrombectomy for renal cell carcinoma in a solitary kidney with an accessory renal vein
Pruthi, R. S., Angell, S. K., Brooks, J. D., & Gill, H. (1999). Partial nephrectomy and caval thrombectomy for renal cell carcinoma in a solitary kidney with an accessory renal vein. BJU INTERNATIONAL, 83(1), 142–43. -
GSTP1 CpG island DNA hypermethylation in hepatocellular carcinomas
Tchou, J. C., Lin, X. H., Freije, D., Isaacs, W. B., Brooks, J. D., Rashid, A., … Nelson, W. G. (2000). GSTP1 CpG island DNA hypermethylation in hepatocellular carcinomas. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY, 16(4), 663–676. -
Absence of HinfI restriction abnormalities in renal oncocytoma mitochondrial DNA
Brooks, J. D., Marshall, F. F., Isaacs, W. B., & Johns, D. R. (1999). Absence of HinfI restriction abnormalities in renal oncocytoma mitochondrial DNA. MOLECULAR UROLOGY, 3(1), 1–3. -
New molecular approaches for identifying novel targets, mechanisms, and biomarkers for prostate cancer chemopreventive agents
Williams, E. D., & Brooks, J. D. (2001). New molecular approaches for identifying novel targets, mechanisms, and biomarkers for prostate cancer chemopreventive agents. UROLOGY, 57(4A), 100–102. -
Role of cytologic criteria in the histologic diagnosis of gleason grade 1 prostatic adenocarcinoma
McNeal, J. E., Cohen, R. J., & Brooks, J. D. (2001). Role of cytologic criteria in the histologic diagnosis of gleason grade 1 prostatic adenocarcinoma. HUMAN PATHOLOGY, 32(4), 441–46. -
Prevention of prostate cancer
DePrimo, S. E., Shinghal, R., Vidanes, G., & Brooks, J. D. (2001). Prevention of prostate cancer. HEMATOLOGY-ONCOLOGY CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA, 15(3), 445-? -
Potent induction of phase 2 enzymes in human prostate cells by sulforaphane
Brooks, J. D., Paton, V. G., & Vidanes, G. (2001). Potent induction of phase 2 enzymes in human prostate cells by sulforaphane. CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION, 10(9), 949–54. -
GSTP1 CpG island hypermethylation is responsible for the absence of GSTP1 expression in human prostate cancer cells
Lin, X. H., Tascilar, M., Lee, W. H., Vles, W. J., Lee, B. H., Veeraswamy, R., … Nelson, W. G. (2001). GSTP1 CpG island hypermethylation is responsible for the absence of GSTP1 expression in human prostate cancer cells. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY, 159(5), 1815–1826. -
Plasma selenium level before diagnosis and the risk of prostate cancer development
Brooks, J. D., Metter, E. J., Chan, D. W., Sokoll, L. J., Landis, P., Nelson, W. G., … Carter, H. B. (2001). Plasma selenium level before diagnosis and the risk of prostate cancer development. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 166(6), 2034–38. -
Preneoplastic prostate lesions - An opportunity for prostate cancer prevention
Nelson, W. G., De Marzo, A. M., DeWeese, T. L., Lin, X. H., Brooks, J. D., Putzi, M. J., … Kensler, T. W. (2001). Preneoplastic prostate lesions - An opportunity for prostate cancer prevention. Presented at the 4th Strang International Cancer Prevention Conference, NEW YORK,NY: NEW YORK ACAD SCIENCES. -
Novel pathways associated with bypassing cellular senescence in human prostate epithelial cells
Schwarze, S. R., DePrimo, S. E., Grabert, L. M., Fu, V. X., Brooks, J. D., & Jarrard, D. F. (2002). Novel pathways associated with bypassing cellular senescence in human prostate epithelial cells. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 277(17), 14877–14883. -
Silencing of pi-class glutathione S-transferase in MDA PCa 2a and MDA PCa 2b cells
Vidanes, G. M., Paton, V., Wallen, E., Peehl, D. M., Navone, N., & Brooks, J. D. (2002). Silencing of pi-class glutathione S-transferase in MDA PCa 2a and MDA PCa 2b cells. PROSTATE, 51(4), 225–30. -
Anatomy of the rectourethralis muscle
Brooks, J. D., Eggener, S. E., & Chao, W. M. (2002). Anatomy of the rectourethralis muscle. EUROPEAN UROLOGY, 41(1), 94–100. -
Microarray analysis in prostate cancer research.
Brooks, J. D. (2002). Microarray analysis in prostate cancer research. Current Opinion in Urology, 12(5), 395–99. -
Transcriptional programs activated by exposure of human prostate cancer cells to androgen
DePrimo, S. E., Diehn, M., Nelson, J. B., Reiter, R. E., Matese, J., Fero, M., … Brooks, J. D. (2002). Transcriptional programs activated by exposure of human prostate cancer cells to androgen. GENOME BIOLOGY, 3(7). -
Polymorphisms in the androgen receptor and type II 5 alpha-reductase genes and prostate cancer prognosis
Shibata, A., Garcia, M. I., Cheng, I., Stamey, T. A., McNeal, J. E., Brooks, J. D., … Peehl, D. M. (2002). Polymorphisms in the androgen receptor and type II 5 alpha-reductase genes and prostate cancer prognosis. PROSTATE, 52(4), 269–78. -
Identification of potential prostate cancer preventive agents through induction of quinone reductase in vitro
Brooks, J. D., Goldberg, M. F., Nelson, L. A., Wu, D., & Nelson, W. G. (2002). Identification of potential prostate cancer preventive agents through induction of quinone reductase in vitro. CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION, 11(9), 868–75. -
Potent induction of carcinogen defence enzymes with sulforaphane, a putative prostate cancer chemopreventive agent.
Brooks, J. D., & Paton, V. (1999). Potent induction of carcinogen defence enzymes with sulforaphane, a putative prostate cancer chemopreventive agent. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, 2(S3), S8. -
Expression of FKBP12 in benign and malignant vascular endothelium - An immunohistochemical study on conventional sections and tissue microarrays
Higgins, J. P. T., Montgomery, K., Wang, L. L., Domanay, E., Warnke, R. A., Brooks, J. D., & van de Rijn, M. (2003). Expression of FKBP12 in benign and malignant vascular endothelium - An immunohistochemical study on conventional sections and tissue microarrays. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGY, 27(1), 58–64. -
Gene expression patterns in renal cell carcinoma assessed by complementary DNA microarray
Higgins, J. P. T., Shinghal, R., Gill, H., Reese, J. H., Terris, M., Cohen, R. J., … Brooks, J. D. (2003). Gene expression patterns in renal cell carcinoma assessed by complementary DNA microarray. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY, 162(3), 925–32. -
Differential gene-expression patterns in genital fibroblasts of normal males and 46,XY females with androgen insensitivity syndrome: evidence for early programming involving the androgen receptor
Holterhus, P. M., Hiort, O., Demeter, J., Brown, P. O., & Brooks, J. D. (2003). Differential gene-expression patterns in genital fibroblasts of normal males and 46,XY females with androgen insensitivity syndrome: evidence for early programming involving the androgen receptor. GENOME BIOLOGY, 4(6). -
Gene expression patterns in human embryonic stem cells and human pluripotent germ cell tumors
Sperger, J. M., Chen, X., Draper, J. S., Antosiewicz, J. E., Chon, C. H., Jones, S. B., … Thomson, J. A. (2003). Gene expression patterns in human embryonic stem cells and human pluripotent germ cell tumors. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 100(23), 13350–55. -
Diverse effects of methylseleninic acid on the transcriptional program of human prostate cancer cells
Zhao, H. J., Whitfield, M. L., Xu, T., Botstein, D., & Brooks, J. D. (2004). Diverse effects of methylseleninic acid on the transcriptional program of human prostate cancer cells. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL, 15(2), 506–19. -
Gene expression in the normal adult human kidney assessed by complementary DNA microarray
Higgins, J. P. T., Wang, L. L., Kambham, N., Montgomery, K., Mason, V., Vogelmann, S. U., … van de Rijn, M. (2004). Gene expression in the normal adult human kidney assessed by complementary DNA microarray. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL, 15(2), 649–56. -
Gene expression profiling identifies clinically relevant subtypes of prostate cancer
Lapointe, J., Li, C., Higgins, J. P., van de Rijn, M., Bair, E., Montgomery, K., … Pollack, J. R. (2004). Gene expression profiling identifies clinically relevant subtypes of prostate cancer. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 101(3), 811–16. -
Biochemical remission after resection of prostate cancer lung metastasis
Chao, D. H., Higgins, J. P. T., & Brooks, J. D. (2004). Biochemical remission after resection of prostate cancer lung metastasis. UROLOGY, 63(3). -
Analysis of vitamin D-regulated gene expression in LNCaP human prostate cancer cells using cDNA microarrays
Krishnan, A. V., Shinghal, R., Raghavachari, N., Brooks, J. D., Peehl, D. M., & Feldman, D. (2004). Analysis of vitamin D-regulated gene expression in LNCaP human prostate cancer cells using cDNA microarrays. PROSTATE, 59(3), 243–51. -
Lower body mass index is associated with a higher prostate cancer detection rate and less favorable pathological features in a biopsy population
Presti, J. C., Lee, U., Brooks, J. D., & Terris, M. K. (2004). Lower body mass index is associated with a higher prostate cancer detection rate and less favorable pathological features in a biopsy population. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 171(6), 2199–2202. -
Radiotherapy after radical prostatectomy: Does transient androgen suppression improve outcomes?
King, C. R., Presti, J. C., Gill, H., Brooks, J., & Hancock, S. L. (2004). Radiotherapy after radical prostatectomy: Does transient androgen suppression improve outcomes? INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS, 59(2), 341–47. -
Time trends in pathologic features of radical prostatectomy - impact of family history
Marotte, J. B., Ferrari, M. K., McNeal, J. E., Brooks, J. D., & Presti, J. C. (2004). Time trends in pathologic features of radical prostatectomy - impact of family history. UROLOGIC ONCOLOGY-SEMINARS AND ORIGINAL INVESTIGATIONS, 22(3), 169–73. -
Molecular targets of Doxazosin in human prostatic stromal cells
Zhao, H. J., Lai, F., Nonn, L., Brooks, J. D., & Peehl, D. M. (2005). Molecular targets of Doxazosin in human prostatic stromal cells. PROSTATE, 62(4), 400–410. -
Genome-wide characterization of gene expression variations and DNA copy number changes in prostate cancer cell lines
Zhao, H. J., Kim, Y., Wang, P., Lapointe, J., Tibshirani, R., Pollack, J. R., & Brooks, J. D. (2005). Genome-wide characterization of gene expression variations and DNA copy number changes in prostate cancer cell lines. PROSTATE, 63(2), 187–97. -
Vascular invasion predicts recurrence after radical prostatectomy: Stratification of risk based on pathologic variables
Ferrari, M. K., McNeal, J. E., Malhotra, S. M., & Brooks, J. D. (2004). Vascular invasion predicts recurrence after radical prostatectomy: Stratification of risk based on pathologic variables. UROLOGY, 64(4), 749–53. -
Molecular activity of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3 in primary cultures of human prostatic epithelial cells revealed by cDNA microarray analysis
Peehl, D. M., Shinghal, R., Nonn, L., Seto, E., Krishnan, A. V., Brooks, J. D., & Feldman, D. (2004). Molecular activity of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3 in primary cultures of human prostatic epithelial cells revealed by cDNA microarray analysis. JOURNAL OF STEROID BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 92(3), 131–41. -
A transcriptional profile of aging in the human kidney
Rodwell, G. E. J., Sonu, R., Zahn, J. M., Lund, J., Wilhelmy, J., Wang, L. L., … Kim, S. K. (2004). A transcriptional profile of aging in the human kidney. PLOS BIOLOGY, 2(12), 2191–2201. -
Positive family history of prostate cancer not associated with worse outcomes after radical prostatectomy
Lee, K. L., Marotte, J. B., Ferrari, M. K., McNeal, J. E., Brooks, J. D., & Presti, J. C. (2005). Positive family history of prostate cancer not associated with worse outcomes after radical prostatectomy. UROLOGY, 65(2), 311–15. -
Resveratrol-induced gene expression profiles in human prostate cancer cells
Jones, S. B., DePrimo, S. E., Whitfield, M. L., & Brooks, J. D. (2005). Resveratrol-induced gene expression profiles in human prostate cancer cells. CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION, 14(3), 596–604. -
Reg IV: A promising marker of hormone refractory metastatic prostate cancer
Gu, Z. N., Rubin, M. A., Yang, Y., DePrimo, S. E., Zhao, H. J., Horvath, S., … Reiter, R. E. (2005). Reg IV: A promising marker of hormone refractory metastatic prostate cancer. CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH, 11(6), 2237–2243. -
Juvenile posttraumatic high-flow priapism: current management dilemmas
Marotte, J. B., Brooks, J. D., Sze, D., & Kennedy, W. A. (2005). Juvenile posttraumatic high-flow priapism: current management dilemmas. JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY, 40(4). -
Preoperative PSA velocity is an independent prognostic factor for relapse after radical prostatectomy
Patel, D. A., Presti, J. C., McNeal, J. E., Gill, H., Brooks, J. D., & King, C. R. (2005). Preoperative PSA velocity is an independent prognostic factor for relapse after radical prostatectomy. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 23(25), 6157–62. -
The retinoic acid synthesis gene ALDH1a2 is a candidate tumor suppressor in prostate cancer
Kim, H., Lapointe, J., Kaygusuz, G., Ong, D. E., Li, C. D., van de Rijn, M., … Pollack, J. R. (2005). The retinoic acid synthesis gene ALDH1a2 is a candidate tumor suppressor in prostate cancer. CANCER RESEARCH, 65(18), 8118–24. -
Gene expression profiling predicts survival in conventional renal cell carcinoma
Zhao, H. J., Ljungberg, B., Grankvist, K., Rasmuson, T., Tibshirani, R., & Brooks, J. D. (2006). Gene expression profiling predicts survival in conventional renal cell carcinoma. PLOS MEDICINE, 3(1), 115–24. -
Modest induction of phase 2 enzyme activity in the F-344 rat prostate
Jones, S. B., & Brooks, J. D. (2006). Modest induction of phase 2 enzyme activity in the F-344 rat prostate. BMC CANCER, 6. -
Endothelin-1 promotes cell survival in renal cell carcinoma through the ETA receptor
Pflug, B. R., Zheng, H., Udan, M. S., D'Antonio, J. M., Marshall, F. F., Brooks, J. D., & Nelson, J. B. (2007). Endothelin-1 promotes cell survival in renal cell carcinoma through the ETA receptor. CANCER LETTERS, 246(1-2), 139–148. -
Refractory hematuria from amyloidosis successfully treated by splenectomy
Ma, J. F., Coutre, S. E., Curet, M. J., & Brooks, J. D. (2006). Refractory hematuria from amyloidosis successfully treated by splenectomy. UROLOGY, 67(5). -
Reliability of small amounts of cancer in prostate biopsies to reveal pathologic grade
King, C. R., McNeal, J. E., Gill, H., Brooks, J. D., Srinivas, S., & Presti, J. C. (2006). Reliability of small amounts of cancer in prostate biopsies to reveal pathologic grade. UROLOGY, 67(6), 1229–34. -
Cell-line and tissue-specific signatures of androgen receptor-coregulator transcription
Bebermeier, J.-H., Brooks, J. D., DePrimo, S. E., Werner, R., Deppe, U., Demeter, J., … Holterhus, P.-M. (2006). Cell-line and tissue-specific signatures of androgen receptor-coregulator transcription. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE-JMM, 84(11), 919–931. -
Distinctive gene expression of prostatic stromal cells cultured from diseased versus normal tissues
Zhao, H., Ramos, C. F., Brooks, J. D., & Peehl, D. M. (2007). Distinctive gene expression of prostatic stromal cells cultured from diseased versus normal tissues. JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY, 210(1), 111–21. -
Application of genomic technologies to human prostate cancer
Li, S., Bhamre, S., Lapointe, J., Pollack, J. R., & Brooks, J. D. (2006). Application of genomic technologies to human prostate cancer. OMICS-A JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE BIOLOGY, 10(3), 261–75. -
Selenomethionine induced transcriptional programs in human prostate cancer cells
Zhao, H., & Brooks, J. D. (2007). Selenomethionine induced transcriptional programs in human prostate cancer cells. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 177(2), 743–50. -
A variant TMPRSS2 isoform and ERG fusion product in prostate cancer with implications for molecular diagnosis
Lapointe, J., Kim, Y. H., Miller, M. A., Li, C., Kaygusuz, G., van de Rijn, M., … Pollack, J. R. (2007). A variant TMPRSS2 isoform and ERG fusion product in prostate cancer with implications for molecular diagnosis. MODERN PATHOLOGY, 20(4), 467–73. -
A promoting role of androgen receptor in androgen-sensitive and -insensitive prostate cancer cells
Li, T.-H., Zhao, H., Peng, Y., Beliakoff, J., Brooks, J. D., & Sun, Z. (2007). A promoting role of androgen receptor in androgen-sensitive and -insensitive prostate cancer cells. NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 35(8), 2767–76. -
Placental S100 (S100P) and GATA3: Markers for transitional epithelium and urothelial carcinoma discovered by complementary DNA microarray
Higgins, J. P. T., Kaygusuz, G., Wang, L., Montgomery, K., Mason, V., Zhu, S. X., … Brooks, J. D. (2007). Placental S100 (S100P) and GATA3: Markers for transitional epithelium and urothelial carcinoma discovered by complementary DNA microarray. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGY, 31(5), 673–80. -
Genomic profiling reveals alternative genetic pathways of prostate tumorigenesis
Lapointe, J., Li, C., Giacomini, C. P., Salari, K., Huang, S., Wang, P., … Pollack, J. R. (2007). Genomic profiling reveals alternative genetic pathways of prostate tumorigenesis. CANCER RESEARCH, 67(18), 8504–10. -
Postoperative prostate-specific antigen velocity independently predicts for failure of salvage radiotherapy after prostatectomy
King, C. R., Presti, J. C., Brooks, J. D., Gill, H., & Spiotto, M. T. (2008). Postoperative prostate-specific antigen velocity independently predicts for failure of salvage radiotherapy after prostatectomy. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS, 70(5), 1472–77. -
Intrinsic androgen-dependent gene expression patterns revealed by comparison of genital fibroblasts from normal males and individuals with complete and partial androgen insensitivity syndrome
Holterhus, P.-M., Deppe, U., Werner, R., Richter-Unruh, A., Bebermeier, J.-H., Wuensch, L., … Brooks, J. D. (2007). Intrinsic androgen-dependent gene expression patterns revealed by comparison of genital fibroblasts from normal males and individuals with complete and partial androgen insensitivity syndrome. BMC GENOMICS, 8. -
hCAP-D3 expression marks a prostate cancer subtype with favorable clinical behavior and androgen signaling signature
Lapointe, J., Malhotra, S., Higgins, J. P., Bair, E., Thompson, M., Salari, K., … Pollack, J. R. (2008). hCAP-D3 expression marks a prostate cancer subtype with favorable clinical behavior and androgen signaling signature. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGY, 32(2), 205–9. -
Identification of candidate prostate cancer genes through comparative expression-profiling of seminal vesicle
Thompson, M., Lapointe, J., Choi, Y.-L., Ong, D. E., Higgins, J. P., Brooks, J. D., & Pollack, J. R. (2008). Identification of candidate prostate cancer genes through comparative expression-profiling of seminal vesicle. PROSTATE, 68(11), 1248–56. -
Microarray Data Mining for Potential Selenium Targets in Chemoprevention of Prostate Cancer.
Zhang, H., Dong, Y., Zhao, H., Brooks, J. D., Hawthorn, L., Nowak, N., … Ip, C. (2005). Microarray Data Mining for Potential Selenium Targets in Chemoprevention of Prostate Cancer. Cancer Genomics & Proteomics, 2(2), 97–114. -
Comprehensive genomic characterization defines human glioblastoma genes and core pathways
Chin, L., Meyerson, M., Aldape, K., Bigner, D., Mikkelsen, T., VandenBerg, S., … Thomson, E. (2008). Comprehensive genomic characterization defines human glioblastoma genes and core pathways. NATURE, 455(7216), 1061–68. -
Prognostic significance of prostate cancer originating from the transition zone
King, C. R., Ferrari, M., & Brooks, J. D. (2009). Prognostic significance of prostate cancer originating from the transition zone. UROLOGIC ONCOLOGY-SEMINARS AND ORIGINAL INVESTIGATIONS, 27(6), 592–97. -
Temporal Changes in Gene Expression Induced by Sulforaphane in Human Prostate Cancer Cells
Bhamre, S., Sahoo, D., Tibshirani, R., Dill, D. L., & Brooks, J. D. (2009). Temporal Changes in Gene Expression Induced by Sulforaphane in Human Prostate Cancer Cells. PROSTATE, 69(2), 181–90. -
Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis and actions by genistein in human prostate cancer cells and by soy isoflavones in prostate cancer patients
Swami, S., Krishnan, A. V., Moreno, J., Bhattacharya, R. S., Gardner, C., Brooks, J. D., … Feldman, D. (2009). Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis and actions by genistein in human prostate cancer cells and by soy isoflavones in prostate cancer patients. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER, 124(9), 2050–59. -
Prostatic Soy Isoflavone Concentrations Exceed Serum Levels After Dietary Supplementation
Gardner, C. D., Oelrich, B., Liu, J. P., Feldman, D., Franke, A. A., & Brooks, J. D. (2009). Prostatic Soy Isoflavone Concentrations Exceed Serum Levels After Dietary Supplementation. PROSTATE, 69(7), 719–26. -
Recommendations for the reporting of surgically resected specimens of renal cell carcinoma The Association of Directors of Anatomic and Surgical Pathology
Higgins, J. P., McKenney, J. K., Brooksd, J. D., Argani, P., & Epstein, J. I. (2009). Recommendations for the reporting of surgically resected specimens of renal cell carcinoma The Association of Directors of Anatomic and Surgical Pathology. HUMAN PATHOLOGY, 40(4), 456–63. -
Apolipoprotein D (APOD) is a putative biomarker of androgen receptor function in androgen insensitivity syndrome
Appari, M., Werner, R., Wuensch, L., Cario, G., Demeter, J., Hiort, O., … Holterhus, P.-M. (2009). Apolipoprotein D (APOD) is a putative biomarker of androgen receptor function in androgen insensitivity syndrome. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE-JMM, 87(6), 623–632. -
Recommendations for the Reporting of Surgically Resected Specimens of Renal Cell Carcinoma
Higgins, J. P., McKenney, J. K., Brooks, J. D., Argani, P., & Epstein, J. I. (2009). Recommendations for the Reporting of Surgically Resected Specimens of Renal Cell Carcinoma. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY, 131(5), 623-? -
Alteration of Gene Expression Signatures of Cortical Differentiation and Wound Response in Lethal Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinomas
Zhao, H., Ma, Z., Tibshirani, R., Higgins, J. P. T., Ljungberg, B., & Brooks, J. D. (2009). Alteration of Gene Expression Signatures of Cortical Differentiation and Wound Response in Lethal Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinomas. PLOS ONE, 4(6). -
Disorders of sex development expose transcriptional autonomy of genetic sex and androgen-programmed hormonal sex in human blood leukocytes
Holterhus, P.-M., Bebermeier, J.-H., Werner, R., Demeter, J., Richter-Unruh, A., Cario, G., … Hiort, O. (2009). Disorders of sex development expose transcriptional autonomy of genetic sex and androgen-programmed hormonal sex in human blood leukocytes. BMC GENOMICS, 10. -
Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study: Design of a Multi-institutional Active Surveillance Cohort and Biorepository
Newcomb, L. F., Brooks, J. D., Carroll, P. R., Feng, Z., Gleave, M. E., Nelson, P. S., … Lin, D. W. (2010). Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study: Design of a Multi-institutional Active Surveillance Cohort and Biorepository. UROLOGY, 75(2), 407–13. -
Comparison of prostate cancer tumor volume and percent cancer in prediction of biochemical recurrence and cancer specific survival
Chung, B. I., Tarin, T. V., Ferrari, M., & Brooks, J. D. (2011). Comparison of prostate cancer tumor volume and percent cancer in prediction of biochemical recurrence and cancer specific survival. UROLOGIC ONCOLOGY-SEMINARS AND ORIGINAL INVESTIGATIONS, 29(3), 314–18. -
CD 9 and vimentin distinguish clear cell from chromophobe renal cell carcinoma.
Williams, A. A., Higgins, J. P. T., Zhao, H., Ljunberg, B., & Brooks, J. D. (2009). CD 9 and vimentin distinguish clear cell from chromophobe renal cell carcinoma. BMC Clinical Pathology, 9, 9-? -
The distribution of PAX-2 immunoreactivity in the prostate gland, seminal vesicle, and ejaculatory duct: comparison with prostatic adenocarcinoma and discussion of prostatic zonal embryogenesis
Quick, C. M., Gokden, N., Sangoi, A. R., Brooks, J. D., & McKenney, J. K. (2010). The distribution of PAX-2 immunoreactivity in the prostate gland, seminal vesicle, and ejaculatory duct: comparison with prostatic adenocarcinoma and discussion of prostatic zonal embryogenesis. HUMAN PATHOLOGY, 41(8), 1145–49. -
Molecular Stratification of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma by Consensus Clustering Reveals Distinct Subtypes and Survival Patterns.
Brannon, A. R., Reddy, A., Seiler, M., Arreola, A., Moore, D. T., Pruthi, R. S., … Rathmell, W. K. (2010). Molecular Stratification of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma by Consensus Clustering Reveals Distinct Subtypes and Survival Patterns. Genes & Cancer, 1(2), 152–163. -
Specificity of brachyury in the distinction of chordoma from clear cell renal cell carcinoma and germ cell tumors: a study of 305 cases
Sangoi, A. R., Karamchandani, J., Lane, B., Higgins, J. P., Rouse, R. V., Brooks, J. D., & McKenney, J. K. (2011). Specificity of brachyury in the distinction of chordoma from clear cell renal cell carcinoma and germ cell tumors: a study of 305 cases. MODERN PATHOLOGY, 24(3), 425–29. -
Small Prostate Size and High Grade Disease-Biology or Artifact?
Liu, J.-J., Brooks, J. D., Ferrari, M., Nolley, R., & Presti, J. C. (2011). Small Prostate Size and High Grade Disease-Biology or Artifact? JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 185(6), 2108–11. -
DNA methylation profiling reveals novel biomarkers and important roles for DNA methyltransferases in prostate cancer
Kobayashi, Y., Absher, D. M., Gulzar, Z. G., Young, S. R., McKenney, J. K., Peehl, D. M., … Sherlock, G. (2011). DNA methylation profiling reveals novel biomarkers and important roles for DNA methyltransferases in prostate cancer. GENOME RESEARCH, 21(7), 1017–27. -
A Tri-Marker Proliferation Index Predicts Biochemical Recurrence after Surgery for Prostate Cancer
Malhotra, S., Lapointe, J., Salari, K., Higgins, J. P., Ferrari, M., Montgomery, K., … Pollack, J. R. (2011). A Tri-Marker Proliferation Index Predicts Biochemical Recurrence after Surgery for Prostate Cancer. PLOS ONE, 6(5). -
The Potential Impact of Reproducibility of Gleason Grading in Men With Early Stage Prostate Cancer Managed by Active Surveillance: A Multi-Institutional Study
McKenney, J. K., Simko, J., Bonham, M., True, L. D., Troyer, D., Hawley, S., … Brooks, J. D. (2011). The Potential Impact of Reproducibility of Gleason Grading in Men With Early Stage Prostate Cancer Managed by Active Surveillance: A Multi-Institutional Study. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 186(2), 465–69. -
Integrated genomic analyses of ovarian carcinoma
Bell, D., Berchuck, A., Birrer, M., Chien, J., Cramer, D. W., Dao, F., … Thomson, E. (2011). Integrated genomic analyses of ovarian carcinoma. NATURE, 474(7353), 609–15. -
Smoking and adverse outcomes at radical prostatectomy
Ngo, T. C., Lee, J. J., Brooks, J. D., Nolley, R., Ferrari, M., & Presti, J. C. (2013). Smoking and adverse outcomes at radical prostatectomy. UROLOGIC ONCOLOGY-SEMINARS AND ORIGINAL INVESTIGATIONS, 31(6), 749–54. -
Recurrent deletion of CHD1 in prostate cancer with relevance to cell invasiveness
Huang, S., Gulzar, Z. G., Salari, K., Lapointe, J., Brooks, J. D., & Pollack, J. R. (2012). Recurrent deletion of CHD1 in prostate cancer with relevance to cell invasiveness. ONCOGENE, 31(37), 4164–70. -
Translational genomics: The challenge of developing cancer biomarkers
Brooks, J. D. (2012). Translational genomics: The challenge of developing cancer biomarkers. GENOME RESEARCH, 22(2), 183–87. -
Increased expression of NuSAP in recurrent prostate cancer is mediated by E2F1
Gulzar, Z. G., McKenney, J. K., & Brooks, J. D. (2013). Increased expression of NuSAP in recurrent prostate cancer is mediated by E2F1. ONCOGENE, 32(1), 70–77. -
Deficiency in Mammalian Histone H2B Ubiquitin Ligase Bre1 (Rnf20/Rnf40) Leads to Replication Stress and Chromosomal Instability
Chernikova, S. B., Razorenova, O. V., Higgins, J. P., Sishc, B. J., Nicolau, M., Dorth, J. A., … Brown, J. M. (2012). Deficiency in Mammalian Histone H2B Ubiquitin Ligase Bre1 (Rnf20/Rnf40) Leads to Replication Stress and Chromosomal Instability. CANCER RESEARCH, 72(8), 2111–19. -
Methods for registration of magnetic resonance images of ex vivo prostate specimens with histology
Kimm, S. Y., Tarin, T. V., Lee, J. H., Hu, B., Jensen, K., Nishimura, D., & Brooks, J. D. (2012). Methods for registration of magnetic resonance images of ex vivo prostate specimens with histology. JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING, 36(1), 206–12. -
Evaluation of Putative Renal Cell Carcinoma Markers PAX-2, PAX-8, and hKIM-1 in Germ Cell Tumors: A Tissue Microarray Study of 100 Cases
Sangoi, A. R., McKenney, J. K., Brooks, J. D., Bonventre, J. V., & Higgins, J. P. (2012). Evaluation of Putative Renal Cell Carcinoma Markers PAX-2, PAX-8, and hKIM-1 in Germ Cell Tumors: A Tissue Microarray Study of 100 Cases. APPLIED IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR MORPHOLOGY, 20(5), 451–53. -
Performance Characteristics of Prostate-specific Antigen in Patients Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy
Liu, J.-J., Ferrari, M., Nolley, R., Brooks, J. D., & Presti, J. C. (2012). Performance Characteristics of Prostate-specific Antigen in Patients Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy. UROLOGY, 79(6), 1336–39. -
Even-skipped homeobox 1 is frequently hypermethylated in prostate cancer and predicts PSA recurrence
Truong, M., Yang, B., Wagner, J., Kobayashi, Y., Rajamanickam, V., Brooks, J., & Jarrard, D. F. (2012). Even-skipped homeobox 1 is frequently hypermethylated in prostate cancer and predicts PSA recurrence. BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER, 107(1), 100–107. -
Gene Expression Changes Induced by Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction in Mice
Wu, B., & Brooks, J. D. (2012). Gene Expression Changes Induced by Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction in Mice. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 188(3), 1033–41. -
mRNA-Seq of Single Prostate Cancer Circulating Tumor Cells Reveals Recapitulation of Gene Expression and Pathways Found in Prostate Cancer
Cann, G. M., Gulzar, Z. G., Cooper, S., Li, R., Luo, S., Tat, M., … Talasaz, A. A. H. (2012). mRNA-Seq of Single Prostate Cancer Circulating Tumor Cells Reveals Recapitulation of Gene Expression and Pathways Found in Prostate Cancer. PLOS ONE, 7(11). -
Evaluation of SF-1 Expression in Testicular Germ Cell Tumors: A Tissue Microarray Study of 127 Cases.
Sangoi, A. R., McKenney, J. K., Brooks, J. D., & Higgins, J. P. (2013). Evaluation of SF-1 Expression in Testicular Germ Cell Tumors: A Tissue Microarray Study of 127 Cases. Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology , 21(4), 318–21. -
Comprehensive gene expression changes associated with mouse postnatal kidney development.
Wu, B., Sahoo, D., & Brooks, J. D. (2013). Comprehensive gene expression changes associated with mouse postnatal kidney development. Journal of Urology, 189(6), 2385–90. -
A Model for the Design and Construction of a Resource for the Validation of Prognostic Prostate Cancer Biomarkers: The Canary Prostate Cancer Tissue Microarray
Hawley, S., Fazli, L., McKenney, J. K., Simko, J., Troyer, D., Nicolas, M., … Brooks, J. D. (2013). A Model for the Design and Construction of a Resource for the Validation of Prognostic Prostate Cancer Biomarkers: The Canary Prostate Cancer Tissue Microarray. ADVANCES IN ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY, 20(1), 39–44. -
Identification and Characterization of 2 Testicular Germ Cell Markers, Glut3 and CyclinA2
Howitt, B. E., Brooks, J. D., Jones, S., & Higgins, J. P. T. (2013). Identification and Characterization of 2 Testicular Germ Cell Markers, Glut3 and CyclinA2. APPLIED IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR MORPHOLOGY, 21(5), 401–7. -
Epigenetic changes in histologically normal prostate tissues.
Brooks, J. D. (2013). Epigenetic changes in histologically normal prostate tissues. Journal of Urology, 189(6), 2020–2021. -
Urinary TMPRSS2:ERG and PCA3 in an Active Surveillance Cohort: Results from a Baseline Analysis in the Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study
Lin, D. W., Newcomb, L. F., Brown, E. C., Brooks, J. D., Carroll, P. R., Feng, Z., … Nelson, P. S. (2013). Urinary TMPRSS2:ERG and PCA3 in an Active Surveillance Cohort: Results from a Baseline Analysis in the Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study. CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH, 19(9), 2442–50. -
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Schoenberg, M., Cairns, P., Brooks, J. D., Marshall, F. F., Epstein, J. I., Isaacs, W. B., & Sidransky, D. (1995). FREQUENT LOSS OF CHROMOSOME ARMS 8P AND 13Q IN COLLECTING DUCT CARCINOMA (CDC) OF THE KIDNEY. GENES CHROMOSOMES & CANCER, 12(1), 76–80. -
Isaacs, W. B., Bova, G. S., Morton, R. A., Bussemakers, M. J. G., Brooks, J. D., & Ewing, C. M. (1994). GENETIC ALTERATIONS IN PROSTATE-CANCER. Presented at the 59th Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology - The Molecular Genetics of Cancer, COLD SPRING HARBOR,NY: COLD SPRING HARBOR LAB PRESS, PUBLICATIONS DEPT. -
Isaacs, W. B., Bova, G. S., Morton, R. A., Bussemakers, M. J. G., Brooks, J. D., & Ewing, C. M. (1995). MOLECULAR-BIOLOGY OF PROSTATE-CANCER PROGRESSION. CANCER SURVEYS, 23, 19–32. -
Isaacs, W. B., Bova, G. S., Morton, R. A., Bussemakers, M. J. G., Brooks, J. D., & Ewing, C. M. (1994). MOLECULAR-BIOLOGY OF PROSTATE-CANCER. SEMINARS IN ONCOLOGY, 21(5), 514–521. -
Steiner, M. S., Burnett, A. L., Brooks, J. D., Brendler, C. B., STUTZMAN, R. E., & Carter, H. B. (1993). TUBULARIZED NEOURETHRA FOLLOWING RADICAL RETROPUBIC PROSTATECTOMY. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 150(2), 407–409. -
Brooks, J. D., Bova, G. S., Marshall, F. F., & Isaacs, W. B. (1993). TUMOR-SUPPRESSOR GENE ALLELIC LOSS IN HUMAN RENAL CANCERS. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 150(4), 1278–1283. -
An uncertain role for p53 gene alterations in human prostate cancers
Brooks, J. D., Bova, G. S., Ewing, C. M., PIANTADOSI, S., Carter, B. S., Robinson, J. C., … Isaacs, W. B. (1996). An uncertain role for p53 gene alterations in human prostate cancers. CANCER RESEARCH, 56(16), 3814–3822. -
Methylation of the 5' CpG island of the endothelin B receptor gene is common in human prostate cancer
Nelson, J. B., Lee, W. H., Nguyen, S. H., Jarrard, D. F., Brooks, J. D., Magnuson, S. R., … Bova, G. S. (1997). Methylation of the 5' CpG island of the endothelin B receptor gene is common in human prostate cancer. CANCER RESEARCH, 57(1), 35–37. -
The Swedish prostate cancer paradox
Walsh, P. C., & Brooks, J. D. (1997). The Swedish prostate cancer paradox. JAMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 277(6), 497–498. -
Differentiation of colonic metaplasia from adenocarcinoma of urinary bladder
JACOBS, L. B., Brooks, J. D., & Epstein, J. I. (1997). Differentiation of colonic metaplasia from adenocarcinoma of urinary bladder. HUMAN PATHOLOGY, 28(10), 1152–1157. -
Male pelvic anatomy reconstructed from the visible human data set
Brooks, J. D., Chao, W. M., & Kerr, J. (1998). Male pelvic anatomy reconstructed from the visible human data set. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 159(3), 868–872. -
CG island methylation changes near the GSTP1 gene in prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
Brooks, J. D., WEINSTEIN, M., Lin, X. H., Sun, Y. H., Pin, S. S., Bova, G. S., … Nelson, W. G. (1998). CG island methylation changes near the GSTP1 gene in prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION, 7(6), 531–536. -
Regional DNA Hypermethylation at D17S5 precedes 17p structural changes in the progression of renal tumors
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Mutations of the VHL tumour suppressor gene in renal carcinoma
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Epidemiologic and molecular features of prostate carcinogenesis as clues for new prostate cancer prevention strategies
Epidemiologic and molecular features of prostate carcinogenesis as clues for new prostate cancer prevention strategies. (1996). Canadian Journal of Urology, 3(Supplement). -
Molecular staging of prostate cancer
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Embryonal adenoma of the kidney: case report
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Genetic alterations in prostate cancer - prognostic implications?
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The impact of tumor volume on outcomes after radical prostatectomy: Implications for prostate cancer screening.
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Gene expression changes induced by genistein in the prostate cancer cell line LNCaP
Gene expression changes induced by genistein in the prostate cancer cell line LNCaP. (2010). The Open Prostate Cancer Journal, 3. -
Adjuvant docetaxel and abbreviated androgen deprivation therapy in patients with high risk prostate cancer
Adjuvant docetaxel and abbreviated androgen deprivation therapy in patients with high risk prostate cancer. (2010). The Open Prostate Cancer Journal, 3. -
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Length of site-specific positive surgical margins as a risk factor for biochemical recurrence following radical prostatectomy
Hsu, M., Chang, S. L., Ferrari, M., Nolley, R., Presti, J. C., & Brooks, J. D. (2011). Length of site-specific positive surgical margins as a risk factor for biochemical recurrence following radical prostatectomy. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 18(4), 272–279. -
Utilization of cytoreductive nephrectomy and patient survival in the targeted therapy era.
Conti, S. L., Thomas, I.-C., Hagedorn, J. C., Chung, B. I., Chertow, G. M., Wagner, T. H., … Leppert, J. T. (2014). Utilization of cytoreductive nephrectomy and patient survival in the targeted therapy era. International Journal of Cancer. Journal International Du Cancer, 134(9), 2245–52. -
Differential DNA methylation with age displays both common and dynamic features across human tissues that are influenced by CpG landscape
Day, K., Waite, L. L., Thalacker-Mercer, A., West, A., Bamman, M. M., Brooks, J. D., … Absher, D. (2013). Differential DNA methylation with age displays both common and dynamic features across human tissues that are influenced by CpG landscape. GENOME BIOLOGY, 14(9). -
Managing localized prostate cancer in the era of prostate-specific antigen screening.
Brooks, J. D. (2013). Managing localized prostate cancer in the era of prostate-specific antigen screening. Cancer. -
Prostate cancer risk profiles of asian-american men: disentangling the effects of immigration status and race/ethnicity.
Lichtensztajn, D. Y., Gomez, S. L., Sieh, W., Chung, B. I., Cheng, I., & Brooks, J. D. (2014). Prostate cancer risk profiles of asian-american men: disentangling the effects of immigration status and race/ethnicity. Journal of Urology, 191(4), 952–56. -
Utilization of renal mass biopsy in patients with renal cell carcinoma.
Leppert, J. T., Hanley, J., Wagner, T. H., Chung, B. I., Srinivas, S., Chertow, G. M., … Saigal, C. S. (2014). Utilization of renal mass biopsy in patients with renal cell carcinoma. Urology, 83(4), 774–80. -
Leppert, J. T., Hanley, J., Wagner, T. H., Chung, B. I., Brooks, J. D., Srinivas, S., … Saigal, C. S. (2014). Reply. Urology, 83(4), 779–80. -
Treatment and Mortality in Men with Localized Prostate Cancer: A Population-Based Study in California.
Sieh, W., Lichtensztajn, D. Y., Nelson, D. O., Cockburn, M., West, D. W., Brooks, J. D., & Chang, E. T. (2013). Treatment and Mortality in Men with Localized Prostate Cancer: A Population-Based Study in California. The Open Prostate Cancer Journal, 6, 1–9. -
Increased Expression of GCNT1 is Associated With Altered O-glycosylation of PSA, PAP, and MUC1 in Human Prostate Cancers
Chen, Z., Gulzar, Z. G., St Hill, C. A., Walcheck, B., & Brooks, J. D. (2014). Increased Expression of GCNT1 is Associated With Altered O-glycosylation of PSA, PAP, and MUC1 in Human Prostate Cancers. PROSTATE, 74(10), 1059–67. -
The impact of robotic surgery on the surgical management of prostate cancer in the USA
Chang, S. L., Kibel, A. S., Brooks, J. D., & Chung, B. I. (2015). The impact of robotic surgery on the surgical management of prostate cancer in the USA. BJU INTERNATIONAL, 115(6), 929–36. -
The feasibility of assessing branched-chain amino acid metabolism in cellular models of prostate cancer with hyperpolarized [1-(13)C]-ketoisocaproate.
Billingsley, K. L., Park, J. M., Josan, S., Hurd, R., Mayer, D., Spielman-Sun, E., … Spielman, D. (2014). The feasibility of assessing branched-chain amino acid metabolism in cellular models of prostate cancer with hyperpolarized [1-(13)C]-ketoisocaproate. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 32(7), 791–95. -
Novel Fusion Transcripts Associate with Progressive Prostate Cancer
Yu, Y. P., Ding, Y., Chen, Z. H., Liu, S., Michalopoulos, A., Chen, R., … Luo, J.-H. (2014). Novel Fusion Transcripts Associate with Progressive Prostate Cancer. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY, 184(10), 2840–49. -
Higher rates of upgrading and upstaging in older patients undergoing radical prostatectomy and qualifying for active surveillance
Busch, J., Magheli, A., Leva, N., Ferrari, M., Kramer, J., Klopf, C., … Gonzalgo, M. L. (2014). Higher rates of upgrading and upstaging in older patients undergoing radical prostatectomy and qualifying for active surveillance. BJU INTERNATIONAL, 114(4), 517–21. -
Biologic Differences Between Peripheral and Transition Zone Prostate Cancer
Lee, J. J., Thomas, I.-C., Nolley, R., Ferrari, M., Brooks, J. D., & Leppert, J. T. (2015). Biologic Differences Between Peripheral and Transition Zone Prostate Cancer. PROSTATE, 75(2), 183–90. -
NUSAP1 expression is upregulated by loss of RB1 in prostate cancer cells.
Gordon, C. A., Gulzar, Z. G., & Brooks, J. D. (2015). NUSAP1 expression is upregulated by loss of RB1 in prostate cancer cells. Prostate, 75(5), 517–26. -
DNA methylation profiling reveals novel diagnostic biomarkers in renal cell carcinoma.
Lasseigne, B. N., Burwell, T. C., Patil, M. A., Absher, D. M., Brooks, J. D., & Myers, R. M. (2014). DNA methylation profiling reveals novel diagnostic biomarkers in renal cell carcinoma. BMC Medicine, 12(1), 235. -
Increased Risk of Cancer in Infertile Men: Analysis of US Claims Data
Eisenberg, M. L., Li, S., Brooks, J. D., Cullen, M. R., & Baker, L. C. (2015). Increased Risk of Cancer in Infertile Men: Analysis of US Claims Data. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 193(5), 1596–1601. -
Utilization of Renal Mass Biopsy in Patients With Renal Cell Carcinoma Reply
Leppert, J. T., Hanley, J., Wagner, T. H., Chung, B. I., Brooks, J. D., Srinivas, S., … Saigal, C. S. (2014). Utilization of Renal Mass Biopsy in Patients With Renal Cell Carcinoma Reply. UROLOGY, 83(4), 779–80. -
Re: Nationwide prevalence of lymph node metastases in Gleason score 3?+?3?=?6 prostate cancer: authors' reply.
Sieh, W., Lichtensztajn, D. Y., Gomez, S. L., Liu, J.-J., Chung, B. I., Cheng, I., & Brooks, J. D. (2015). Re: Nationwide prevalence of lymph node metastases in Gleason score 3?+?3?=?6 prostate cancer: authors' reply. Pathology, 47(4), 394–95. -
Precision Medicine in Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer: Development of the Canary-Early Detection Research Network Active Surveillance Biopsy Risk Calculator
Ankerst, D. P., Xia, J., Thompson, I. M., Hoefler, J., Newcomb, L. F., Brooks, J. D., … Lin, D. W. (2015). Precision Medicine in Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer: Development of the Canary-Early Detection Research Network Active Surveillance Biopsy Risk Calculator. EUROPEAN UROLOGY, 68(6), 1083–88. -
A multicenter study shows PTEN deletion is strongly associated with seminal vesicle involvement and extracapsular extension in localized prostate cancer
Troyer, D. A., Jamaspishvili, T., Wei, W., Feng, Z., Good, J., Hawley, S., … Squire, J. A. (2015). A multicenter study shows PTEN deletion is strongly associated with seminal vesicle involvement and extracapsular extension in localized prostate cancer. PROSTATE, 75(11), 1206–15. -
Evaluation of ERG and SPINK1 by Immunohistochemical Staining and Clinicopathological Outcomes in a Multi-Institutional Radical Prostatectomy Cohort of 1067 Patients
Brooks, J. D., Wei, W., Hawley, S., Auman, H., Newcomb, L., Boyer, H., … McKenney, J. K. (2015). Evaluation of ERG and SPINK1 by Immunohistochemical Staining and Clinicopathological Outcomes in a Multi-Institutional Radical Prostatectomy Cohort of 1067 Patients. PLOS ONE, 10(7). -
The Radiogenomic Risk Score: Construction of a Prognostic Quantitative, Noninvasive Image-based Molecular Assay for Renal Cell Carcinoma
Jamshidi, N., Jonasch, E., Zapala, M., Korn, R. L., Aganovic, L., Zhao, H., … Kuo, M. D. (2015). The Radiogenomic Risk Score: Construction of a Prognostic Quantitative, Noninvasive Image-based Molecular Assay for Renal Cell Carcinoma. RADIOLOGY, 277(1), 114–23. -
GSTP1 Loss Results in Accumulation of Oxidative DNA Base Damage and Promotes Prostate Cancer Cell Survival Following Exposure to Protracted Oxidative Stress
Mian, O. Y., Khattab, M. H., Hedayati, M., Coulter, J., Abubaker-Sharif, B., Schwaninger, J. M., … DeWeese, T. L. (2016). GSTP1 Loss Results in Accumulation of Oxidative DNA Base Damage and Promotes Prostate Cancer Cell Survival Following Exposure to Protracted Oxidative Stress. PROSTATE, 76(2), 199–206. -
A Magnetic Bead-Based Sensor for the Quantification of Multiple Prostate Cancer Biomarkers.
Jokerst, J. V., Chen, Z., Xu, L., Nolley, R., Chang, E., Mitchell, B., … Gambhir, S. S. (2015). A Magnetic Bead-Based Sensor for the Quantification of Multiple Prostate Cancer Biomarkers. PloS One, 10(9), e0139484. -
Outcomes of Active Surveillance for Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer in the Prospective, Multi-Institutional Canary PASS Cohort
Newcomb, L. F., Thompson, I. M., Boyer, H. D., Brooks, J. D., Carroll, P. R., Cooperberg, M. R., … Lin, D. W. (2016). Outcomes of Active Surveillance for Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer in the Prospective, Multi-Institutional Canary PASS Cohort. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 195(2), 313–20. -
Overall Survival in Patients with Localized Prostate Cancer in the US Veterans Health Administration: Is PIVOT Generalizable?
Barbosa, P. V., Thomas, I.-C., Srinivas, S., Buyyounouski, M. K., Chung, B. I., Chertow, G. M., … Leppert, J. T. (2016). Overall Survival in Patients with Localized Prostate Cancer in the US Veterans Health Administration: Is PIVOT Generalizable? EUROPEAN UROLOGY, 70(2), 227–30. -
The radiogenomic risk score stratifies outcomes in a renal cell cancer phase 2 clinical trial
Jamshidi, N., Jonasch, E., Zapala, M., Korn, R. L., Brooks, J. D., Ljungberg, B., & Kuo, M. D. (2016). The radiogenomic risk score stratifies outcomes in a renal cell cancer phase 2 clinical trial. EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY, 26(8), 2798–2807. -
Prognostic value of Ki67 in localized prostate carcinoma: a multi-institutional study of > 1000 prostatectomies
Tretiakova, M. S., Wei, W., Boyer, H. D., NEWCOMB, L. F., Hawley, S., Auman, H., … Brooks, J. D. (2016). Prognostic value of Ki67 in localized prostate carcinoma: a multi-institutional study of > 1000 prostatectomies. PROSTATE CANCER AND PROSTATIC DISEASES, 19(3), 264–70. -
Analytic validation of a clinical-grade PTEN immunohistochemistry assay in prostate cancer by comparison with PTEN FISH
Lotan, T. L., Wei, W., Ludkovski, O., Morais, C. L., Guedes, L. B., Jamaspishvili, T., … Squire, J. A. (2016). Analytic validation of a clinical-grade PTEN immunohistochemistry assay in prostate cancer by comparison with PTEN FISH. MODERN PATHOLOGY, 29(8), 904–14. -
Reply to being a widower may be an indication for routine prostate-specific antigen screening above age 69 years, which the American Urological Association recommends as a cutoff point.
Gomez, S. L., Martínez, M. E., Brooks, J. D., Cheng, I., Lichtensztajn, D., & Murphy, J. D. (2016). Reply to being a widower may be an indication for routine prostate-specific antigen screening above age 69 years, which the American Urological Association recommends as a cutoff point. Cancer. -
Loss of Expression of AZGP1 Is Associated With Worse Clinical Outcomes in a Multi-Institutional Radical Prostatectomy Cohort.
Brooks, J. D., Wei, W., Pollack, J. R., West, R. B., Shin, J. H., Sunwoo, J. B., … Fazli, L. (2016). Loss of Expression of AZGP1 Is Associated With Worse Clinical Outcomes in a Multi-Institutional Radical Prostatectomy Cohort. Prostate, 76(15), 1409–19. -
New Paradigms for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research in Electronic Medical Records: An Example of Detecting Urinary Incontinence Following Prostatectomy.
Hernandez-Boussard, T., Tamang, S., Blayney, D., Brooks, J., & Shah, N. (2016). New Paradigms for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research in Electronic Medical Records: An Example of Detecting Urinary Incontinence Following Prostatectomy. EGEMS (Washington, DC), 4(3), 1231-? -
Accuracy of Prostate-Specific Antigen Values in Prostate Cancer Registries.
Mittakanti, H. R., Thomas, I.-C. C., Shelton, J. B., Makarov, D. V., Skolarus, T. A., Cooperberg, M. R., … Leppert, J. T. (2016). Accuracy of Prostate-Specific Antigen Values in Prostate Cancer Registries. Journal of Clinical Oncology : Official Journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. -
Biochemical recurrence without PSA progression characterizes a subset of patients after radical prostatectomy
Shinghal, R., Yemoto, C., McNeal, J. E., & Brooks, J. D. (2003). Biochemical recurrence without PSA progression characterizes a subset of patients after radical prostatectomy. UROLOGY, 61(2), 380–385. -
Contemporary Use of Partial Nephrectomy: Are Older Patients With Impaired Kidney Function Being Left Behind?
Leppert, J. T., Mittakanti, H. R., Thomas, I.-C., Lamberts, R. W., Sonn, G. A., Chung, B. I., … Brooks, J. D. (2016). Contemporary Use of Partial Nephrectomy: Are Older Patients With Impaired Kidney Function Being Left Behind? Urology. -
A diagnosis of prostate cancer and pursuit of active surveillance is not followed by weight loss: potential for a teachable moment
Liss, M. A., Schenk, J. M., Faino, A. V., NEWCOMB, L. F., Boyer, H., Brooks, J. D., … THOMPSON, I. M. (2016). A diagnosis of prostate cancer and pursuit of active surveillance is not followed by weight loss: potential for a teachable moment. PROSTATE CANCER AND PROSTATIC DISEASES, 19(4), 390–94. -
PTEN Loss as Determined by Clinical-grade Immunohistochemistry Assay Is Associated with Worse Recurrence-free Survival in Prostate Cancer.
Lotan, T. L., Wei, W., Morais, C. L., Hawley, S. T., Fazli, L., Hurtado-Coll, A., … Brooks, J. D. (2016). PTEN Loss as Determined by Clinical-grade Immunohistochemistry Assay Is Associated with Worse Recurrence-free Survival in Prostate Cancer. European Urology Focus, 2(2), 180–88. -
Histologic Grading of Prostatic Adenocarcinoma Can Be Further Optimized Analysis of the Relative Prognostic Strength of Individual Architectural Patterns in 1275 Patients From the Canary Retrospective Cohort
McKenney, J. K., Wei, W., Hawley, S., Auman, H., Newcomb, L. F., Boyer, H. D., … Brooks, J. D. (2016). Histologic Grading of Prostatic Adenocarcinoma Can Be Further Optimized Analysis of the Relative Prognostic Strength of Individual Architectural Patterns in 1275 Patients From the Canary Retrospective Cohort. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGY, 40(11), 1439–56. -
Timing of Adverse Prostate Cancer Reclassification on First Surveillance Biopsy: Results from the Canary Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance Study.
Macleod, L. C., Ellis, W. J., Newcomb, L. F., Zheng, Y., Brooks, J. D., Carroll, P. R., … Lin, D. W. (2016). Timing of Adverse Prostate Cancer Reclassification on First Surveillance Biopsy: Results from the Canary Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance Study. Journal of Urology. -
MUC1 Expression by Immunohistochemistry Is Associated with Adverse Pathologic Features in Prostate Cancer: A Multi-Institutional Study
Eminaga, O., Wei, W., Hawley, S. J., Auman, H., Newcomb, L. F., Simko, J., … Brooks, J. D. (2016). MUC1 Expression by Immunohistochemistry Is Associated with Adverse Pathologic Features in Prostate Cancer: A Multi-Institutional Study. PLOS ONE, 11(11). -
Evaluating the Four Kallikrein Panel of the 4Kscore for Prediction of High-grade Prostate Cancer in Men in the Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study.
Lin, D. W., Newcomb, L. F., Brown, M. D., Sjoberg, D. D., Dong, Y., Brooks, J. D., … Zheng, Y. (2016). Evaluating the Four Kallikrein Panel of the 4Kscore for Prediction of High-grade Prostate Cancer in Men in the Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study. European Urology. -
Diagnosis of prostate cancer by desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometric imaging of small metabolites and lipids
Banerjee, S., Zare, R. N., Tibshirani, R. J., Kunder, C. A., Nolley, R., Fan, R., … Sonn, G. A. (2017). Diagnosis of prostate cancer by desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometric imaging of small metabolites and lipids. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 114(13), 3334–39. -
NUSAP1 promotes invasion and metastasis of prostate cancer
Gordon, C. A., Gong, X., Ganesh, D., & Brooks, J. D. (2017). NUSAP1 promotes invasion and metastasis of prostate cancer. ONCOTARGET, 8(18), 29935–50. -
Genome-wide DNA methylation measurements in prostate tissues uncovers novel prostate cancer diagnostic biomarkers and transcription factor binding patterns
Kirby, M. K., Ramaker, R. C., Roberts, B. S., Lasseigne, B. N., Gunther, D. S., Burwell, T. C., … Myers, R. M. (2017). Genome-wide DNA methylation measurements in prostate tissues uncovers novel prostate cancer diagnostic biomarkers and transcription factor binding patterns. BMC CANCER, 17. -
Novel lincRNA SLINKY is a prognostic biomarker in kidney cancer
Gong, X., Siprashvili, Z., Eminaga, O., Shen, Z., Sato, Y., Kume, H., … Brooks, J. D. (2017). Novel lincRNA SLINKY is a prognostic biomarker in kidney cancer. ONCOTARGET, 8(12), 18657–69. -
Contemporary Use of Partial Nephrectomy: Are Older Patients With Impaired Kidney Function Being Left Behind?
Leppert, J. T., Mittakanti, H. R., Thomas, I.-C., Lamberts, R. W., Sonn, G. A., Chung, B. I., … Brooks, J. D. (2017). Contemporary Use of Partial Nephrectomy: Are Older Patients With Impaired Kidney Function Being Left Behind? UROLOGY, 100, 65–71. -
Timing of Adverse Prostate Cancer Reclassification on First Surveillance Biopsy: Results from the Canary Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance Study
Macleod, L. C., Ellis, W. J., Newcomb, L. F., Zheng, Y., Brooks, J. D., Carroll, P. R., … Lin, D. W. (2017). Timing of Adverse Prostate Cancer Reclassification on First Surveillance Biopsy: Results from the Canary Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance Study. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 197(4), 1026–33. -
Incident CKD after Radical or Partial Nephrectomy.
Leppert, J. T., Lamberts, R. W., Thomas, I.-C. C., Chung, B. I., Sonn, G. A., Skinner, E. C., … Brooks, J. D. (2017). Incident CKD after Radical or Partial Nephrectomy. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN. -
Temporal Trends in Clinical and Pathological Characteristics for Men Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy Between 1995 and 2013 at Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark, and Stanford University Hospital, United States.
Loft, M. D., Berg, K. D., Kjaer, A., Iversen, P., Ferrari, M., Zhang, C. A., … Roder, M. A. (2017). Temporal Trends in Clinical and Pathological Characteristics for Men Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy Between 1995 and 2013 at Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark, and Stanford University Hospital, United States. Clinical Genitourinary Cancer. -
Male infertility is associated with altered treatment course of men with cancer.
Eminaga, O., Li, S., Baker, L. C., Brooks, J. D., & Eisenberg, M. L. (2018). Male infertility is associated with altered treatment course of men with cancer. Andrology. -
Identification of transcripts associated with renal damage due to ureteral obstruction as candidate urinary biomarkers.
Wu, B., Gong, X., Kennedy, W. A., & Brooks, J. D. (2018). Identification of transcripts associated with renal damage due to ureteral obstruction as candidate urinary biomarkers. American Journal of Physiology. Renal Physiology. -
The Research Implications of PSA Registry Errors: Data from the Veterans Health Administration.
Guo, D. P., Thomas, I.-C., Mittakanti, H. R., Shelton, J. B., Makarov, D. V., Skolarus, T. A., … Leppert, J. T. (2018). The Research Implications of PSA Registry Errors: Data from the Veterans Health Administration. The Journal of Urology. -
Prognostic significance of vascular invasion: A long-term follow-up of 621 radical prostatectomy patients
Ferrari, M. K., Malhotra, S. M., McNeal, J. E., & Brooks, J. D. (2004). Prognostic significance of vascular invasion: A long-term follow-up of 621 radical prostatectomy patients. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 171(4), 222. -
In-depth quantitative analysis of protein glycoforms in human prostate cancer plasma
Totten, S. M., Kulloli, M., Tanimoto, C., Brooks, J. D., & Pitteri, S. J. (2015). In-depth quantitative analysis of protein glycoforms in human prostate cancer plasma. CANCER RESEARCH. AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH. -
Liquid biopsy-based assays to monitor residual disease in cancer.
Mei, G., Sebisanovic, D., Mir, A., Gulzar, Z., Brooks, J. D., Jeffrey, S. S., & Talasaz, A. A. (2013). Liquid biopsy-based assays to monitor residual disease in cancer. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 31(15). -
Urinary TMPRSS2: Use of ERG and PCA3 to predict tumor volume and Gleason grade in an active surveillance cohort-Results from the Canary/EDRN Prostate Active Surveillance Study
Lin, D. W., Newcomb, L. F., Brown, E. C., Brooks, J. D., Carroll, P., Feng, Z., … Nelson, P. (2012). Urinary TMPRSS2: Use of ERG and PCA3 to predict tumor volume and Gleason grade in an active surveillance cohort-Results from the Canary/EDRN Prostate Active Surveillance Study. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 30(5). -
Use of nano-immuno assay to generate rapid, quantitative nanoscale proteomic profiling of the hypoxia pathway in renal cell carcinoma clinical specimens.
Fan, A. C., Banerjee, P., Leppert, J., Harshman, L. C., Sabatti, C., Brooks, J. D., & Felsher, D. W. (2012). Use of nano-immuno assay to generate rapid, quantitative nanoscale proteomic profiling of the hypoxia pathway in renal cell carcinoma clinical specimens. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. AMER SOC CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. -
Ten-core systematic biopsy results are the most powerful predictors of cancer volume at radical prostatectomy
Presti, J. C., Brooks, J. D., Gill, H., Nolley, R., & McNeal, J. E. (2002). Ten-core systematic biopsy results are the most powerful predictors of cancer volume at radical prostatectomy. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 167(4), 226. -
Treatment and mortality in men with localized prostate cancer: A population-based study in California
Sieh, W., Lichtensztajn, D. Y., Nelson, D. O., Cockburn, M., West, D. W., Brooks, J. D., & Chang, E. T. (2012). Treatment and mortality in men with localized prostate cancer: A population-based study in California. CANCER RESEARCH, 72. -
The application of genomic and proteomic approaches to human prostate cancer in developing diagnostic and prognostic markers
Brooks, J. D. (2006). The application of genomic and proteomic approaches to human prostate cancer in developing diagnostic and prognostic markers. UROLOGIC ONCOLOGY-SEMINARS AND ORIGINAL INVESTIGATIONS, 24(3), 222–23. -
Transcriptome sequencing of circulating tumor cells reveals their heterogeneity
Cann, G., Gulzar, Z., Tat, M., Li, R., Stuart, S., Khrebtukova, I., … Talasaz, A. A. H. (2011). Transcriptome sequencing of circulating tumor cells reveals their heterogeneity. CANCER RESEARCH, 71. -
S100p: A marker for transitional epithelium and urothelial carcinoma
Higgins, J. P., Kaygusuz, G., Wang, L., Montgomery, K., Mason, Brooks, J. D., & van de Rijn, M. (2006). S100p: A marker for transitional epithelium and urothelial carcinoma. MODERN PATHOLOGY, 19, 142A. -
Natural history of positive urinary cytology after radical cystectomy - Editorial comment
Brooks, J. D. (2006). Natural history of positive urinary cytology after radical cystectomy - Editorial comment. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 176(5), 2005. -
Evaluation of Putative Renal Cell Carcinoma Markers PAX-2, PAX-8, and hKIM-1 in Germ Cell Tumors (GCT): A Tissue Microarray Study of 100 Cases
Sangoi, A., Higgins, J., Brooks, J., Bonventre, J., & McKenney, I. (2011). Evaluation of Putative Renal Cell Carcinoma Markers PAX-2, PAX-8, and hKIM-1 in Germ Cell Tumors (GCT): A Tissue Microarray Study of 100 Cases. LABORATORY INVESTIGATION, 91, 222A. -
Male pelvic anatomy reconstructed from the visible human data set
Brooks, J. D., Chao, W. M., & Kerr, J. (1998). Male pelvic anatomy reconstructed from the visible human data set. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 159(5), 14. -
PTEN Status Determination in Prostate Cancer: Comparison of IHC and FISH in a Large Multi-Center Cohort
Lotan, T., Moray, C., Wei, W., Troyer, D., Jamaspishvili, T., McKenney, J., … Squire, J. (2015). PTEN Status Determination in Prostate Cancer: Comparison of IHC and FISH in a Large Multi-Center Cohort. LABORATORY INVESTIGATION. NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP. -
Measurement of urinary incontinence after prostate surgery from data-mining electronic health records (EHR).
Hernandez-Boussard, T., Tamang, S., Brooks, J. D., Blayney, D. W., & Shah, N. (2014). Measurement of urinary incontinence after prostate surgery from data-mining electronic health records (EHR). JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. AMER SOC CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. -
The impact of reducing the frequency of prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing among men on active surveillance for prostate cancer
Cooperberg, M. R., Newcomb, L. F., Brown, E. C., Zhao, S., Feng, Z., Brooks, J. D., & Lin, D. W. (2013). The impact of reducing the frequency of prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing among men on active surveillance for prostate cancer. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 31(15). -
Nano-scale proteomic profiling to define diagnostic signatures and biomarkers of therapeutic activity in patients with RCC
Leppert, J. T., Fan, A. C., Metzner, T., Liliental, J. E., Xu, L., Thong, A. E., … Felsher, D. W. (2013). Nano-scale proteomic profiling to define diagnostic signatures and biomarkers of therapeutic activity in patients with RCC. BJU INTERNATIONAL. WILEY-BLACKWELL. -
Normal body mass index is associated with a higher prostate cancer detection rate and less favorable pathologic features in a biopsy population
Presti, J. C., Lee, U., Brooks, J. D., & Terris, M. K. (2004). Normal body mass index is associated with a higher prostate cancer detection rate and less favorable pathologic features in a biopsy population. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 171(4), 122. -
Evaluation of SF-1 Expression in Testicular Germ Cell Tumors: A Tissue Microarray Study of 100 Cases
Sangoi, A. R., McKenney, J. K., Brooks, J. D., & Higgins, J. P. (2012). Evaluation of SF-1 Expression in Testicular Germ Cell Tumors: A Tissue Microarray Study of 100 Cases. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY. OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC. -
Editorial comments
Brooks, J. D. (2007). Editorial comments. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 178(6), 2400. -
Do cancer index and tumor volume predict prostate cancer specific death?
Tarin, T. V., Chung, B. I., & Brooks, J. D. (2008). Do cancer index and tumor volume predict prostate cancer specific death? JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 179(4), 115. -
Gene expression in the normal adult human kidney assessed by complementary DNA microarray
Higgins, J. P., Wang, L., Kambham, N., Montgomery, K., Vogelmann, S., Lemley, K., … Brooks, J. D. (2003). Gene expression in the normal adult human kidney assessed by complementary DNA microarray. MODERN PATHOLOGY, 16(1), 266A. -
Gene expression profiles in renal cell carcinoma assessed by complementary DNA microarray
Higgins, J. P., Shinghal, R., Reese, J. H., Terris, M., Cohen, R. J., Tibshirani, R., … Brooks, J. D. (2002). Gene expression profiles in renal cell carcinoma assessed by complementary DNA microarray. MODERN PATHOLOGY, 15(1), 164A. -
Gene expression profiles in renal cell carcinoma assessed by complementary DNA microarray
Higgins, J. P., Shinghal, R., Reese, J. H., Terris, M., Cohen, R. J., Tibshirani, R., … Brooks, J. D. (2002). Gene expression profiles in renal cell carcinoma assessed by complementary DNA microarray. LABORATORY INVESTIGATION. NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP. -
Multi-lectin Affinity Chromatography and Quantitative Proteomic Analysis Reveal Differential Glycoform Levels between Prostate Cancer and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Sera.
Totten, S. M., Adusumilli, R., Kullolli, M., Tanimoto, C., Brooks, J. D., Mallick, P., & Pitteri, S. J. (2018). Multi-lectin Affinity Chromatography and Quantitative Proteomic Analysis Reveal Differential Glycoform Levels between Prostate Cancer and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Sera. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 6509. -
Mining Electronic Health Records to Extract Patient-Centered Outcomes Following Prostate Cancer Treatment.
Hernandez-Boussard, T., Kourdis, P. D., Seto, T., Ferrari, M., Blayney, D. W., Rubin, D., & Brooks, J. D. (2017). Mining Electronic Health Records to Extract Patient-Centered Outcomes Following Prostate Cancer Treatment. AMIA ... Annual Symposium Proceedings. AMIA Symposium, 2017, 876–82. -
Role of Surveillance Biopsy with No Cancer as a Prognostic Marker for Reclassification: Results from the Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study
Kearns, J. T., Faino, A. V., Newcomb, L. F., Brooks, J. D., Carroll, P. R., Dash, A., … Lin, D. W. (2018). Role of Surveillance Biopsy with No Cancer as a Prognostic Marker for Reclassification: Results from the Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study. EUROPEAN UROLOGY, 73(5), 706–12. -
Comparative rates of upstaging and upgrading in Caucasian and Korean prostate cancer patients eligible for active surveillance
Jeon, H. G., Yoo, J. H., Jeong, B. C., Seo, S. I., Jeon, S. S., Choi, H.-Y., … Chung, B. I. (2017). Comparative rates of upstaging and upgrading in Caucasian and Korean prostate cancer patients eligible for active surveillance. PLOS ONE, 12(11). -
NuSAP is regulated by RB1 and modulates prostate cancer progression
Gordon, C. A., Gong, X., Gulzar, Z. G., & Brooks, J. D. (2013). NuSAP is regulated by RB1 and modulates prostate cancer progression. CANCER RESEARCH. AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH. -
Klip1 lincRNA is a prognostic biomarker for clear cell renal cell carcinoma
Gong, X., Pollack, J., & Brooks, J. D. (2015). Klip1 lincRNA is a prognostic biomarker for clear cell renal cell carcinoma. CANCER RESEARCH. AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH. -
Mass spectrometric imaging of prostate biopsy samples: Cancer margin assessment from the distribution of small metabolites and lipids
Banerjee, S., Zare, R. N., Tibshirani, R., Kunder, C., Nolley, R., Fan, R., … Sonn, G. (2017). Mass spectrometric imaging of prostate biopsy samples: Cancer margin assessment from the distribution of small metabolites and lipids. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC. -
Re: Brandon A. Mahal, David D. Yang, Natalie Q. Wang, et al. Clinical and Genomic Characterization of Low-Prostate-specific Antigen, High-grade Prostate Cancer. Eur Urol. In press.
Leppert, J. T., & Brooks, J. D. (2018). Re: Brandon A. Mahal, David D. Yang, Natalie Q. Wang, et al. Clinical and Genomic Characterization of Low-Prostate-specific Antigen, High-grade Prostate Cancer. Eur Urol. In press. European Urology. -
Trends in Incidence and 5-Year Mortality in Men With Newly Diagnosed, Metastatic Prostate Cancer-A Population-Based Analysis of 2 National Cohorts
Helgstrand, J. T., Roder, M. A., Klemann, N., Toft, B. G., Lichtensztajn, D. Y., Brooks, J. D., … Iversen, P. (2018). Trends in Incidence and 5-Year Mortality in Men With Newly Diagnosed, Metastatic Prostate Cancer-A Population-Based Analysis of 2 National Cohorts. CANCER, 124(14), 2931–38. -
Validation of Reactive Stroma as an Adverse Prognostic Factor for Gleason Grade 3+3=6 and 3+4=7 Prostatic Adenocarcinomas (PCA) In the Canary Retrospective Radical Prostatectomy (RP) Cohort
McKenney, J. K., Wei, W., Hawley, S. J., Auman, H., Newcomb, L., Boyer, H., … Brooks, J. D. (2016). Validation of Reactive Stroma as an Adverse Prognostic Factor for Gleason Grade 3+3=6 and 3+4=7 Prostatic Adenocarcinomas (PCA) In the Canary Retrospective Radical Prostatectomy (RP) Cohort. LABORATORY INVESTIGATION. NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP. -
Validation of Reactive Stroma as an Adverse Prognostic Factor for Gleason Grade 3+3=6 and 3+4=7 Prostatic Adenocarcinomas (PCA) In the Canary Retrospective Radical Prostatectomy (RP) Cohort
McKenney, J. K., Wei, W., Hawley, S. J., Auman, H., Newcomb, L., Boyer, H., … Brooks, J. D. (2016). Validation of Reactive Stroma as an Adverse Prognostic Factor for Gleason Grade 3+3=6 and 3+4=7 Prostatic Adenocarcinomas (PCA) In the Canary Retrospective Radical Prostatectomy (RP) Cohort. MODERN PATHOLOGY. NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP. -
PTEN Status Determination in Prostate Cancer: Comparison of IHC and FISH in a Large Multi-Center Cohort
Lotan, T., Morais, C., Wei, W., Troyer, D., Jamaspishvili, T., Feng, Z., … Squire, J. (2015). PTEN Status Determination in Prostate Cancer: Comparison of IHC and FISH in a Large Multi-Center Cohort. MODERN PATHOLOGY. NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP. -
Refined Analysis of Prostate-specific Antigen Kinetics to Predict Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance Outcomes
Cooperberg, M. R., Brooks, J. D., Faino, A., Newcomb, L. F., Kearns, J. T., Carroll, P. R., … Zheng, Y. (2018). Refined Analysis of Prostate-specific Antigen Kinetics to Predict Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance Outcomes. EUROPEAN UROLOGY, 74(2), 211–17. -
The Role of DNA Methylation in Renal Cell Carcinoma
Lasseigne, B. N., & Brooks, J. D. (2018). The Role of DNA Methylation in Renal Cell Carcinoma. MOLECULAR DIAGNOSIS & THERAPY, 22(4), 431–42. -
Association of declining PSA values with a lower risk of progression in the Canary Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance Study (PASS)
Brooks, J. D., Brown, E. C., Cooperberg, M. R., Newcomb, L. F., Carroll, P., Feng, Z., … Lin, D. W. (2013). Association of declining PSA values with a lower risk of progression in the Canary Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance Study (PASS). JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. AMER SOC CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. -
Architecture and Implementation of a Clinical Research Data Warehouse for Prostate Cancer.
Seneviratne, M. G., Seto, T., Blayney, D. W., Brooks, J. D., & Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2018). Architecture and Implementation of a Clinical Research Data Warehouse for Prostate Cancer. EGEMS (Washington, DC), 6(1), 13. -
Defining new drivers of castration- resistant prostate cancer
Hsu, E.-chi, Rice, M., Nolley, R., Bermudez, A., Huang, J., Peehl, D., … Stoyanova, T. (2018). Defining new drivers of castration- resistant prostate cancer. CANCER RESEARCH, 78(16), 90. -
Methionine aminopeptidase II (MetAP2) activated in situ self-assembly of small-molecule probes for imaging prostate cancer.
Xie, J., Rice, M., Cheng, Y., Song, G., Kunder, C., Brooks, J. D., … Rao, J. (2018). Methionine aminopeptidase II (MetAP2) activated in situ self-assembly of small-molecule probes for imaging prostate cancer. CANCER RESEARCH, 78(16), 115–16. -
The CPC Risk Calculator: A New App to Predict Prostate-specific Antigen Recurrence During Follow-up After Radical Prostatectomy.
Roder, M. A., Berg, K. D., Loft, M. D., Thomsen, F. B., Ferrari, M., Kurbegovic, S., … Iversen, P. (2018). The CPC Risk Calculator: A New App to Predict Prostate-specific Antigen Recurrence During Follow-up After Radical Prostatectomy. European Urology Focus, 4(3), 360–68. -
James D. Brooks: prostate cancer screening awaits optimization to reduce inappropriate treatment
Li, B., & Brooks, J. D. (2018). James D. Brooks: prostate cancer screening awaits optimization to reduce inappropriate treatment. TRANSLATIONAL ANDROLOGY AND UROLOGY, 7(5), 903–6. -
Elevated urinary lipocalin-2, interleukin-6 and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 levels in children with congenital ureteropelvic junction obstruction.
Yu, L., Zhou, L., Li, Q., Li, S., Luo, X., Zhang, C., … Sun, H. (2018). Elevated urinary lipocalin-2, interleukin-6 and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 levels in children with congenital ureteropelvic junction obstruction. Journal of Pediatric Urology. -
Undertreatment of High-Risk Localized Prostate Cancer in the California Latino Population.
Lichtensztajn, D. Y., Leppert, J. T., Brooks, J. D., Shah, S. A., Sieh, W., Chung, B. I., … Cheng, I. (2018). Undertreatment of High-Risk Localized Prostate Cancer in the California Latino Population. Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network : JNCCN, 16(11), 1353–60. -
Distribution of global health measures from routinely collected PROMIS surveys in patients with breast cancer or prostate cancer.
Seneviratne, M. G., Bozkurt, S., Patel, M. I., Seto, T., Brooks, J. D., Blayney, D. W., … Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2018). Distribution of global health measures from routinely collected PROMIS surveys in patients with breast cancer or prostate cancer. Cancer. -
Analysis of Released N-Glycans and Glycopeptide Profiling of Prostate Cancer Tissue
Totten, S. M., Bermudez, A., Guerrero, A., Yan, J., Jones, A., Brooks, J. D., & Pitteri, S. J. (2018). Analysis of Released N-Glycans and Glycopeptide Profiling of Prostate Cancer Tissue. GLYCOBIOLOGY. OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC. -
Continued 5 alpha-Reductase Inhibitor Use after Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and the Risk of Reclassification and Adverse Pathological Outcomes in the PASS
Kearns, J. T., Faino, A., Schenk, J. M., Newcomb, L. F., Brooks, J. D., Carroll, P. R., … Lin, D. W. (2019). Continued 5 alpha-Reductase Inhibitor Use after Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and the Risk of Reclassification and Adverse Pathological Outcomes in the PASS. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 201(1), 106–11. -
An Automated Feature Engineering for Digital Rectal Examination Documentation using Natural Language Processing.
Bozkurt, S., Park, J. I., Kan, K. M., Ferrari, M., Rubin, D. L., Brooks, J. D., & Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2018). An Automated Feature Engineering for Digital Rectal Examination Documentation using Natural Language Processing. AMIA ... Annual Symposium Proceedings. AMIA Symposium, 2018, 288–94. -
Identifying Cases of Metastatic Prostate Cancer Using Machine Learning on Electronic Health Records.
Seneviratne, M. G., Banda, J. M., Brooks, J. D., Shah, N. H., & Hernandez-Boussard, T. M. (2018). Identifying Cases of Metastatic Prostate Cancer Using Machine Learning on Electronic Health Records. AMIA ... Annual Symposium Proceedings. AMIA Symposium, 2018, 1498–1504. -
Nanoscale proteomic profiling to define diagnostic signatures and biomarkers of therapeutic activity in patients with RCC
Fan, A. C., Leppert, J., Liliental, J. E., Xu, L., Thong, A. E., Yost, C., … Felsher, D. W. (2013). Nanoscale proteomic profiling to define diagnostic signatures and biomarkers of therapeutic activity in patients with RCC. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. AMER SOC CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. -
Practice-based evidence for factors associated with urinary incontinence following prostate cancer care.
Li, K., Magnani, C. J., Bozkurt, S., Seto, T., Blayney, D. W., Brooks, J. D., & Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2018). Practice-based evidence for factors associated with urinary incontinence following prostate cancer care. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. AMER SOC CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. -
Utilization of Prostate Cancer Quality Metrics for Research and Quality Improvement: A Structured Review
Gori, D., Dulal, R., Blayney, D. W., Brooks, J. D., Fantini, M. P., McDonald, K. M., & Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2019). Utilization of Prostate Cancer Quality Metrics for Research and Quality Improvement: A Structured Review. JOINT COMMISSION JOURNAL ON QUALITY AND PATIENT SAFETY, 45(3), 217–26. -
A natural language processing algorithm to measure quality prostate cancer care.
Hernandez-Boussard, T., Kourdis, P., Dulal, R., Ferrari, M., Henry, S., Seto, T., … Brooks, J. D. (2017). A natural language processing algorithm to measure quality prostate cancer care. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. AMER SOC CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. -
Comparative rates of upstaging and upgrading in Caucasian and Korean prostate cancer patients eligible for active surveillance.
Jeon, H. G., Yoo, J. H., Jeong, B. C., Seo, S. I., Jeon, S. S., Choi, H.-Y. Y., … Chung, B. I. (2017). Comparative rates of upstaging and upgrading in Caucasian and Korean prostate cancer patients eligible for active surveillance. PloS One, 12(11), e0186026. -
Performance of multiparametric MRI appears better when measured in patients who undergo radical prostatectomy.
Wang, N. N., Fan, R. E., Leppert, J. T., Ghanouni, P., Kunder, C. A., Brooks, J. D., … Sonn, G. A. (2018). Performance of multiparametric MRI appears better when measured in patients who undergo radical prostatectomy. Research and Reports in Urology, 10, 233–235. -
Boolean analysis identifies CD38 as a biomarker of aggressive localized prostate cancer.
Sahoo, D., Wei, W., Auman, H., Hurtado-Coll, A., Carroll, P. R., Fazli, L., … Brooks, J. D. (2018). Boolean analysis identifies CD38 as a biomarker of aggressive localized prostate cancer. Oncotarget, 9(5), 6550–61. -
PIVOT and the challenges of localized prostate cancer care.
Weinberg, A. E., & Brooks, J. D. (2012). PIVOT and the challenges of localized prostate cancer care. Translational Andrology and Urology, 1(3), 141–3. -
Weakly supervised natural language processing for assessing patient-centered outcome following prostate cancer treatment.
Banerjee, I., Li, K., Seneviratne, M., Ferrari, M., Seto, T., Brooks, J. D., … Hemandez-Boussard, T. (2019). Weakly supervised natural language processing for assessing patient-centered outcome following prostate cancer treatment. JAMIA Open, 2(1), 150–59. -
Vasectomy and the risk of prostate cancer in a prospective US Cohort: Data from the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study
Davenport, M. T., Zhang, C. A., Leppert, J. T., Brooks, J. D., & Eisenberg, M. L. (2019). Vasectomy and the risk of prostate cancer in a prospective US Cohort: Data from the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study. ANDROLOGY, 7(2), 178–83. -
Applying the PRECISION approach in biopsy naïve and previously negative prostate biopsy patients.
Wang, N. N., Teslovich, N. C., Fan, R. E., Ghanouni, P., Leppert, J. T., Brooks, J. D., … Sonn, G. A. (2019). Applying the PRECISION approach in biopsy naïve and previously negative prostate biopsy patients. Urologic Oncology. -
Genomic analysis of benign prostatic hyperplasia implicates cellular re-landscaping in disease pathogenesis.
Middleton, L. W., Shen, Z., Varma, S., Pollack, A. S., Gong, X., Zhu, S., … Pollack, J. R. (2019). Genomic analysis of benign prostatic hyperplasia implicates cellular re-landscaping in disease pathogenesis. JCI Insight, 5. -
N-linked glycosylation site mapping in prostate cancer and matched normal tissue: Defining glycan microheterogeneity
Totten, S. M., Tanimoto, C., Bermudez, A., Hembree, A., Brooks, J. D., & Pitteri, S. J. (2018). N-linked glycosylation site mapping in prostate cancer and matched normal tissue: Defining glycan microheterogeneity. CANCER RESEARCH, 78(13). -
PSA Testing Use and Prostate Cancer Diagnostic Stage After the 2012 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Guideline Changes.
Magnani, C. J., Li, K., Seto, T., McDonald, K. M., Blayney, D. W., Brooks, J. D., & Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2019). PSA Testing Use and Prostate Cancer Diagnostic Stage After the 2012 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Guideline Changes. Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network : JNCCN, 17(7), 795–803. -
Is it possible to automatically assess pretreatment digital rectal examination documentation using natural language processing? A single-centre retrospective study.
Bozkurt, S., Kan, K. M., Ferrari, M. K., Rubin, D. L., Blayney, D. W., Hernandez-Boussard, T., & Brooks, J. D. (2019). Is it possible to automatically assess pretreatment digital rectal examination documentation using natural language processing? A single-centre retrospective study. BMJ Open, 9(7), e027182. -
Predictive value of AZGP1 following radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer: a cohort study and meta-analysis.
Kristensen, G., Berg, K. D., Toft, B. G., Stroomberg, H. V., Nolley, R., Brooks, J. D., … Roder, M. A. (2019). Predictive value of AZGP1 following radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer: a cohort study and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Pathology. -
Early detection of unilateral ureteral obstruction by desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.
Banerjee, S., Wong, A. C.-Y., Yan, X., Wu, B., Zhao, H., Tibshirani, R. J., … Brooks, J. D. (2019). Early detection of unilateral ureteral obstruction by desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 11007. -
The feasibility of assessing branched-chain amino acid metabolism in cellular models of prostate cancer with hyperpolarized [1-C-13]-ketoisocaproate
Billingsley, K. L., Park, J. M., Josan, S., Hurd, R., Mayer, D., Spielman-Sun, E., … Spielman, D. (2014). The feasibility of assessing branched-chain amino acid metabolism in cellular models of prostate cancer with hyperpolarized [1-C-13]-ketoisocaproate. MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING, 32(7), 791–95. -
Distribution of Global Health Measures From Routinely Collected PROMIS Surveys in Patients With Breast Cancer or Prostate Cancer
Seneviratne, M. G., Bozkurt, S., Patel, M., Seto, T., Brooks, J. D., Blayney, D. W., … Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2019). Distribution of Global Health Measures From Routinely Collected PROMIS Surveys in Patients With Breast Cancer or Prostate Cancer. CANCER, 125(6), 943–51. -
Improved detection of prostate cancer using a magneto-nanosensor assay for serum circulating autoantibodies.
Xu, L., Lee, J.-R., Hao, S., Ling, X. B., Brooks, J. D., Wang, S. X., & Gambhir, S. S. (2019). Improved detection of prostate cancer using a magneto-nanosensor assay for serum circulating autoantibodies. PloS One, 14(8), e0221051. -
Multiregion Quantification of Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase Activity in Renal Cell Carcinoma.
Hoerner, C. R., Massoudi, R., Metzner, T. J., Stell, L., O'Rourke, J. J., Kong, C. S., … Fan, A. C. (2018). Multiregion Quantification of Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase Activity in Renal Cell Carcinoma. European Urology Oncology. -
Machine Learning Approaches for Extracting Stage from Pathology Reports in Prostate Cancer.
Lenain, R., Seneviratne, M. G., Bozkurt, S., Blayney, D. W., Brooks, J. D., & Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2019). Machine Learning Approaches for Extracting Stage from Pathology Reports in Prostate Cancer. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 264, 1522–23. -
Performance of PCA3 and TMPRSS2:ERG urinary biomarkers in prediction of biopsy outcome in the Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study (PASS)
Newcomb, L. F., Zheng, Y., Faino, A., Bianchi-Frias, D., Cooperberg, M. R., Brown, M. D., … Lin, D. W. (2019). Performance of PCA3 and TMPRSS2:ERG urinary biomarkers in prediction of biopsy outcome in the Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study (PASS). PROSTATE CANCER AND PROSTATIC DISEASES, 22(3), 438–45. -
Simultaneous transrectal ultrasound and photoacoustic human prostate imaging.
Kothapalli, S.-R., Sonn, G. A., Choe, J. W., Nikoozadeh, A., Bhuyan, A., Park, K. K., … Gambhir, S. S. (2019). Simultaneous transrectal ultrasound and photoacoustic human prostate imaging. Science Translational Medicine, 11(507). -
Framework for the co-registration of MRI and Histology Images in Prostate Cancer Patients with Radical Prostatectomy
Rusu, M., Kunder, C., Fan, R., Ghanouni, P., West, R., Sonn, G., & Brooks, J. (2019). Framework for the co-registration of MRI and Histology Images in Prostate Cancer Patients with Radical Prostatectomy. MEDICAL IMAGING 2019: IMAGE PROCESSING, 10949. -
Extracting Patient-Centered Outcomes from Clinical Notes in Electronic Health Records: Assessment of Urinary Incontinence After Radical Prostatectomy.
Gori, D., Banerjee, I., Chung, B. I., Ferrari, M., Rucci, P., Blayney, D. W., … Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2019). Extracting Patient-Centered Outcomes from Clinical Notes in Electronic Health Records: Assessment of Urinary Incontinence After Radical Prostatectomy. EGEMS (Washington, DC), 7(1), 43. -
Prostate Magnetic Resonance Imaging Interpretation Varies Substantially Across Radiologists
Sonn, G. A., Fan, R. E., Ghanouni, P., Wang, N. N., Brooks, J. D., Loening, A. M., … Leppert, J. T. (2019). Prostate Magnetic Resonance Imaging Interpretation Varies Substantially Across Radiologists. EUROPEAN UROLOGY FOCUS, 5(4), 592–99. -
S100A10 is a critical mediator of GAS6/AXL-induced angiogenesis in renal cell carcinoma.
Xiao, Y., Zhao, H., Tian, L., Nolley, R., Diep, A. N., Ernst, A., … Rankin, E. B. (2019). S100A10 is a critical mediator of GAS6/AXL-induced angiogenesis in renal cell carcinoma. Cancer Research. -
Performance of the 17-gene genomic prostate score test in men with prostate cancer (PCa) managed with active surveillance (AS): Results from the Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study (PASS).
Lin, D. W., Zheng, Y., McKenney, J., Brown, M., Lu, R., Crager, M., … Newcomb, L. F. (2019). Performance of the 17-gene genomic prostate score test in men with prostate cancer (PCa) managed with active surveillance (AS): Results from the Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study (PASS). JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 37(7). -
African American Race is Not Associated with Risk of Reclassification during Active Surveillance: Results from the Canary Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance Study (PASS).
Schenk, J. M., Newcomb, L. F., Zheng, Y., Faino, A. V., Zhu, K., Nyame, Y. A., … Lin, D. W. (2019). African American Race is Not Associated with Risk of Reclassification during Active Surveillance: Results from the Canary Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance Study (PASS). The Journal of Urology, 101097JU0000000000000621. -
Editorial Comment.
Brooks, J. D. (2019). Editorial Comment. The Journal of Urology, 10109701JU00006126127033813. -
miR-22 Regulates Invasion, Gene Expression and Predicts Overall Survival in Patients with Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma.
Gong, X., Zhao, H., Saar, M., Peehl, D. M., & Brooks, J. D. (2019). miR-22 Regulates Invasion, Gene Expression and Predicts Overall Survival in Patients with Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma. Kidney Cancer, 3(2), 119–32. -
Identification of Diagnostic Metabolic Signatures in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma Using Mass Spectrometry Imaging.
Vijayalakshmi, K., Shankar, V., Bain, R. M., Nolley, R., Sonn, G. A., Kao, C.-S., … Brooks, J. D. (2019). Identification of Diagnostic Metabolic Signatures in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma Using Mass Spectrometry Imaging. International Journal of Cancer. -
Trop2 is a driver of metastatic prostate cancer with neuroendocrine phenotype via PARP1.
Hsu, E.-C. C., Rice, M. A., Bermudez, A., Marques, F. J., Aslan, M., Liu, S., … Stoyanova, T. (2020). Trop2 is a driver of metastatic prostate cancer with neuroendocrine phenotype via PARP1. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. -
Reply by Authors.
Schenk, J. M., Newcomb, L. F., Zheng, Y., Faino, A. V., Zhu, K., Nyame, Y. A., … Lin, D. W. (2020). Reply by Authors. The Journal of Urology, 101097JU000000000000062102. -
Clinical Documentation to Predict Factors Associated with Urinary Incontinence Following Prostatectomy for Prostate Cancer
Li, K., Banerjee, I., Magnani, C. J., Blayney, D. W., Brooks, J. D., & Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2020). Clinical Documentation to Predict Factors Associated with Urinary Incontinence Following Prostatectomy for Prostate Cancer. RESEARCH AND REPORTS IN UROLOGY, 12, 7–14. -
Leveraging Digital Data to Inform and Improve Quality Cancer Care.
Hernandez-Boussard, T., Blayney, D. W., & Brooks, J. D. (2020). Leveraging Digital Data to Inform and Improve Quality Cancer Care. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention : a Publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, Cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology. -
The Urine Albumin-Creatinine Ratio and Kidney Function after Nephrectomy.
Sun, A. J., Thomas, I.-C., Velaer, K. N., Ganesan, C., Song, S., Pao, A. C., … Leppert, J. T. (2020). The Urine Albumin-Creatinine Ratio and Kidney Function after Nephrectomy. The Journal of Urology, 101097JU0000000000001005. -
17-Gene Genomic Prostate Score Test Results in the Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study (PASS) Cohort.
Lin, D. W., Zheng, Y., McKenney, J. K., Brown, M. D., Lu, R., Crager, M., … Newcomb, L. F. (2020). 17-Gene Genomic Prostate Score Test Results in the Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study (PASS) Cohort. Journal of Clinical Oncology : Official Journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, JCO1902267. -
Characterization of the mTOR autophosphorylation site, S2481, as a novel biomarker in renal cell carcinoma (RCC)
Harshman, L. C., Muller, K., Lin, C.-D., Brooks, J. D., Higgins, J., Berglin, J., … Copp, J. (2014). Characterization of the mTOR autophosphorylation site, S2481, as a novel biomarker in renal cell carcinoma (RCC). JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. AMER SOC CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. -
CD 9 and vimentin distinguish clear cell from chromophobe renal cell carcinoma
Williams, A. A., Higgins, J. P. T., Zhao, H., Ljungberg, B., & Brooks, J. D. (2009). CD 9 and vimentin distinguish clear cell from chromophobe renal cell carcinoma. BMC CLINICAL PATHOLOGY, 9. -
The Human Tumor Atlas Network: Charting Tumor Transitions across Space and Time at Single-Cell Resolution.
Rozenblatt-Rosen, O., Regev, A., Oberdoerffer, P., Nawy, T., Hupalowska, A., Rood, J. E., … Williams, E. H. (2020). The Human Tumor Atlas Network: Charting Tumor Transitions across Space and Time at Single-Cell Resolution. Cell, 181(2), 236–49. -
Comparison of orthogonal NLP methods for clinical phenotyping and assessment of bone scan utilization among prostate cancer patients
Coquet, J., Bozkurt, S., Kan, K. M., Ferrari, M. K., Blayney, D. W., Brooks, J. D., & Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2019). Comparison of orthogonal NLP methods for clinical phenotyping and assessment of bone scan utilization among prostate cancer patients. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS, 94. -
Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Detection of High-Grade Cancer in the Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study.
Liss, M. A., Newcomb, L. F., Zheng, Y., Garcia, M. P., Filson, C. P., Boyer, H., … Lin, D. W. (2020). Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Detection of High-Grade Cancer in the Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study. The Journal of Urology, 101097JU0000000000001088. -
Testicular cancer in Hispanics: incidence of subtypes over time according to neighborhood sociodemographic factors in California.
DeRouen, M. C., McKinley, M., Shah, S. A., Borno, H. T., Aoki, R., Lichtensztajn, D. Y., … Cheng, I. (2020). Testicular cancer in Hispanics: incidence of subtypes over time according to neighborhood sociodemographic factors in California. Cancer Causes & Control : CCC. -
Registration of pre-surgical MRI and histopathology images from radical prostatectomy via RAPSODI.
Rusu, M., Shao, W., Kunder, C. A., Wang, J. B., Soerensen, S. J., Teslovich, N. C., … Sonn, G. A. (2020). Registration of pre-surgical MRI and histopathology images from radical prostatectomy via RAPSODI. Medical Physics. -
Life expectancy estimates for patients diagnosed with prostate cancer in the Veterans Health Administration.
Sohlberg, E. M., Thomas, I.-C., Yang, J., Kapphahn, K., Daskivich, T. J., Skolarus, T. A., … Leppert, J. T. (2020). Life expectancy estimates for patients diagnosed with prostate cancer in the Veterans Health Administration. Urologic Oncology. -
Phenotyping severity of patient-centered outcomes using clinical notes: A prostate cancer use case
Bozkurt, S., Paul, R., Coquet, J., Sun, R., Banerjee, I., Brooks, J. D., & Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2020). Phenotyping severity of patient-centered outcomes using clinical notes: A prostate cancer use case. LEARNING HEALTH SYSTEMS. -
AZGP1 Protein Expression in Hormone-Naive Advanced Prostate Cancer Treated with Primary Androgen Deprivation Therapy.
Winther, M. D., Kristensen, G., Stroomberg, H. V., Berg, K. D., Toft, B. G., Brooks, J. D., … Roder, M. A. (2020). AZGP1 Protein Expression in Hormone-Naive Advanced Prostate Cancer Treated with Primary Androgen Deprivation Therapy. Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland), 10(8). -
The m6A RNA demethylase FTO is a HIF-independent synthetic lethal partner with the VHL tumor suppressor.
Xiao, Y., Thakkar, K. N., Zhao, H., Broughton, J., Li, Y., Seoane, J. A., … Rankin, E. B. (2020). The m6A RNA demethylase FTO is a HIF-independent synthetic lethal partner with the VHL tumor suppressor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. -
Magnani, C. J., Bievre, N., Erdogdu, B., Baker, L. C., Brooks, J. D., & Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2020). MULTIPARAMETRIC MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING AND RECLASSIFICATION FROM ACTIVE SURVEILLANCE. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 203, E342–E343. -
Tailoring Intensity of Active Surveillance for Low-Risk Prostate Cancer Based on Individualized Prediction of Risk Stability.
Cooperberg, M. R., Zheng, Y., Faino, A. V., Newcomb, L. F., Zhu, K., Cowan, J. E., … Lin, D. W. (2020). Tailoring Intensity of Active Surveillance for Low-Risk Prostate Cancer Based on Individualized Prediction of Risk Stability. JAMA Oncology, e203187. -
Early-Life Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Long-Term Risk of Prostate Cancer.
Crump, C., Stattin, P., Brooks, J. D., Stocks, T., Sundquist, J., Sieh, W., & Sundquist, K. (2020). Early-Life Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Long-Term Risk of Prostate Cancer. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention : a Publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, Cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology. -
Sudden PSA rise to =20 ng/ml and prostate cancer diagnosis in the United States: A population-based study.
Vilson, F. L., Li, S., Brooks, J. D., & Eisenberg, M. L. (2020). Sudden PSA rise to =20 ng/ml and prostate cancer diagnosis in the United States: A population-based study. The Prostate. -
Association between patient-initiated emails and overall 2-year survival in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: Evidence from the real-world setting.
Coquet, J., Blayney, D. W., Brooks, J. D., & Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2020). Association between patient-initiated emails and overall 2-year survival in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: Evidence from the real-world setting. Cancer Medicine. -
Development of a DNA Methylation-Based Diagnostic Signature to Distinguish Benign Oncocytoma From Renal Cell Carcinoma.
Brennan, K., Metzner, T. J., Kao, C.-S. S., Massie, C. E., Stewart, G. D., Haile, R. W., … Gevaert, O. (2020). Development of a DNA Methylation-Based Diagnostic Signature to Distinguish Benign Oncocytoma From Renal Cell Carcinoma. JCO Precision Oncology, 4. -
Sprr2f protects against renal injury by decreasing the level of reactive oxygen species in female mice.
Huynh, K. M., Wong, A., Wu, B., Horschman, M., Zhao, H., & Brooks, J. D. (2020). Sprr2f protects against renal injury by decreasing the level of reactive oxygen species in female mice. American Journal of Physiology. Renal Physiology. -
Detection of prostate cancer and determination of its significance using explainable artificial intelligence.
Eminaga, O., Loening, A., Lu, A., Brooks, J. D., & Rubin, D. (2020). Detection of prostate cancer and determination of its significance using explainable artificial intelligence. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. AMER SOC CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. -
Four distinct patient-reported outcome (PRO) trajectories in longitudinal responses collected before, during, and after chemotherapy.
Blayney, D. W., Azad, A., Yilmaz, M., Bozkurt, S., Brooks, J. D., & Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2020). Four distinct patient-reported outcome (PRO) trajectories in longitudinal responses collected before, during, and after chemotherapy. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 38(15). -
Clinical Trial Outcomes in Urology: Assessing Early Discontinuation, Results Reporting, and Publication in ClinicalTrials.Gov Registrations 2007-2019.
Magnani, C. J., Steinberg, J. R., Harmange, C. I., Zhang, X., Driscoll, C., Bell, A., … Brooks, J. D. (2020). Clinical Trial Outcomes in Urology: Assessing Early Discontinuation, Results Reporting, and Publication in ClinicalTrials.Gov Registrations 2007-2019. The Journal of Urology, 101097JU0000000000001432. -
Phenotyping severity of patient-centered outcomes using clinical notes: A prostate cancer use case.
Bozkurt, S., Paul, R., Coquet, J., Sun, R., Banerjee, I., Brooks, J. D., & Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2020). Phenotyping severity of patient-centered outcomes using clinical notes: A prostate cancer use case. Learning Health Systems, 4(4), e10237. -
Association of renal cell carcinoma subtypes with race/ethnicity and comorbid medical conditions
Lichtensztajn, D. Y., Hofer, B. M., Leppert, J. T., Brooks, J. D., Chung, B., Shah, S. A., … Cheng, I. (2020). Association of renal cell carcinoma subtypes with race/ethnicity and comorbid medical conditions. CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION, 29(6). -
Testicular cancer in Hispanics: Incidence of subtypes over time according to neighborhood sociodemographic factors in California
DeRouen, M. C., McKinley, M., Shah, S. A., Borno, H. T., Aoki, R., Lichtensztajn, D. Y., … Cheng, I. (2020). Testicular cancer in Hispanics: Incidence of subtypes over time according to neighborhood sociodemographic factors in California. CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION, 29(6). -
Laboratory-wide association study of survival with prostate cancer.
Sohlberg, E. M., Thomas, I.-C., Yang, J., Kapphahn, K., Velaer, K. N., Goldstein, M. K., … Leppert, J. T. (2020). Laboratory-wide association study of survival with prostate cancer. Cancer. -
Discovery of PTN as a serum-based biomarker of pro-metastatic prostate cancer.
Liu, S., Shen, M., Hsu, E.-C. C., Zhang, C. A., Garcia-Marques, F., Nolley, R., … Stoyanova, T. (2020). Discovery of PTN as a serum-based biomarker of pro-metastatic prostate cancer. British Journal of Cancer. -
The Research Implications of Prostate Specific Antigen Registry Errors: Data from the Veterans Health Administration
Guo, D. P., Thomas, I.-C., Mittakanti, H. R., Shelton, J. B., Makarov, D. V., Skolarus, T. A., … Leppert, J. T. (2018). The Research Implications of Prostate Specific Antigen Registry Errors: Data from the Veterans Health Administration. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 200(3), 541–47. -
Real-world Evidence to Estimate Prostate Cancer Costs for First-line Treatment or Active Surveillance.
Magnani, C. J., Bievre, N., Baker, L. C., Brooks, J. D., Blayney, D. W., & Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2021). Real-world Evidence to Estimate Prostate Cancer Costs for First-line Treatment or Active Surveillance. European Urology Open Science, 23, 20–29. -
ProsRegNet: A deep learning framework for registration of MRI and histopathology images of the prostate.
Shao, W., Banh, L., Kunder, C. A., Fan, R. E., Soerensen, S. J., Wang, J. B., … Rusu, M. (2020). ProsRegNet: A deep learning framework for registration of MRI and histopathology images of the prostate. Medical Image Analysis, 68, 101919. -
Ferroptosis inducers are a novel therapeutic approach for advanced prostate cancer.
Ghoochani, A., Hsu, E.-C. C., Aslan, M., Rice, M. A., Nguyen, H. M., Brooks, J. D., … Stoyanova, T. (2021). Ferroptosis inducers are a novel therapeutic approach for advanced prostate cancer. Cancer Research. -
Assessment of a Clinical Trial-Derived Survival Model in Patients With Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer.
Coquet, J., Bievre, N., Billaut, V., Seneviratne, M., Magnani, C. J., Bozkurt, S., … Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2021). Assessment of a Clinical Trial-Derived Survival Model in Patients With Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer. JAMA Network Open, 4(1), e2031730. -
3D Registration of pre-surgical prostate MRI and histopathology images via super-resolution volume reconstruction.
Sood, R. R., Shao, W., Kunder, C., Teslovich, N. C., Wang, J. B., Soerensen, S. J., … Rusu, M. (2021). 3D Registration of pre-surgical prostate MRI and histopathology images via super-resolution volume reconstruction. Medical Image Analysis, 69, 101957. -
In vivo imaging of methionine aminopeptidase II for prostate cancer risk stratification.
Xie, J., Rice, M. A., Chen, Z., Cheng, Y., Hsu, E.-C. C., Chen, M., … Rao, J. (2021). In vivo imaging of methionine aminopeptidase II for prostate cancer risk stratification. Cancer Research. -
Determination of biologic and prognostic feature scores from whole slide histology images using deep learning.
Eminaga, O., Abbas, M., Semjonow, A., Brooks, J. D., & Rubin, D. (2020). Determination of biologic and prognostic feature scores from whole slide histology images using deep learning. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS. -
Prevalence of Postprostatectomy Incontinence Requiring Anti-incontinence Surgery After Radical Prostatectomy for Prostate Cancer: A Retrospective Population-Based Analysis.
Kim, J. H., Jeong, I. G., Khandwala, Y. S., Hernandez-Boussard, T., Brooks, J. D., & Chung, B. I. (2021). Prevalence of Postprostatectomy Incontinence Requiring Anti-incontinence Surgery After Radical Prostatectomy for Prostate Cancer: A Retrospective Population-Based Analysis. International Neurourology Journal. -
Automated Detection of Aggressive and Indolent Prostate Cancer on Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Seetharaman, A., Bhattacharya, I., Chen, L. C., Kunder, C. A., Shao, W., Soerensen, S. J., … Rusu, M. (2021). Automated Detection of Aggressive and Indolent Prostate Cancer on Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Medical Physics. -
Discovery of CASP8 as a potential biomarker for high-risk prostate cancer through a high-multiplex immunoassay.
Liu, S., Garcia-Marques, F., Zhang, C. A., Lee, J. J., Nolley, R., Shen, M., … Stoyanova, T. (2021). Discovery of CASP8 as a potential biomarker for high-risk prostate cancer through a high-multiplex immunoassay. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 7612. -
Undertreatment of High-Risk Localized Prostate Cancer in the California Latino Population
Lichtensztajn, D. Y., Leppert, J. T., Brooks, J. D., Shah, S. A., Sieh, W., Chung, B., … Cheng, I. (2018). Undertreatment of High-Risk Localized Prostate Cancer in the California Latino Population. JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL COMPREHENSIVE CANCER NETWORK, 16(11), 1353–1360. -
Re: Nationwide prevalence of lymph node metastases in Gleason score 3+3=6 prostate cancer: authors' reply
Sieh, W., Lichtensztajn, D. Y., Gomez, S. L., Liu, J.-J., Chung, B. I., Cheng, I., & Brooks, J. D. (2015). Re: Nationwide prevalence of lymph node metastases in Gleason score 3+3=6 prostate cancer: authors' reply. PATHOLOGY, 47(4), 394–395. -
Nationwide prevalence of lymph node metastases in Gleason score 3+3=6 prostate cancer
Liu, J.-J., Lichtensztajn, D. Y., Gomez, S. L., Sieh, W., Chung, B. I., Cheng, I., & Brooks, J. D. (2014). Nationwide prevalence of lymph node metastases in Gleason score 3+3=6 prostate cancer. PATHOLOGY, 46(4), 306–310. -
Reply to the Editorial Comment on: Using an Automated Electronic Health Record Score To Estimate Life Expectancy In Men Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer In The Veterans Health Administration. Urology. 2021.
Soerensen, S. J., Thomas, I.-C., Schmidt, B., Daskivich, T., Skolarus, T. A., Jackson, C., … Leppert, J. T. (2021). Reply to the Editorial Comment on: Using an Automated Electronic Health Record Score To Estimate Life Expectancy In Men Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer In The Veterans Health Administration. Urology. 2021. Urology. -
MCM2-7 complex is a novel druggable target for neuroendocrine prostate cancer.
Hsu, E.-C. C., Shen, M., Aslan, M., Liu, S., Kumar, M., Garcia-Marques, F., … Stoyanova, T. (2021). MCM2-7 complex is a novel druggable target for neuroendocrine prostate cancer. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 13305. -
When can active surveillance be less active? Prediction of long-term nonreclassification for men with low-risk prostate cancer.
Cooperberg, M. R., Faino, A. V., Newcomb, L. F., Carroll, P., Kearns, J. T., Brooks, J. D., … Zheng, Y. (2018). When can active surveillance be less active? Prediction of long-term nonreclassification for men with low-risk prostate cancer. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. AMER SOC CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. -
Diverse patient trajectories during cytotoxic chemotherapy: Capturing longitudinal patient-reported outcomes.
Azad, A. D., Yilmaz, M., Bozkurt, S., Brooks, J. D., Blayney, D. W., & Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2021). Diverse patient trajectories during cytotoxic chemotherapy: Capturing longitudinal patient-reported outcomes. Cancer Medicine. -
Consumption of cruciferous vegetables and the risk of bladder cancer in a prospective US cohort: data from the NIH-AARP diet and health study
Nguyen, T. P., Zhang, C. A., Sonn, G. A., Eisenberg, M. L., & Brooks, J. D. (2021). Consumption of cruciferous vegetables and the risk of bladder cancer in a prospective US cohort: data from the NIH-AARP diet and health study. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL UROLOGY, 9(3), 229–238. -
Identifying a novel glycolytic inhibitor for treatment of aggressive prostate cancer.
Stoyanova, T. I., Rice, M. A., Kumar, V., Tailor, D., Garcia-Marques, F. J., Bermudez, A., … Stoyanova, T. (2021). Identifying a novel glycolytic inhibitor for treatment of aggressive prostate cancer. CANCER RESEARCH. AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH. -
Trop2 regulates prostate cancer growth and metastasis through distinct molecular mechanisms.
Stoyanova, T. I., Hsu, E.-C., Liu, S., Marques, F. J. G., Bermudez, A., Aslan, M., … Brooks, J. D. (2021). Trop2 regulates prostate cancer growth and metastasis through distinct molecular mechanisms. CANCER RESEARCH. AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH. -
Soerensen, S. J., Thomas, I.-C. C., Schmidt, B., Daskivich, T. J., Skolarus, T. A., Jackson, C., … Leppert, J. T. (2021). AUTHOR REPLY. Urology, 155, 76. -
Treatment in the absence of disease reclassification among men on active surveillance for prostate cancer
Kirk, P. S., Zhu, K., Zheng, Y., Newcomb, L. F., Schenk, J. M., Brooks, J. D., … Gore, J. L. (2021). Treatment in the absence of disease reclassification among men on active surveillance for prostate cancer. CANCER. -
Clinical laboratory tests associated with survival in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma: A Laboratory Wide Association Study (LWAS).
Velaer, K., Thomas, I.-C. C., Yang, J., Kapphahn, K., Metzner, T. J., Golla, A., … Leppert, J. T. (2021). Clinical laboratory tests associated with survival in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma: A Laboratory Wide Association Study (LWAS). Urologic Oncology. -
Oncogene-mediated metabolic gene signature predicts breast cancer outcome.
Aslan, M., Hsu, E.-C. C., Garcia-Marques, F. J., Bermudez, A., Liu, S., Shen, M., … Stoyanova, T. (2021). Oncogene-mediated metabolic gene signature predicts breast cancer outcome. NPJ Breast Cancer, 7(1), 141. -
Effect of Diagnostic Biopsy Practice Location on Grade/Volume Reclassification in Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer: A Multicenter Analysis from the Canary PASS Cohort
Malaret, A. J. W., Chang, P., Newcomb, L., Faino, A., Zheng, Y., Zhu, K., … Wagner, A. A. (2021). Effect of Diagnostic Biopsy Practice Location on Grade/Volume Reclassification in Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer: A Multicenter Analysis from the Canary PASS Cohort. UROLOGY PRACTICE, 8(5), 576–582. -
Machine Learning Applied to Electronic Health Records: Identification of Chemotherapy Patients at High Risk for Preventable Emergency Department Visits and Hospital Admissions.
Peterson, D. J., Ostberg, N. P., Blayney, D. W., Brooks, J. D., & Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2021). Machine Learning Applied to Electronic Health Records: Identification of Chemotherapy Patients at High Risk for Preventable Emergency Department Visits and Hospital Admissions. JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics, 5, 1106–1126. -
Weakly Supervised Registration of Prostate MRI and Histopathology Images
Shao, W., Bhattacharya, I., Soerensen, S. J. C., Kunder, C. A., Wang, J. B., Fan, R. E., … Rusu, M. (2021). Weakly Supervised Registration of Prostate MRI and Histopathology Images. MEDICAL IMAGE COMPUTING AND COMPUTER ASSISTED INTERVENTION - MICCAI 2021, PT IV. SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG. -
Weakly supervised natural language processing for assessing patient-centered outcome following prostate cancer treatment
Banerjee, I., Li, K., Seneviratne, M., Ferrari, M., Seto, T., Brooks, J. D., … Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2019). Weakly supervised natural language processing for assessing patient-centered outcome following prostate cancer treatment. JAMIA OPEN, 2(1), 150–159. -
Selective identification and localization of indolent and aggressive prostate cancers via CorrSigNIA: an MRI-pathology correlation and deep learning framework.
Bhattacharya, I., Seetharaman, A., Kunder, C., Shao, W., Chen, L. C., Soerensen, S. J., … Rusu, M. (2021). Selective identification and localization of indolent and aggressive prostate cancers via CorrSigNIA: an MRI-pathology correlation and deep learning framework. Medical Image Analysis, 75, 102288. -
Identification of patients at high risk for preventable emergency department visits and inpatient admissions after starting chemotherapy: Machine learning applied to comprehensive electronic health record data.
Peterson, D. J., Ostberg, N. P., Blayney, D. W., Brooks, J. D., & Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2021). Identification of patients at high risk for preventable emergency department visits and inpatient admissions after starting chemotherapy: Machine learning applied to comprehensive electronic health record data. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS. -
Evaluating the Outcomes of Active Surveillance in Grade Group 2 Prostate Cancer: Prospective Results From the Canary PASS Cohort.
Waisman Malaret, A. J., Chang, P., Zhu, K., Zheng, Y., Newcomb, L. F., Liu, M., … Wagner, A. A. (2021). Evaluating the Outcomes of Active Surveillance in Grade Group 2 Prostate Cancer: Prospective Results From the Canary PASS Cohort. The Journal of Urology, 101097JU0000000000002354. -
Editorial Comment on Considerations in the Analysis of Clinical Trial Failure. I.
Brooks, J. D. (1800). Editorial Comment on Considerations in the Analysis of Clinical Trial Failure. I. The Journal of Urology, 101097JU0000000000002428. -
Protein signatures to distinguish aggressive from indolent prostate cancer.
Garcia-Marques, F., Liu, S., Totten, S. M., Bermudez, A., Tanimoto, C., Hsu, E.-C. C., … Pitteri, S. J. (2022). Protein signatures to distinguish aggressive from indolent prostate cancer. The Prostate. -
Analysis of separate training and validation radical prostatectomy cohorts identifies 0.25?mm diameter as an optimal definition for "large" cribriform prostatic adenocarcinoma.
Chan, E., McKenney, J. K., Hawley, S., Corrigan, D., Auman, H., Newcomb, L. F., … Nguyen, J. K. (2022). Analysis of separate training and validation radical prostatectomy cohorts identifies 0.25?mm diameter as an optimal definition for "large" cribriform prostatic adenocarcinoma. Modern Pathology : an Official Journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc. -
Development and Validation of a Quantitative Reactive Stroma Biomarker (qRS) for Prostate Cancer Prognosis.
Ruder, S., Gao, Y., Ding, Y., Bu, P., Miles, B., De Marzo, A., … Ayala, G. (2022). Development and Validation of a Quantitative Reactive Stroma Biomarker (qRS) for Prostate Cancer Prognosis. Human Pathology. -
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis and Microsimulation of Serial Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Active Surveillance of Localized Prostate Cancer.
Magnani, C. J., Hernandez-Boussard, T., Baker, L. C., Goldhaber-Fiebert, J. D., & Brooks, J. D. (2022). Cost-Effectiveness Analysis and Microsimulation of Serial Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Active Surveillance of Localized Prostate Cancer. The Journal of Urology, 101097JU0000000000002490. -
SU086, an inhibitor of HSP90, impairs glycolysis and represents a treatment strategy for advanced prostate cancer.
Rice, M. A., Kumar, V., Tailor, D., Garcia-Marques, F. J., Hsu, E.-C., Liu, S., … Stoyanova, T. (2022). SU086, an inhibitor of HSP90, impairs glycolysis and represents a treatment strategy for advanced prostate cancer. Cell Reports. Medicine, 3(2), 100502. -
Germline mutations in penetrant cancer predisposition genes are rare in men with prostate cancer selecting active surveillance.
Brady, L., Newcomb, L. F., Zhu, K., Zheng, Y., Boyer, H., Sarkar, N. D., … Nelson, P. S. (2022). Germline mutations in penetrant cancer predisposition genes are rare in men with prostate cancer selecting active surveillance. Cancer Medicine. -
Bridging the gap between prostate radiology and pathology through machine learning.
Bhattacharya, I., Lim, D. S., Aung, H. L., Liu, X., Seetharaman, A., Kunder, C. A., … Rusu, M. (2022). Bridging the gap between prostate radiology and pathology through machine learning. Medical Physics. -
Sialylated glycoproteins as biomarkers and drivers of progression in prostate cancer.
Wen, R., Zhao, H., Zhang, D., Chiu, C.-L., & Brooks, J. D. (2022). Sialylated glycoproteins as biomarkers and drivers of progression in prostate cancer. Carbohydrate Research, 519, 108598. -
Expanding the Secondary Use of Prostate Cancer Real World Data: Automated Classifiers for Clinical and Pathological Stage.
Bozkurt, S., Magnani, C. J., Seneviratne, M. G., Brooks, J. D., & Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2022). Expanding the Secondary Use of Prostate Cancer Real World Data: Automated Classifiers for Clinical and Pathological Stage. Frontiers in Digital Health, 4, 793316. -
Impact of Prostate Health Index Results for Prediction of Biopsy Grade Reclassification During Active Surveillance.
Filson, C. P., Zhu, K., Huang, Y., Zheng, Y., Newcomb, L. F., Williams, S., … Lin, D. W. (2022). Impact of Prostate Health Index Results for Prediction of Biopsy Grade Reclassification During Active Surveillance. The Journal of Urology, 101097JU0000000000002852. -
The controversial role and therapeutic development of the m6A demethylase FTO in renal cell carcinoma.
Zhang, D., Wornow, S., Peehl, D. M., Rankin, E. B., & Brooks, J. D. (2022). The controversial role and therapeutic development of the m6A demethylase FTO in renal cell carcinoma. Translational Oncology, 25, 101518. -
The Role of MARCKS in Metastasis and Treatment Resistance of Solid Tumors.
Chiu, C.-L. L., Zhao, H., Chen, C.-H. H., Wu, R., & Brooks, J. D. (2022). The Role of MARCKS in Metastasis and Treatment Resistance of Solid Tumors. Cancers, 14(19). -
A review of artificial intelligence in prostate cancer detection on imaging.
Bhattacharya, I., Khandwala, Y. S., Vesal, S., Shao, W., Yang, Q., Soerensen, S. J., … Sonn, G. A. (2022). A review of artificial intelligence in prostate cancer detection on imaging. Therapeutic Advances in Urology, 14, 17562872221128791. -
Dietary Patterns and Risk of Gleason Grade Progression among Men on Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer: Results from the Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study.
Schenk, J. M., Liu, M., Neuhouser, M. L., Newcomb, L. F., Zheng, Y., Zhu, K., … Lin, D. W. (2022). Dietary Patterns and Risk of Gleason Grade Progression among Men on Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer: Results from the Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study. Nutrition and Cancer, 1–9. -
Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Metabolic Characterization of Patient-Derived Xenograft Models of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma.
Agudelo, J. P., Upadhyay, D., Zhang, D., Zhao, H., Nolley, R., Sun, J., … Sriram, R. (2022). Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Metabolic Characterization of Patient-Derived Xenograft Models of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma. Metabolites, 12(11). -
Factors that influence treatment decisions: A qualitative study of racially and ethnically diverse patients with low- and very-low risk prostate cancer.
Guan, A., Shim, J. K., Allen, L., Kuo, M.-C., Lau, K., Loya, Z., … Shariff-Marco, S. (2022). Factors that influence treatment decisions: A qualitative study of racially and ethnically diverse patients with low- and very-low risk prostate cancer. Cancer Medicine. -
Human genome meeting 2016 : Houston, TX, USA. 28 February - 2 March 2016.
Srivastava, A. K., Wang, Y., Huang, R., Skinner, C., Thompson, T., Pollard, L., … Bouazzaoui, A. (2016). Human genome meeting 2016 : Houston, TX, USA. 28 February - 2 March 2016. Human Genomics, 10 Suppl 1(Suppl 1), 12. -
Associations of Renal Cell Carcinoma Subtype with Patient Demographics, Comorbidities, and Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status in the California Population.
Lichtensztajn, D. Y., Hofer, B. M., Leppert, J. T., Brooks, J. D., Chung, B. I., Shah, S. A., … Cheng, I. (2022). Associations of Renal Cell Carcinoma Subtype with Patient Demographics, Comorbidities, and Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status in the California Population. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention : a Publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, Cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology. -
Fusion Gene Detection in Prostate Cancer Samples Enhances the Prediction of Prostate Cancer Clinical Outcomes from Radical Prostatectomy through Machine Learning in a Multi-institutional Analysis.
Yu, Y.-P., Liu, S., Ren, B.-G., Nelson, J., Jarrard, D., Brooks, J. D., … Luo, J.-H. (2023). Fusion Gene Detection in Prostate Cancer Samples Enhances the Prediction of Prostate Cancer Clinical Outcomes from Radical Prostatectomy through Machine Learning in a Multi-institutional Analysis. The American Journal of Pathology. -
Prosteria - National Trends and Outcomes of More Frequent than Guideline Recommended Prostate Specific Antigen Screening.
Peterson, D. J., Bhambhvani, H. P., Baird, D. R., Li, S., Eisenberg, M. L., & Brooks, J. D. (2023). Prosteria - National Trends and Outcomes of More Frequent than Guideline Recommended Prostate Specific Antigen Screening. Urology. -
Measuring the multifaceted roles of mucin-domain glycoproteins in cancer.
Riley, N. M., Wen, R. M., Bertozzi, C. R., Brooks, J. D., & Pitteri, S. J. (2023). Measuring the multifaceted roles of mucin-domain glycoproteins in cancer. Advances in Cancer Research, 157, 83–121. -
PlexusNet: A neural network architectural concept for medical image classification.
Eminaga, O., Abbas, M., Shen, J., Laurie, M., Brooks, J. D., Liao, J. C., & Rubin, D. L. (2023). PlexusNet: A neural network architectural concept for medical image classification. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 154, 106594. -
Siglec-7/9-sialic acid interactions inhibit T cell immune response in prostate cancer
Wen, R. M., Stark, J. C. C. S., Garcia-Marques, F., Nolley, H. Z. R., Bertozzi, C. R., Pitteri, S. J., & Brooks, J. D. (2022). Siglec-7/9-sialic acid interactions inhibit T cell immune response in prostate cancer. CANCER IMMUNOLOGY RESEARCH. AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH. -
NUSAP1 Binds ILF2 to Modulate R-Loop Accumulation and DNA Damage in Prostate Cancer.
Chiu, C.-L. L., Li, C. G., Verschueren, E., Wen, R. M., Zhang, D., Gordon, C. A., … Brooks, J. D. (2023). NUSAP1 Binds ILF2 to Modulate R-Loop Accumulation and DNA Damage in Prostate Cancer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(7). -
Effect of Diagnostic Biopsy Practice Location on Grade/Volume Reclassification in Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer: A Multicenter Analysis from the Canary PASS Cohort.
Waisman Malaret, A. J., Chang, P., Newcomb, L., Faino, A., Zheng, Y., Zhu, K., … Wagner, A. A. (2021). Effect of Diagnostic Biopsy Practice Location on Grade/Volume Reclassification in Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer: A Multicenter Analysis from the Canary PASS Cohort. Urology Practice, 8(5), 576–582. -
Long-term Risks of Depression and Suicide Among Men with Prostate Cancer: A National Cohort Study.
Crump, C., Stattin, P., Brooks, J. D., Sundquist, J., Bill-Axelson, A., Edwards, A. C., … Sieh, W. (2023). Long-term Risks of Depression and Suicide Among Men with Prostate Cancer: A National Cohort Study. European Urology. -
Distinguishing Renal Cell Carcinoma From Normal Kidney Tissue Using Mass Spectrometry Imaging Combined With Machine Learning.
Shankar, V., Vijayalakshmi, K., Nolley, R., Sonn, G. A., Kao, C.-S. S., Zhao, H., … Brooks, J. D. (2023). Distinguishing Renal Cell Carcinoma From Normal Kidney Tissue Using Mass Spectrometry Imaging Combined With Machine Learning. JCO Precision Oncology, 7, e2200668. -
Induction of phase 2 enzymes in the F-344 rat prostate.
Jones, S. B., Bhamre, S., & Brooks, J. D. (2004). Induction of phase 2 enzymes in the F-344 rat prostate. CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION. AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH. -
Adjuvant docetaxel chemotherapy with abbreviated hormonal therapy in patients with high-risk prostate cancer
Colocci, N., King, C. R., Brooks, J. D., Gill, H. S., Presti, J. C., & Srinivas, S. (2007). Adjuvant docetaxel chemotherapy with abbreviated hormonal therapy in patients with high-risk prostate cancer. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. AMER SOC CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. -
Elevated urinary lipocalin-2, interleukin-6 and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 levels in children with congenital ureteropelvic junction obstruction
Yu, L., Zhou, L., Li, Q., Li, S., Luo, X., Zhang, C., … Sun, H. (2019). Elevated urinary lipocalin-2, interleukin-6 and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 levels in children with congenital ureteropelvic junction obstruction. JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC UROLOGY, 15(1). -
Re: Brandon A. Mahal, David D. Yang, Natalie Q. Wang, et al. Clinical and Genomic Characterization of Low-Prostate-specific Antigen, High-grade Prostate Cancer. Eur Urol 2018; 74: 146-54
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Identification of transcripts associated with renal damage due to ureteral obstruction as candidate urinary biomarkers
Wu, B., Gong, X., Kennedy, W. A., & Brooks, J. D. (2018). Identification of transcripts associated with renal damage due to ureteral obstruction as candidate urinary biomarkers. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-RENAL PHYSIOLOGY, 315(1), F16–F26. -
Male infertility is associated with altered treatment course of men with cancer
Eminaga, O., Li, S., Baker, L. C., Brooks, J. D., & Eisenberg, M. L. (2018). Male infertility is associated with altered treatment course of men with cancer. ANDROLOGY, 6(3), 408–413. -
Temporal Trends in Clinical and Pathological Characteristics for Men Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy Between 1995 and 2013 at Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark, and Stanford University Hospital, United States
Loft, M. D., Berg, K. D., Kjaer, A., Iversen, P., Ferrari, M., Zhang, C. A., … Roder, M. A. (2018). Temporal Trends in Clinical and Pathological Characteristics for Men Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy Between 1995 and 2013 at Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark, and Stanford University Hospital, United States. CLINICAL GENITOURINARY CANCER, 16(1), E181–E192. -
Trends in the incidence and survival of men diagnosed with denovo metastatic prostate cancer in the us and Denmark - a population-based analysis of two national cohorts
Helgstrand, J. T., Klemann, N., Toft, B. G., Brasso, K., Vainer, B., Lichtensztajn, D., … Roder, M. A. (2017). Trends in the incidence and survival of men diagnosed with denovo metastatic prostate cancer in the us and Denmark - a population-based analysis of two national cohorts. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF UROLOGY. TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD. -
Targeted Methylation Sequencing of Prostate Cancer
Jager, N., Chen, J., Haile, R., Hitchins, M., Brooks, J. D., & Snyder, M. (2016). Targeted Methylation Sequencing of Prostate Cancer. HUMAN GENOMICS. BMC. -
A diagnosis of prostate cancer and pursuit of active surveillance is not followed by weight loss: potential for a teachable moment
Liss, M. A., Schenk, J. M., Faino, A. V., Newcomb, L. F., Boyer, H., Brooks, J. D., … Thompson, I. M. (2016). A diagnosis of prostate cancer and pursuit of active surveillance is not followed by weight loss: potential for a teachable moment. PROSTATE CANCER AND PROSTATIC DISEASES, 19(4), 390–394. -
Increased expression of NuSAP gene in recurrent prostate cancer is mediated by E2F
Gulzar, Z. G., & Brooks, J. D. (2011). Increased expression of NuSAP gene in recurrent prostate cancer is mediated by E2F. CANCER RESEARCH. AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH. -
Performance characteristics of PSA in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy.
Liu, J.-J., Brooks, J. D., Ferrari, M., Nolley, R., & Presti, J. C. (2012). Performance characteristics of PSA in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. AMER SOC CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. -
Comprehensive Gene Expression Changes Associated with Mouse Postnatal Kidney Development
Wu, B., Sahoo, D., & Brooks, J. D. (2013). Comprehensive Gene Expression Changes Associated with Mouse Postnatal Kidney Development. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 189(6), 2385–2390. -
Resveratrol-induced gene expression profiles in human prostate cancer cells.
Jones, S. B., DePrimo, S. E., & Brooks, J. D. (2003). Resveratrol-induced gene expression profiles in human prostate cancer cells. CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION. AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH. -
Evaluation of Putative Renal Cell Carcinoma Markers PAX-2, PAX-8, and hKIM-1 in Germ Cell Tumors (GCT): A Tissue Microarray Study of 100 Cases
Sangoi, A., Higgins, J., Brooks, J., Bonventre, J., & McKenney, J. (2011). Evaluation of Putative Renal Cell Carcinoma Markers PAX-2, PAX-8, and hKIM-1 in Germ Cell Tumors (GCT): A Tissue Microarray Study of 100 Cases. MODERN PATHOLOGY. NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP. -
Patient-Reported Long-term Outcomes after Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Low-risk Prostate Cancer: Evidence from a Prospective Trial
King, C. R., Brooks, J. D., Gill, H., & Presti, J. C. (2010). Patient-Reported Long-term Outcomes after Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Low-risk Prostate Cancer: Evidence from a Prospective Trial. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS. ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC. -
Evaluation of Brachyury Expression in Germ Cell Tumors (GCT) and Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinomas (CC-RCC): A Tissue Microarray Study of 295 Cases
Sangoi, A. R., Higgins, J. P., Brooks, J. D., & McKenney, J. M. (2010). Evaluation of Brachyury Expression in Germ Cell Tumors (GCT) and Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinomas (CC-RCC): A Tissue Microarray Study of 295 Cases. MODERN PATHOLOGY. NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP. -
Evaluation of Brachyury Expression in Germ Cell Tumors (GCT) and Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinomas (CC-RCC): A Tissue Microarray Study of 295 Cases
Sangoi, A. R., Higgins, J. P., Brooks, J. D., & McKenney, J. K. (2010). Evaluation of Brachyury Expression in Germ Cell Tumors (GCT) and Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinomas (CC-RCC): A Tissue Microarray Study of 295 Cases. LABORATORY INVESTIGATION. NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP. -
The CPC Risk Calculator: A New App to Predict Prostate-specific Antigen Recurrence During Follow-up After Radical Prostatectomy
Roder, M. A., Berg, K. D., Loft, M. D., Thomsen, F. B., Ferrari, M., Kurbegovic, S., … Iversen, P. (2018). The CPC Risk Calculator: A New App to Predict Prostate-specific Antigen Recurrence During Follow-up After Radical Prostatectomy. EUROPEAN UROLOGY FOCUS, 4(3), 360–368. -
Artificial Intelligence-Based PTEN Loss Assessment as an Early Predictor of Prostate Cancer Metastasis After Surgery: a Multi-Center Retrospective Study.
Patel, P., Harmon, S., Iseman, R., Ludkowski, O., Auman, H., Hawley, S., … Jamaspishvili, T. (2023). Artificial Intelligence-Based PTEN Loss Assessment as an Early Predictor of Prostate Cancer Metastasis After Surgery: a Multi-Center Retrospective Study. Modern Pathology : an Official Journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc, 100241. -
Risks of Alcohol and Drug Use Disorders in Prostate Cancer Survivors: National Cohort Study.
Crump, C., Stattin, P., Brooks, J. D., Sundquist, J., Edwards, A. C., Sieh, W., & Sundquist, K. (2023). Risks of Alcohol and Drug Use Disorders in Prostate Cancer Survivors: National Cohort Study. JNCI Cancer Spectrum. -
Proteomics analysis of urine and catheter-associated biofilms in spinal cord injury patients.
Garcia-Marques, F. J., Zakrasek, E., Bermudez, A., Polasko, A. L., Liu, S., Stoyanova, T., … Pitteri, S. J. (2023). Proteomics analysis of urine and catheter-associated biofilms in spinal cord injury patients. American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Urology, 11(3), 206–219. -
Identification of age- and immune-related gene signatures for clinical outcome prediction in lung adenocarcinoma.
Zhou, A., Zhang, D., Kang, X., & Brooks, J. D. (2023). Identification of age- and immune-related gene signatures for clinical outcome prediction in lung adenocarcinoma. Cancer Medicine. -
Original Proteomics analysis of urine and catheter-associated biofilms in spinal cord injury patients
Garcia-Marques, F. J., Zakrasek, E., Bermudez, A., Polasko, A. L., Liu, S., Stoyanova, T., … Pitteri, S. J. (2023). Original Proteomics analysis of urine and catheter-associated biofilms in spinal cord injury patients. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL UROLOGY, 11(3), 206–219. -
Patient-level factors associated with the use of active surveillance: The talking about prostate cancer cohort.
Mukand, N., Shariff-Marco, S., Brooks, J. D., Chung, B. I., Leppert, J. T., Frosh, D., … Lu, Q. (2023). Patient-level factors associated with the use of active surveillance: The talking about prostate cancer cohort. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS. -
ACAA2 is a novel molecular indicator for cancers with neuroendocrine phenotype.
Shen, M., Liu, S., Toland, A., Hsu, E.-C. C., Hartono, A. B., Alabi, B. R., … Stoyanova, T. (2023). ACAA2 is a novel molecular indicator for cancers with neuroendocrine phenotype. British Journal of Cancer. -
ACAA2 is a novel molecular indicator for cancers with neuroendocrine phenotype
Shen, M., Liu, S., Toland, A., Hsu, E.-C., Hartono, A. B., Alabi, B. R., … Stoyanova, T. (2023). ACAA2 is a novel molecular indicator for cancers with neuroendocrine phenotype. BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER. -
Spatial transcriptomics identifies candidate stromal drivers of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Pollack, A. S., Kunder, C. A., Brazer, N., Shen, Z., Varma, S., West, R. B., … Pollack, J. R. (2023). Spatial transcriptomics identifies candidate stromal drivers of benign prostatic hyperplasia. JCI Insight. -
Risks of Depression, Anxiety, and Suicide in Partners of Men with Prostate Cancer: A National Cohort Study.
Crump, C., Stattin, P., Brooks, J. D., Sundquist, J., Edwards, A. C., Sundquist, K., & Sieh, W. (2023). Risks of Depression, Anxiety, and Suicide in Partners of Men with Prostate Cancer: A National Cohort Study. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. -
Patient and physician perspectives on treatments for low-risk prostate cancer: a qualitative study.
Guan, A., Santiago-Rodriguez, E. J., Chung, B. I., Shim, J. K., Allen, L., Kuo, M.-C., … Shariff-Marco, S. (2023). Patient and physician perspectives on treatments for low-risk prostate cancer: a qualitative study. BMC Cancer, 23(1), 1191. -
High expression of Trop2 is associated with aggressive localized prostate cancer and is a candidate urinary biomarker.
Liu, S., Hawley, S. J., Kunder, C. A., Hsu, E.-C. C., Shen, M., Westphalen, L., … Stoyanova, T. (2024). High expression of Trop2 is associated with aggressive localized prostate cancer and is a candidate urinary biomarker. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 486. -
MIC-CUSP: Multimodal Image Correlations for Ultrasound-Based Prostate Cancer Detection
Bhattacharya, I., Vesal, S., Jahanandish, H., Choi, M., Zhou, S., Kornberg, Z., … Rusu, M. (2023). MIC-CUSP: Multimodal Image Correlations for Ultrasound-Based Prostate Cancer Detection. SIMPLIFYING MEDICAL ULTRASOUND, ASMUS 2023. SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG. -
Siglec-7/9 are novel immune checkpoints for prostate cancer
Wen, R., Stark, J. C., Marti, G. E., Garcia-Marques, F., Zhao, H., Nolley, R., … Brooks, J. D. (2023). Siglec-7/9 are novel immune checkpoints for prostate cancer. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. AMER ASSOC IMMUNOLOGISTS. -
UCHL1 is a potential molecular indicator and therapeutic target for neuroendocrine carcinomas.
Liu, S., Chai, T., Garcia-Marques, F., Yin, Q., Hsu, E.-C. C., Shen, M., … Stoyanova, T. (2024). UCHL1 is a potential molecular indicator and therapeutic target for neuroendocrine carcinomas. Cell Reports. Medicine, 101381. -
Deep learning-based automated pipeline for blood vessel detection and distribution analysis in multiplexed prostate cancer images.
Karageorgos, G. M., Cho, S., McDonough, E., Chadwick, C., Ghose, S., Owens, J., … Ginty, F. (2023). Deep learning-based automated pipeline for blood vessel detection and distribution analysis in multiplexed prostate cancer images. Frontiers in Bioinformatics, 3, 1296667. -
Response to lao, guan, wang, et al.
Crump, C., Stattin, P., Brooks, J. D., Sundquist, J., Edwards, A. C., Sundquist, K., & Sieh, W. (2024). Response to lao, guan, wang, et al. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. -
Identification and characterization of intact glycopeptides in human urine.
Garcia-Marques, F., Fuller, K., Bermudez, A., Shamsher, N., Zhao, H., Brooks, J. D., … Pitteri, S. J. (2024). Identification and characterization of intact glycopeptides in human urine. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 3716. -
68Ga-RM2 PET-MRI versus MRI alone for evaluation of patients with biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer: a single-centre, single-arm, phase 2/3 imaging trial.
Duan, H., Moradi, F., Davidzon, G. A., Liang, T., Song, H., Loening, A. M., … Iagaru, A. (2024). 68Ga-RM2 PET-MRI versus MRI alone for evaluation of patients with biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer: a single-centre, single-arm, phase 2/3 imaging trial. The Lancet. Oncology. -
Critical evaluation of artificial intelligence as a digital twin of pathologists for prostate cancer pathology.
Eminaga, O., Abbas, M., Kunder, C., Tolkach, Y., Han, R., Brooks, J. D., … Bettendorf, O. (2024). Critical evaluation of artificial intelligence as a digital twin of pathologists for prostate cancer pathology. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 5284. -
RAPHIA: A deep learning pipeline for the registration of MRI and whole-mount histopathology images of the prostate.
Shao, W., Vesal, S., Soerensen, S. J., Bhattacharya, I., Golestani, N., Yamashita, R., … Rusu, M. (2024). RAPHIA: A deep learning pipeline for the registration of MRI and whole-mount histopathology images of the prostate. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 173, 108318. -
Mortality Risks Associated with Depression in Men with Prostate Cancer.
Crump, C., Stattin, P., Brooks, J. D., Sundquist, J., Sieh, W., & Sundquist, K. (2024). Mortality Risks Associated with Depression in Men with Prostate Cancer. European Urology Oncology. -
AZGP1 deficiency promotes angiogenesis in prostate cancer.
Wen, R. M., Qiu, Z., Marti, G. E., Peterson, E. E., Marques, F. J., Bermudez, A., … Brooks, J. D. (2024). AZGP1 deficiency promotes angiogenesis in prostate cancer. Journal of Translational Medicine, 22(1), 383. -
ArtHiFy: Artificial Histopathology-style Features for Improving MRI-Based Prostate Cancer Detection
Bhattacharya, I., Shao, W., Li, X., Soerensen, S. J. C., Fan, R. E., Ghanouni, P., … Rusu, M. (2024). ArtHiFy: Artificial Histopathology-style Features for Improving MRI-Based Prostate Cancer Detection. COMPUTER-AIDED DIAGNOSIS, MEDICAL IMAGING 2024. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. -
Long-Term Outcomes in Patients Using Protocol-Directed Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer.
Newcomb, L. F., Schenk, J. M., Zheng, Y., Liu, M., Zhu, K., Brooks, J. D., … Lin, D. W. (2024). Long-Term Outcomes in Patients Using Protocol-Directed Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer. JAMA. -
Proposal for an optimised definition of adverse pathology (unfavourable histology) that predicts metastatic risk in prostatic adenocarcinoma independent of grade group and pathological stage.
Nguyen, J. K., Harik, L. R., Klein, E. A., Li, J., Corrigan, D., Liu, S., … McKenney, J. K. (2024). Proposal for an optimised definition of adverse pathology (unfavourable histology) that predicts metastatic risk in prostatic adenocarcinoma independent of grade group and pathological stage. Histopathology. -
Incidence and Pitfalls of Adipose Tissue Encountered in Prostatic Transurethral Resections and Related Specimens.
Wu, D. J.-X., Brooks, J. D., Rizkalla, C., & Sangoi, A. R. (2024). Incidence and Pitfalls of Adipose Tissue Encountered in Prostatic Transurethral Resections and Related Specimens. International Journal of Surgical Pathology, 10668969241265032. -
Upgrading of Grade Group 1 Prostate Cancer at Prostatectomy: Germline Risk Factors in a Prospective Cohort.
Liss, M. A., Zeltser, N., Zheng, Y., Lopez, C., Liu, M., Patel, Y., … Leach, R. J. (2024). Upgrading of Grade Group 1 Prostate Cancer at Prostatectomy: Germline Risk Factors in a Prospective Cohort. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention : a Publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, Cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology. -
Assessing sociodemographic and regional disparities in Oncotype DX Genomic Prostate Score uptake
Mukand, N. H., Chirikova, E., Lichtensztajn, D., Negoita, S., Aboushwareb, T., Bennett, J., … Cheng, I. (2024). Assessing sociodemographic and regional disparities in Oncotype DX Genomic Prostate Score uptake. CANCER. -
Establishing and characterizing the molecular profiles, cellular features, and clinical utility of a patient-derived xenograft model using benign prostatic tissues.
Polasko, A. L., Zhang, D., Ramraj, A., Chiu, C.-L. L., Garcia-Marques, F. J., Bermudez, A., … Brooks, J. D. (2024). Establishing and characterizing the molecular profiles, cellular features, and clinical utility of a patient-derived xenograft model using benign prostatic tissues. Laboratory Investigation; a Journal of Technical Methods and Pathology, 102129. -
Risk of Anxiety Disorders in Men With Prostate Cancer: A National Cohort Study.
Crump, C., Stattin, P., Brooks, J. D., Sundquist, J., Sundquist, K., & Sieh, W. (2024). Risk of Anxiety Disorders in Men With Prostate Cancer: A National Cohort Study. JNCI Cancer Spectrum. -
Stockholm3 in a Multiethnic Cohort: Optimizing Prostate Cancer Screening to Reduce Harm and Improve Equity.
Brooks, J. D. (2024). Stockholm3 in a Multiethnic Cohort: Optimizing Prostate Cancer Screening to Reduce Harm and Improve Equity. Journal of Clinical Oncology : Official Journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, JCO2400941. -
Sialylated glycoproteins suppress immune cell killing by binding to Siglec-7 and Siglec-9 in prostate cancer.
Wen, R. M., Stark, J. C., Marti, G. E., Fan, Z., Lyu, A., Garcia Marques, F. J., … Brooks, J. D. (2024). Sialylated glycoproteins suppress immune cell killing by binding to Siglec-7 and Siglec-9 in prostate cancer. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. -
Aggressiveness classification of clear cell renal cell carcinoma using registration-independent radiology-pathology correlation learning.
Bhattacharya, I., Stacke, K., Chan, E., Lee, J. H., Tse, J. R., Liang, T., … Rusu, M. (2024). Aggressiveness classification of clear cell renal cell carcinoma using registration-independent radiology-pathology correlation learning. Medical Physics. -
Incidence and pitfalls of adipose tissue encountered in prostatic transurethral resections and related specimens
Wu, D., Brooks, J., & Sangoi, A. (2024). Incidence and pitfalls of adipose tissue encountered in prostatic transurethral resections and related specimens. VIRCHOWS ARCHIV. SPRINGER.
Absence of HinfI restriction abnormalities in renal oncocytoma mitochondrial DNA
Clinical Trials
Clinical trials are research studies that evaluate a new medical approach, device, drug, or other treatment. As a Stanford Health Care patient, you may have access to the latest, advanced clinical trials.
Open trials refer to studies currently accepting participants. Closed trials are not currently enrolling, but may open in the future.
- Prostate Artery Embolization With Embosphere Microspheres Compared to TURP for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
- Photoacoustic Imaging (PAI) of the Prostate: A Clinical Feasibility Study
- Perfusion CT Monitoring to Predict Treatment Efficacy in Renal Cell Carcinoma
- Imaging During Surgery in Diagnosing Patients With Prostate, Bladder, or Kidney Cancer
- Quality of Life Following Radical Prostatectomy
- Microarray Analysis of Gene Expression in Prostate Tissues
- A Pilot Trial Using BR55 Ultrasound Contrast Agent in the Assessment of Prostate Cancer
- Hypofractionated Radiotherapy for Localized Prostate Cancer (With CyberKnife or With IMRT)
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Urologic Cancer Program in Palo Alto Palo Alto, CA
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875 Blake Wilbur Dr
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